15 December 2011

Just a few words..........

Hello everyone, I wanted to just say a few words so you know what is happening with me. I am still eating with the help of tablets and this pleases mum and dad so much. I am though quiet and don't want to play but they say this is OK so long as I am happy.But I am wanting cuddles and that is good. I go back to see the vet tomorrow evening and he will take more blood to test my levels so fingers crossed they are OK.I will let you all know when I have been.
Mum said that even though I am ill she didn't want to disappoint our secret Santa so she got some things together and it went winging its way across the big pond a couple days ago. We do hope it gets there in time but if not please forgive us.
I Even felt up to checking it out before it went on its way.
It was only for a few minutes but mum managed a couple pictures.. I hope you enjoy....
Mum saw this a couple days ago and says she hopes it is a good omen.....She made a wish......
many thanks to you all for staying close to me and sending so many good wishes.. I so love you all.. Hugs GJ xxx
I just found out that my sweet frriend has left for the bridge and I am so sad.. Run free sweet darling Admiral.... Hugs GJ xx


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We love hearing that you are eating, Ginger Jasper. Keep it up and we will be pulling for good results on your tests tomorrow. Beautiful rainbow, and we bet it was just for you and Mum and Dad.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Thanks for the update. We are glad you are still eating and hope you have been able to put a bit more weight back.We hope your vet visit goes well tomorrow and we hope your blood test shows better results.
It is understandable that you don't want to play. Keep all your energy for getting better. It is good that you want cuddles. They will help all of you.It is good too that you showed interest in your Secret Paw's present. We are thinking of you all the time and send you purrs by the cart load. Mum and dad send (((hugs))) to your mum and dad.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We appreciate the update, GJ.

We're continuing to purr our hardest for you, to send universal Light to you all.

Kitty kisses and hugs.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Ginger we are so glad that you are still eating. It's a good sign that you want to cuddle.

We will be praying for good results on your next test.

What a pretty rainbow. We hope with all our hearts that your Mom's wish comes true.

Unknown said...

Dearest GJ,
What wonderful news that yous is eating! And we is sending healing purrs to yous and comforting kitty kisses to your Mommy and Daddy

Anonymous said...

Oh GJ..we're so happy that you are eating. You look good too. You have been in our thoughts everyday.

Keep eating sweet boy!

We Love You,
Jude,Babybella,Poo,Piper & Marley

Anonymous said...

I was so glad to see the update! Keep doing better GJ!
My babies and I are praying for you and Mum and Dad!
Marian in Houston

Dachshund Nola said...

So glad you're doing Ok paws still crossed.
Dachshund Nola

Angel Prancer Pie said...

So happy to hear the pills are working! STill purring and purraying fur those good test results. Thanks fur the update! ((hugs)) and whisker kisses

Sparkle said...

GJ, my paws are crossed that your levels are good! I'm sending lots of purrs your way - I DO think that maybe the rainbow was a good sign!

HoundDogMom said...

We are so glad to hear you are eating a little and getting lots of snuggles. We keep our paws crossed for a good report from the vetman. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Rene said...

Thank you for the update. We've been thinking of you and hoping for the best. Continued purrs from our house.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I love, love, love you GJ and there isn't a single moment that goes by that sweet are not sending purrs and prayers.

Angel Simba said...

GJ, it is good news you are eating and enjoying quiet cuddles. You look so sweet checking out the presents. Love to you and your Mum and Dad

Jans Funny Farm said...

Keep eating, GJ! And we hope your blood levels are good tomorrow.

Some lucky kitty will be thrilled to get your secret Santa package, knowing you snoopervised the packing yourself.

Kari said...

Oh Jasper! We are so happy to hear from you!!! And happier still that you are eating and showing interest in things around you!!! You've been in our prayers, sweetheart and will be in our prayers until you don't need them anymore. And who doesn't need prayers!
We will be with you in spirit during your vet visit tomorrow. Be sure to ask your doctor about getting fluids at home. It isn't hard for your mum and dad to learn and you will feel so much better! All of our love to you and your wonderful parents. God bless.

GreatGranny said...

These photos are uplifting, Sweet Ginger and the rainbow we think it is a good omen. Keep eating, sweetheart.
xoxo Kassey

Old Kitty said...

Oh GJ! Beautiful wonderful sweet GJ! Me and Charlie are teary eyed just reading how brave and resilient you are - you know you must snoopervise mum and dad and are doing a fantastic job despite your illness! We are so happy that you continue to eat and want lots and lots of cuddles from your pawsome mum and dad too! We hope hope hope that your vet's visit tomorrow will be a good one. We are keeping you in our hearts and prayers, always always! Take care

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GJ... you are makin us all feel better with that eating and wantin cuddles. You keep up the grrrrreat work buddy!!! You are doin just fine.. I know it!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are glad you are feeling a little better. We are sad about Admiral, too

MrsB said...

We here in Alabama are so glad you are eating and enjoy cuddles with mum and dad....snuggle up close. It's the best thing ever.
Mr.Kitty, Mr.White and MrsB.

