29 January 2012

Even from behind her she gets me......

There I was sat on thee back of mum's chair. Mum was visiting some of our friends and I was keeping one eye on her and also enjoying a sun puddle through the window.(We are not having many lately so grab while you can I say )Mum saw that my reflection was perfect in her laptop screen, as she has got some good pictures like this before she reached down for her camera which was luckily nearby and this is what she got.

Mum thinks they are cute and hey who am I to deny her. Te he he.

Updates now for everyone. Liam is doing ok as they have blitzed the infection with lots of IV antibiotics and he is at home recovering.

Lilli's mouth is almost healed with just a little mark for her to show her war wound. MOl

Tristan is still in a lot of pain after his surgery and he says he does not know how a couple of fingers can cause so much. dad takes him back tomorrow for his follow up appointment, so they can check how it is going and if the wires need to stay in for a lot longer or less.

Once again thank you so much for all your purrs and grrss you are all stars..

Have a great Sunday everyone... Hugs J xx


Angel Simba said...

What clever reflelction pictures, GJ's Mum!

We are glad the family members are progressing, but really sorry Tristan is in so much pain.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We love these pictures, GJ,

So glad that everyone is doing better.

The Chans

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww lovely GJ!! These are wonderful creative pics of you - yay for mum! Just look at your floofy tail!! Yay!!! Enjoy the sunpuddles, gorgeous GJ! You are doing a grand job snoopervising mum too.

Me and Charlie are so happy to read that Liam and Lilli are getting better. We continue to send Tristan lots of healing purrs and hope the pain of his surgery subsides soon!

Take care and have a peaceful Sunday!! x


Very cute GJ. Pleased all the casualties are progressing.
You take care.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

On reflection, we think those are very good pictures of you GJ.
We are glad everyone is recovering.

The Island Cats said...

Those are great pictures, GJ! Your mum is very clever to get those of you!

We're happy to hear your family is healing well.

Marg said...

GJ,that is one super picture. Love the way that Mom did that. That is one way to get an unsuspecting picture of you.
Sure glad to hear that all the beans are healing. And sure sorry that Tristan is in such pain. Sending tons more purrs for everyone.
Hope all have a super Sunday.

Katie Isabella said...

Your mom captured a winner of a photo. You are so beautiful GJ and so snuggly. I am glaf that your beans are doing so much better. Tristan, I pray you are relieved of pain soon. I will purr my hardest for you and for GJ.


GreatGranny said...

Mom loves these optical illusions, sweet Ginger. It took a few minutes to pick out your sweet face in some of them, super photos.
We're hoping that Tristan's pain is gone completely soon. And Lilli's mouth , we hope will be healed soon.I bet it would help them to see these sweet photos of you.
xoxo Kassey and her Mom

Jenna and Sissy said...

So nice that you kept your position for the human's flashy box. We never do that for our human! Glad to hear the beans are recovering. Enjoy your sunpuddles!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Your Mom is very sneaky but those photos are great. Thanks for updating us on your family members sounds as if they are all on the mend. We are sending Tristan comforting purrs for the pain and healing purrs for everyone.

Enjoy your sunbeam GJ.

Team Tabby said...

We love your reflection pictures! Your mum is smart to take advantage and these turned out so well.

Glad to hear the positive updates on those who needed our thoughts and purrs.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have some good sunshine here today and Phantom is already taking his sunbath. He must have some cat in him:)

Good to hear that the beans are recovering. Paws crossed for all.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those re some great reflection shots! Glad every one is going good!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Your Mum is very clever to do that and we loved your pictures GJ. We hope Tristan's pain eases off and of course fingers are so useful it is hard when they are out of use. We are pleased to hear Lilli and Liam are much better.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

We love you GJ and those sure are wonderful pics! I am glad to hear that everyone else is healing too.

Cat Mandu said...

That's what happens when you fall asleep! Didn't you hear your Mom turn it on?

I am happy to see that your fuzz is so therapeutic to your family! Glad everyone is doing so well!

Mr Puddy said...

You are so cute and fluffy, GJ : )
but in some way , the reflection make you look like sit on mommy's shoulder...tee..heh..heh
Have a lovely time

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ....we 200% agree with your Mum these are absolutely fantastic pictures. You and your reflection are most handsome.

We are so glad your 2-legged beans are on the mend. Purrs for the all.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww, sweet G.J. those pictures are just precious. We are happy for you that you have a sun puddle to enjoy. Glad to hear that Liam and Lilli are improving. Sorry that Tristan is in so much pain. Praying the pain eases soon and he will be well on his way to recovery. You keep doing good sweet G.J. Hugs and nose kisses

Sparkle said...

Those are awesome photos, especially the first one where we can see you both as the background on the computer and on your human's chair. It sounds like everyone is on the mend - I am sending purrs to them.

m.q said...

beautiful picture indeed GJ

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family

BeadedTail said...

Those are great photos of your handsome reflection GJ! We're glad everyone is on the mend and will continue to send purrs!

Deborah said...

Hi, I love that picture. I'm glad you had your camera handy....NEWS FLASH... I think I have that same bracelet. LOL...I bought mine in Las Vegas along long time ago. It is gold with cougars on it. It looks identical! LOL...
OK, back to your post...I'm glad everyone is feeling better and Tristan, I hope he gets a good visit tomorrow.

Just Ducky said...

Mum's are sneaky with the flashy box. Thanks for the updates on the humans, purrs and prayers for them.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Ginger Jasper, we love your mum's talent in getting photos of you at every opportunity. Also great news about all your family members healing. Take care everyone, that's an order hehehe. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

HH and The Boys said...

What great pictures of you and so glad to hear that everyone is doing some better.

Lots of purrrrs still coming you way.

pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, those photos are just wonderful! We like the ones where your BIG whiskers are ghostly.

Thank goodness all your peeps are doing better! No more weeks like that, you hear?

Marilia said...

GJ, have a delicious week!

White Dog Blog said...

No doubt about it, your clever mum has once again caught some wonderful photos of you GJ! We are glad the family crises are past but are still sending healing woos to Tristin that his finger repair and rehabilitation go quickly, painlessly, and without hitch.

meowmeowmans said...

Your Mum sure is clever taking those pictures of you, GJ. We are glad everyone is doing better, and will keep on purring and praying.

Ellen Whyte said...

We love these reflection pics! Meow from all of us.

Holly said...

Definitely very cute! Love it! :)

Ingrid said...

You really are the perfect model ! Even as a reflection !

The Florida Furkids said...

Great pics! Now you gave our Mom some ideas!!!

The Florida Furkids

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Aw GJ yu look luvly an warm an snug!
Mr Scooter is catching those rare sun puddles too, up on the windowsill. He has cushons an a blankie an a hot water bottol up thare too. Ownly thing is, it issent warm much of the time so we try to coaze him down to the fire or his warm box or bed. But naah! He wants the windowsill rite now! But he keeps sneezing, so Mummy has antibiotics and stuff at the reddy, just in case he gets that bad coff an sniff thing agen!

WOW yu seem to hav been bizzy carftering everywun an getting them all well. Hope yu get sum extra time off in the sun. Tayke sum extra under shin scratches from me, rite thare!

It is so good to see yu up thare looking good, GJ!