24 January 2012

What a few days........

Well my friends where do I start. My last post said have a good weekend but I can tell you ours went rather differently. On Saturday we heard that Liam ( you remember our nephew bean who had the bad accident) was in hospital in London, he had gone to London for the weekend with his girlfriend and had become very unwell. Liam had picked up some sort of infection and because he lost his spleen in the accident he cant fight infections. Liam was admitted which resulted in his mum and dad haring down to London quick smart. Liam was really ill but the doctors did well and he is now recovering thankfully.
Next thing to happen was our bean Tristan had an accident at work where a very large gate fell onto his hand crushing it. Tristan went into shock and went down like a stone striking his head on the way down. Colleagues got him up only for him to go down again, this time hitting a metal table and breaking his nose. Tristan's blood pressure plummeted with shock and he began fitting, he was taken to hospital and after x rays had to go to a different hospital as he had shattered his fingers. Today dad took him back and he had surgery on his hand were they put wires in his fingers and put it in a cast. Next week he must go back for his nose resetting.
Mum and dad had only been at home half an hour after taking Tristan home from hospital yesterday when mum had to go back round to his house because Lilli bean had fallen and hurt her face and lip. Mum put on sterri strips as it would be less traumatic than stitches. Mum said sheesh all sit on the sofa and don't move lol as we don't want any more mishaps.
So all in all it has been a very full on few days and that's why we have not been here. On Friday I go to the vet for all my tests and I really hope it wont be another sheesh...
Sorry for the long winded post but mum was just unloading it all out of her head and on to here.. Take care all.. Love GJ xxx


Millie and Walter said...

I think you should wrap that family in bubble wrap so they won't hurt themselves any more. So sorry to hear about your eventful weekend. Your family are in my thoughts for fast healing. It looks like you are doing well, GJ.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

What a stressful weekend you had! We hope Liam is getting better every day! That is too bad about Tristan. We will keep all your family in our prayers and send lots of purrs!

Katnip Lounge said...

Holy crap. Whatever you do...don't twitch a whisker!
GJ, we are sending our best and warmest purrs to Liam, Tristan, and Lilli--and to your Mum and Dad. They say trouble happens in threes so paws crossed it's done!
Your Mum should hold some safety classes in her *spare* time-ha!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Holy cod, GJ. Gees...Enough is enough with the cr*p the fates are dishing out.

Mega-healing purrs to Liam, to Tristan and to Lilli, and as always to you.

Our mom recommends a few shots of whiskey for your mum, something well-aged--or her preferred beverage.

Dachshund Nola said...

Oh no! That's a hell of a weekend! Paws crossed for everyone
Dachshund Nola

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my goodness GJ, we sure our sending our best purrs and prayers to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Oh, no!! What a weekend you all had. We will be praying that everyone heals well. We sure hope that you all are getting some good rest after all that has happened. Sweet picture of you G. J. Hugs and nose kisses for all!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD.. so sorry all this happened.. butt I have always heard that BAD thingys come in Threes.. and that would mean that it is all gonna settle down and be peaceful now. I surely hope so.
My paws are crossed fur all the sick and injured.

Unknown said...

I agree with Katnip Lounge 100%. I just have a hard time saying Holy Cr... tee hee. But we are here wishing you peace and quiet, love and purrs, and a much much better rest of the new year! Your friend, Fisher

Old Kitty said...

Oh noes!!! :-( Awwww lovely GJ!! What a weekend for all of you! Oh my stars!

Me and Charlie are cranking up the purrs and healing hugs to all of you! We are sending lots and lots of positive-ness your way. We hope hope hope Liam recovers fully! Oh but we feel so sorry for Tristan too and also sweet Lilli bean!! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Mum is right, everyone just sit down and do not move! :-)

We pray you all have a peaceful week. No more mishaps, please!!

p.s. Yay for your super duper mum and dad!

take care

Pip said...

WOW, I fink that about covers it. Fings that happens in threes...
Me is purring fur Liam, Tristan, and Lilli. Me is also purring for you GJ, you are in our foughts often.
Love, TK


I thought I had problems but there is always someone worse off than yourself. Hope all goes well in the future especially on Friday for you GJ,Thank ypur mum for the visit and the advice will try it later.

All take care.

Cat Mandu said...

Heavens to Betsy!!
Well, maybe they got it all out of their systems for 2012. (Hope, hope.)
Looks like you got your work cut out for you, GJ...cheering everybody up!
Hugs, Mandu

Cat said...

We are sending out best healing purrs to Liam, Tristan, and Lilli and hoping there won't be any more accidents or illnesses!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, that was sure a bad weekend! Purrs of Healing to all...

SuziQCat said...

Everyone needs a space suit, so they can't hurt themselves anymore! Glad to hear they were not life threatening, and are all recovering nicely.

Sending purrs to you GJ for your tests results on Friday!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Good grief! Your family has been through it, alright. Yes, stay still, and we'll send purrs and prayers that everyone heals fast.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, not good at all, GJ. We are so sorry the beans have had so much to deal with. We hope all heal well and NO MORE injuries or sickness. Paws crossed for all.


GreatGranny said...

Peeese, GJ, tell your beans to be extra careful. It must be hard on you and your Pawrents seeing their family hurting. We're sorry too and hope all will be well soon.
xoxo Kassey

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

We are so sorry about the illness and the injuries that your beans had to experience. Goodness! I guess that's what that saying means,"When it rains it pours"

Ginger we hope your Friday appointment at the vets will go well.

We hope everyone has a speedy recovery.

Well Wishes
to all

Angel Simba said...

