27 January 2012

Oh my cat......

My friends do you see this smile.. Do you see the lovely rose
Well mum says I deserve to be in a beautiful rose..

Every friend do I have news for you.. This morning I went into the vet hospital for a few hours.. I can tell you I was so worried when I saw that place and even more so when I saw the cage that was my bed for four days recently. Mum and dad said not to worry because it would not be for long but how do you not worry... They shaved my neck.. Stuck that big needle in and stole my bloods. Then they took my blood pressure. Mum and dad were at home and waiting for the results.. well the vet man rang them on the phone and this is what he said....
The blood pressure was in normal limits, one of the levels was slightly raised but not worryingly so. two others were within limits and one had actually fallen. I had even put on 2 ounces in weight... The vet said he was really really pleased with me and he and mum and dad were doing the right thing in medication and care and had the right balance. Our lovely vet said he was going to go out on a limb and say he would let me go three months without blood tests.. I cant tell you how pleased mum and dad are at this news.... he said we must not let our guard down and to keep to all the medication and renal diet. We are to call him straight away if there is any change at all but to say he did not think I would make Christmas hey the news today is just fabulous.. Mum and dad wanted to jump up and down..... In fact they did jump up and down... There is a little life left in me yet....

Mum says red roses are for love and I am surrounded by love so the picture is so appropriate...

Mum will update on our invalids soon.. Thank you all my friends so much for all the purrs, woofs and love.... love and hugs GJ xxx


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

H U R R A Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Ginger Jasper this is the most wonderful news. We are so so happy for you and your mum and dad. Your photo is adorable. Oh fluffy friend what else can we say but,
No worries, and LOVE, Stella and Rory
P.S. Did you get a photo of your mum and dad jumping up and down cause we think that would be funny hehehe.

Katnip Lounge said...

We are just so happy with your GREAT news!! Your Mum and Dad have done wonderfully nursing you back from the brink...and of course we give you tons of credit too, GJ!!
Paws crossed that you stay stable, and, we hope improve a bit and gain a few more ounces as well.
Felix is running laps on the skyways like a madcat with glee for his fellow Ornj!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

So glad you got good results on your blood work. We are jumping up and down in excitement too. This is wonderful news GJ!!!! More healing purrs, we will show that vet that you can stay healthy for a very long time to come.

The Army of Four said...

HA ROOOOO! That is such excellent news, my friend! We're so happy for you!
Play bows,

Cat said...

Oh GJ that is the best news!!!! We are doing a happy dance here too :-)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

GJ that is the most wonderful news! We are doing the happy dance and mum has joined in too!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that makes our weekend GJ!!!

Katie Isabella said...

OH GJ..my mommy and Admiral my sisfur went through these joys too. She said she knows how you feel and she sends warm love and hugs to all THREE of you. xoxoxoxox

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WahROOOOOOOOOOO fur YOU Ginger Jasper.


I am just THRILLED.

Fuzzy Tales said...

GJ, this is the BEST news we've "heard" in a while. The mom's getting all teary-eyed in relief right now.

Continued purrs and kitty kisses to you, hugs to your mum and dad.

The Heartbeats said...

Oh how wonderful!


Old Kitty said...

Awwww GJ!! Me and Charlie are weeping with such joy! We are so so so so happy that you have gained a little weight and are completely confounding
the vet's prognosis. Of course you have plenty of life in you! Of course you do!! Yay for you and your amazing mum and dad! We have everything crossed you continue to hold your own and with all the meds and special diet and all the love in the world from all of us and especially from your special family. We are so happy, truly happy to read this post! Yay!!

We also send tons of extra purrs and hugs to all your Beans too, GJ - we hope they are on their way to full recovery! Take care

Angel Simba said...

Just WONDERFUL news! We hope this can be the start of only good news for the other family members as well.

Marg said...

Oh goodness, that is just the best news ever. We were just a little worried about today. Yeah, Ginger Jasper. That is so exciting. We know that all of you will have a good week end now. Whoooo Hooooo. Now just hope everyone else heals up soon. We knew you could do it G.J. Still sending those purrs for ya. The donkeys will cross their hooves whenever you need them to. Take care and hugs to all of you.

possumlady said...

I've had some sad news today that another blogger friend's kitten died suddenly during the night last night, so this news is SO needed right now!!

Teamwork! You, mum and dad all worked together to make sure you gots all your medicine, good food, and all the love you needed. Great job everybuddy!!!

Sending good thoughts to everyone else in your family for speeding recoveries...

Millie and Walter said...

I am so glad to hear this wonderful news. Keep up the good work GJ (and mum and dad too).


Mickey's Musings said...

Just the kind of news we have been purring for Jasper!!!
Now we can all do the happy dance :)

Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ


Oh GJ I am reading this with tears in my eyes, tears of JOY. Thanks to the caring mum and dad you have you are doing better than anticipated. Keep up having plenty of rest and mum and dad keep up the good work,
This have made my day,
God bless you all.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are so very glad to read that your tests came back good GJ!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!

Well, your family certainly is having at time of it lately. We will be purring extra and Meowm will say some extra prayers for all of you.

Lou Belcher said...

Yay.... so thrilled. Max can't type right now as he and the boys are celebrating that you are doing so much better. We are all so pleased that you received such good news today.

Still sending purrs to you.

love, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh GJ that is the best news and my sisters and I are all happy dancing! We love you GJ and we are so proud of you, keep it up pal!

ZOOLATRY said...

