Hoping for good results tomorrow....
Hello everyone, I am just popping on for a little moral support as tomorrow I will be At the vet for most of the day. Mum and dad are in trepidation that it will stress me a lot and are so praying that the results are good. Purrs please my friends... Hugs GJ xx
I'll surely be thinking of you tomorrow, GJ. Maybe mom could send along your favorite blanket and toy to keep close. I have a good feeling about your results. Good luck, sweetie. Deb
Aw, GJ, you know we will!
Keeping paws crossed
Stop on by for a visit
Beautiful and sweet GJ! Me and Charlie are cranking up all the purrs and healing hugs we could muster to send you! We are gathering all positive energy and good thoughts and all the love in the universe and beyond to give to you for your vet's visit tomorrow. We have everything, everything crossed for you and your wonderful mum and dad. We pray very hard for good results for you, sweet GJ!
Take care
You know we are thinking about you, GJ. Hope all goes well.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
You are looking quite perky, GJ. Try not to be too stressed by going to the VET - you will be home again afterwards we are sure. Paws crossed over and over for you.
We have our purrs turned up to full volume for you GJ and we will be thinking of you all day. We are purring and praying for good results. Great big (((hugs))) to your mum and dad.
Purrs and prayers for you GJ.Good luck for tomorrow.
Good luck GJ, I will be thinking about you! xxx
I am sending you my Very Best Purrs, GJ!
We're purring very hard for you, GJ, and have all our paws crossed.
We'll be revvin our motors fur you! xoxoxoxo
Good luck Darling GJ. Please let us know ASAP
We will be thinking of you GJ.
the amigos and san
We will be purring up a storm and crossing every paw we've got, GJ.
All your Friends at The Poupounette
We have more purrs headed your way GJ that you could possibly image, we love you! Even Dad is purring again!
We'll be purring for you to have a good visit tomorrow! Sending you lots of love too GJ!
GJ... I can't Purrrrrrrr butt I CAN do soft Grrrrrrrrrrrrs. And Cross my paws and send you some good
Please let us know how it goes. We will be thinking of you.
Sending many purrs!
Good luck, mai furrend!! xxoo Bhu
Sending you lots of love, hugs, purrs and prayers!
Sweetheart GJ, we so hope that the visit will be good with good results. We love you and we'll purray for you.
xoxo Kassey
We hope you do very well tomorrow. God bless you & your family!!
Marlene, Sable & Tiki in Canada
We are purring for you, GJ! We know you will get good results!!
We will be purring and praying for you Ginger J. We hope the visit will go smoothly and that the results will be good.
We love you
I will be thinking of woo!!!
We are sending up prayers for good results sweet G.J. Hugs and nose kisses
You're lookin good GJ and we B hopin your bloods say the same thing...Lookin Good!
Hello Fluffy Friend. We have all paws crossed here for you. Sending hugs to you and your mum and dad. You will be in our thoughts. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
You definitely have our purrs!
Truffle and Brulee
Ginger Jasper, just go in there and do your best. If you start to get nervous do what dad always tells momma, "Just imagine everybody in the place in their underwear!"
We are sending our very strongest White Dog positive energy and continued healing thoughts. And calming hope to you all.
GJ, even the Rumblemum is purring for you... please be well!!
We're all purring and woofing for you, GJ!
Love you!
Mandu and his Mom
Giant purrs for good news Jasper !!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
Sending you my warmest thoughts and 'healing vibes' for your trip to the vet. Sometimes our greatest fears don't materialise. Live in the moment, sweet friends!
Sending lotsaluv
We are sending you lots and lots of purrrrrrrs.... We will be waiting to hear how you do and glad when you are back home.
pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH
We have been purring for you since we got up this morning GJ and hope you don't get too stressed at that place. We will be purring hard so that you pass your tests.
Lots of luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We are purring and sending hugs your way.
Sending you love and purrs for tomorrow, GJ. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dearest GJ,
Me is sending lots of Purrayer for yous and lots of comforting thoughts to your Mum and Dad.
We all loves yous
We stand with you for the best results possible.
OH sweetheart, all of our prayers and love are with you today. All of your kitty friends, and their mums and dads too, are close by your side in spirit during your doctors visit.
If there is anything at all that we can do to help you, please just say the word. We are keeping our fingers, paws and tails crossed that we will hear only good news. All of our love, always. Kari, Gran and the Cats.
P.S Our love to you mum and dad too.
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