Oh, golly, what awful things to happen to all three of your family members. Your humans must be feeling very stressed by it as well - they weren't ill or hurt, but three people they love were. We will pray and purr for complete recoveries for everyone. GJ, you just HAVE to get a good result at the VET. No choice, buddy.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


What a string of bad lukhk fur all -

Paws khrossed all get better - AND the others stay out of trouble!

PeeEssWoo: Your mum had to think she was having a serious of bad dreams

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Good Grief, GJ1 That's quite the series! We're keeping all fingers crossed for quick recoveries all around, and of course for things to go well for you at the vet's on Friday.

The Chans

Jans Funny Farm said...

Goodness, it's a wonder you mom didn't strap them all to the sofa so they couldn't move. What a scary weekend. Hope Liam and Tristan will both be okay. We assume Lilli will be.

Hope you get good numbers Friday, GJ.

Unknown said...

Your Poor Mum and Dad! We is sending lots of comforting purrs to them and healing purrs to Tristan and Liam and Lilli! What a spate of bad!
Wes will remember yous all in our purrayers

san said...

Oh dear. What a wekeend you guys had. We are keeping an ear out for good recovery and news for everyone.

the amigos

HH and The Boys said...

OMC... so sorry that you had such a string of terrible things. I agree that everybody should sit on something soft and not move. No more mishaps. Sending purrsss to everyone and hope that all will be better soon.

pawhugs, Max

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

OMC!!! Sheesh is right GJ. Your family don't believe in doing things by halves do they! We are glad Liam is recovering and hope Tristan and LilliBean make good recoveries too.
We are sending lots of purrs for you for Friday.

JC said...

Wow. My Mom used to say things happen in threes. Hope everyone gets better.

BeadedTail said...

Holy Cat! That's a lot of bad stuff happening in one weekend! We hope everyone stays put and stays safe from now on! We're sending healing purrs to Liam, Tristan and Lilli bean!

Mickey's Musings said...

Goodness !!!!!! That was hard to read. WE know it was harder to live through!!!
We purr very hard that all parties recover fully and that nothing more happens!!!
BIG PURRS !!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Pattyskypants said...

Okay, GJ, don't do like the beans! You stay well, now! xxoo Patty & Bhu

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow. That's a lot. Purrs to you and your people for a better week to come.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Oh my goodness! We will send purrs, purrayers, and anything else that will help right away. We hope GJ's test will go well, too. xoxo

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh my Ceiling Cat!! We hope everyone recovers quickly. And stays well!

m.q said...

we hope this dragon year will give you all the good things and chase away all the bad things

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family

Jenna and Sissy said...

We are sending lots of purrs and hugs your way for all the ailing beans. You be very careful and we hope you will have a good report from the vet.

The Island Cats said...

Wow! What a weekend! We send purrs to all your family, GJ, and hope Liam, Tristan and Lilli all heal quickly! And we're purring you get a good report from the vet, too! oxoxox

catladydiary.tumblr.com said...

My goodness Darlin...them people's nned some ginger lovin'!

Sparkle said...

Wow, there was a lot going on, and not in a good way! I'm glad everyone is on the mend, but ugh, to have to go through ANY of that to begin with...! How awful. Your family has my purrs. I hope you are doing well, GJ and your Friday test will look okay!

Oui Oui said...

Wow, that was a horrid weekend! We hope you don't have to go through anything like that again. We are purring for everyone and for GJ's appointment to go well. Xoxo

The Chair Speaks said...

Gosh, what a weekend! We are sending lots of purrs to you and your family!

White Dog Blog said...

We are sending powerful White Dog healing energy to all and positive thoughts that those times are past and the New Year of the Dragon brings you all good fortune.

We know you are working hard to keep your health in order and add our strength and confidence that Friday will go well. Sounds like deep breaths and maybe a niptini are in order!

Hannah and Lucy said...

That was a weekend from hell - it just seems as though it was something out of a film script not a real weekend. We hope everyone is recovering well and calm is back instead of chaos. We are purring for you to get good reports from your vet on Friday GJ. Take care everyone please!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

What a hard time you have all been having ~ we are sending emergency purrs and love and hoping that things will get better quickly.
Very BIG purrs for the vet's visit GJ ~ we will be thinking about you. And love for your mom and dad too. xx

Kari said...

Oh goodness gracious! What a horrible time for your family. Our prayers are with Liam, Tristan and Lilli. Poor Liam, he has been through so much already and Tristan! Helped by his co workers only to be injured again. It doesn't seem fair. How much should one person have to bear.
We hope you are eating and feeling well. God bless you all. Our special love to your mum and dad.

Marilia said...

Hopefully, everything will calm down!

Katie Isabella said...

How absolutely horrid for your family GJ. Mom and I are so very sorry and trust me.we will purr and oray for a good outcome. xoxox

Ikaika said...

Oh dear! Big healing purrs to your family, GJ.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! Can your family all get together, SIT STILL and NOT MOVE please. Blimey that was one weekend full of accidents. We send crossed paws, hugs and slobber to everyone who needs them. Ginger Jasper, you be a good boy for your mum and dad. Mum and Dad we think a nice little drink for you both would be in order. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Just Ducky said...

Goodness way too much stuff going on. We agree, sit still and be super careful.

Mum had been wondering on an update on Liam, this isn't what we wanted to hear, but glad he is getting better.

We hope all of your gang does well now, you too GJ.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMG you poor thing! I can't believe everything that has happened!

They say that bad luck comes in threes and it appears that you already had your THREE, thank goodness!

Cory said...

Oh my! Sending our purrs to you and your family!

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

We're sorry things have been so rough! We are purring and praying for you and your loved ones, Ginger Jasper

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Healing purrs for your accident prone beans and healing purrs for Liam to fight that infection. Hope they are all on the mend now.