We're jumping, too! Jumping for joy! In fact, we're jumping up and down so hard here in Cocoa, we're gonna create a tidal wave that makes its way across to you!
But we'll toss some rose petals in the ocean first...


That is simply fabulous!


BeadedTail said...

We're jumping up and down too Jasper! This is wonderful news! We believe in the power of the paw and we're going to continue purraying that you stay well!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh GJ!!!! That news is making all of us smile broadly, even Vidock! We are just delighted and will keep all our paws crossed that the next three months are totally trouble-free, just filled with love and cuddles!

The Chans

The Island Cats said...

Yay! We knew you would get a good report, GJ!! We are so happy!!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We knew you could do it GJ!!! Concatulations!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Whooppeeee! We are jumping for joy and doing the happy dance!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that photo and the WONDERFUL NEWS ARE THE BEST EVER!!!!

Love can cure soooooo many things and your parents and the love of the blog-o-sphere (and your good vet!) are making you do better and better! Keep up the great work!

Sparkle said...

This is the BEST news, GJ! We are BEYOND happy here! Your humans must be doing an amazing job of caring for you - paws up!

Unknown said...

Dear Ginger Jasper! Wes ALL doing the happy dance here! Wooo! Wheee!
Kisses for everybody!

Jenna and Sissy said...

We are so happy, GJ! That is the bestest news we could have today! We think the photo of you is perty!

susanphoeb said...

wonderful news! keep up the good work.

Ikaika said...

Oh, GJ, what wonderful news! Well done! We continue our purrs for you.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is just such wonderful news, Ginger Jasper - certainly speaks well for the wonderful loving care you get from Mum and Dad. Keep at it, pal - you are doing great.

Woos- Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Thanks fur sharing it!

PeeEssWoo: Mom has another one of those special Rottis on Sunday - his name is Sonny - and he'll be HOME Sunday night!

Cindy said...

Praise God! Wonderful news.

Wyatt said...

Congrats on your happy news, GJ!!
Keep up the good work :D


Cat Mandu said...

Good boy!
I am so happy to hear the good news, GJ! "One day at a time!"
Don't forget to purr.
Hugs, Mandu

m.q said...

yay..we're so very happy to hear that GJ!! we hope you will be healthy for a very very loooong time

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family

HoundDogMom said...

Great News! Sniffs, The HoundDogs

White Dog Blog said...

Woohoo!!! No, better than Woohoo...HOWL YAHOO HOWL!!! What simply magnificient news! Now that is not a ticket to stop your hard work and all, in fact you must stay focused and work harder than ever, but GJ, mum and dad, the entire White Dog Army (and momma and dad) are jumping up and down with joy as well. Continuing to send positive energy.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh GJ, we are sending all the Purrs of Comfort that we can...

Catio Tales said...

We are utterly delighted here - party time tonight in celebration. Keep going GJ!

Martha said...

That is the best news GJ, we are so happy!
That is a lovely pic of you in the centre of the red rose.
Now keep up the good work.
Much love
Martha & Bailey xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Ginger Jasper...what wonderful news for you, your Mom and your Dad !! And, your smiling face gave me a smile this morning !

Eva & Gracie's Mom

Hannah and Lucy said...

GJ - what purrfect news for you all - we have done a little Irish jig to celebrate. We have got big smiles on our faces.
Luv to you all
Hannah, Lucy xx xx and Sue

MrsB said...

WOOOHOOOO! such good news!

Scout and Freyja said...

We are cheering here in northern Michigan just for YOU and will do one of our best 'snow dances' the next time we are out in the yard. Sweet, sweet boy, we are THRILLED for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet G.J. we are overjoyed to hear this great news. You, your mom and your dad keep up the good work. Enjoy each other and get in lots of snuggles. Hugs and nose kisses

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What wonderful news, sweet GJ! Your mum and dad have done a splendid job of nursing you back to feeling better. Keeping the rest of your family in our purrs and hoping nothing else happens!

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy at you news!
Love you.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey GJ...OMC you are living, walking, meowing, proof of the power of TLC and purrs!! As we like to say here in the Southern USA, Bless your heart and God bless your Mum and Dad for their devotion.

Madi and I are doing a happy dance.
Many hugs Madi and Mom

Sweet Purrfections said...

This is fantastic news! All of our purrs and purrayers are working.

Truffle and Brulee

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

This is just wonderful news and we are all jumping for joy!!! (Thats's a lotta cats jumping!!!)

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

This is just the best news ever!!! We are so happy that you are doing well.
We love you

Just Ducky said...

Terrific news, we are happy dancing here!

Dachshund Nola said...

Dachshund Nola

Team Tabby said...

It does our hearts good to hear your good news, GJ! Hugs to you and your wonderful 'beans.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Hurray GJ! I knew you could do it. Keep on going and eating your special food, you is a good boy and it proves how much you is loved and love back!
~lickies, Ludo

GreatGranny said...

Sweet GJ, it's so wonderful that your vet visit gave good results, so happy. We hope your humans will be recovered soon.
xoxo Kassey

Pattyskypants said...

Great job, GJ!! xxoo Patty & Bhu

The Meezers or Billy said...

::happy dancing:: - WOOO HOOO

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! Clearly lots of piss and vinegar in you yet, GJ! Keep on buddy.

Lizzie & 3 kitties

John Bellen said...

What excellent news, Ginger Jasper. News like that makes everything encouraging. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Ingrid said...

I jumped with you and just hit the ceiling !

Marci Geise said...

WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!! I believe it helps when a kitty is surrounded by so much love. Thank you for the wonderful care you give GJ. Best wishes to all three of you!