Thank you for letting us know about Admiral - I have been reading her blog for a long time - like yours. We will miss her.


Julia Williams said...

Oh GJ, it is so good to hear from you! I kept checking back every hour waiting for news. It sounds like you are feeling just a wee bit better, which is a good thing. I will continue to hope, purr and pray for you and your parents. I'm just heartbroken to hear that Admiral has gone to the bridge.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, GJ! Know that gazillions of kitties are purring for you.

Lizzie & 3 kitties

JC said...

I hope you continue to get better. Enjoy each moment.

JC ^,,^

Sweet Purrfections said...

We wanted to drop by and check on you. We're very happy that you are eating some. We hope your mom and dad are able to have some quality time with you over the holidays. Please know that we continue to think about you every day.

Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

Deb said...

I am so happy to hear of GJ's progress. What a lovely early Christmas present for you (and all of us). Please give him a hug for me. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

Mr Puddy said...

GJ, I purrs so hard and sending many purrs to you and I hope this Christmas Season bring you a miracle of good health back to you. I still purrs and paws crossed for you GJ. and never lose the great hope with you.

I'm deeply sorry about Miss Admiral. I send lots of purrs to her and Mom Carole.

Many hugs


This has made my day, to think you are eating and checking things to go across the big pond.
You are a fighter GJ and with all the hugs and love on this blog ....and there are many I hope you will feel even better for Christmas. Have plenty of rest and take care.

possumlady said...

Oh, what wonderful news, GJ!! Keep eating and wanting to cuddle. It is a fact that cuddling helps heal!

We here at Possumlady Place have our paws, toesies and eyes crossed for good test results!!


We were so glad to see your update and we are encouraged by your progress. WE will purr for your results at the Vets.


Katnip Lounge said...

Keep up the good work eating, GJ...and we have all our paws crossed that your kidney levels will be better with you next round of tests. Mommy wonders did she mention that there is a good anti-nausea medicine for renal kitties; ask your vet.
We are so happy you are feeling well enough to post! xoxo

m.q said...

we hope to hear more good news about you GJ.
and we heard about Admiral also
its a heartbroken news for us and we are sad :(

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family

Pip said...

We is purring fur you GJ. Keep eatting sweety!
We too feels very sad about Admiral H. She was her mommy's heart, and we purrs fur her too.

White Dog Blog said...

Knowing you are eating and comfortable and wanting cuddling makes us SO happy, GJ! We are asking the Universe to continue smiling on you with good test results. Sending White Dog powerful positive energy and strength to you, mum and dad. One day, one step, one blessed victory at a time, dear friend!

Oui Oui said...

Eating and up checking things out are great signs! We hope you continue to feel better and the appointment goes well. We're purring for you!

Marg said...

Oh GJ, that little bit of good news is so great after a very sad afternoon. We really like the fact that you want to do some snuggles. WE are sending our very best purrs that the tests will be good tomorrow. Please keep eating and feel just a little better. We are all crossing our paws for you too. We do love you a whole bunch. That rainbow will bring you such good luck. Too cute getting the secret paws ready to go. Take care. We are thinking about you.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur the update!

Of khourse the pikhs were furry special - with the tastiest ones being of WOO!

Good lukhk with the trip to the V!


Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Good to hear you are eating a bit and inspecting the pressies. We too are very sad about the Admiral.

The Florida Furkids said...

Eating is VERY good! We think that rain bow is a very good omen! We're purring loud and hard.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Ginger Jasper, so sorry to hear about your friend. He looks like a cool cat. We are so glad to say hello to you oh fluffy friend. Keep on eating and snuggling with your mum and dad. Take care. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

BeadedTail said...

We're so glad you are eating Jasper! We hope you get a good report at the vet. We're sending you lots of purrs!

We're so sad about Admiral. We loved her very much.

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we're glad you are eating...it will help you get your strength back. We have been purring for you non-stop.

And we are heartbroken to hear about our furiend, Admiral. We will miss that beautiful, funny girl very much.

caspersmom said...

GJ so glad to hear that you are holding your own and eating. Getting and wanting those cuddles is the best of all to hear. What a beautiful rainbow to wish on. We know what Mum's wish is and it is ours also. Purrs and Prayers still going up for you GJ. God Bless.


Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw, Patches, Bobbie and Lil' Miss Fuzz said...

Hello, Ginger Jasper! We are glad you are eating again, and hope you continue to get better and better each day. We are sending lots of healing purrrs.

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw, Patches, Bobbie and Lil' Miss Fuzz said...

Hello, Ginger Jasper! We are glad you are eating again, and hope you continue to get better and better each day. We are sending lots of healing purrrs.

Liz of Talk With the Paws.. said...

(oops..sorry about the duplicate...it told us the "captcha" word did not match, and made us do it again..but apparently, it lied...)

Catio Tales said...

Fantastic that you are eating and sniffing around a bit. Just keep up with it good buddy. Purrs xxx

Ellen Whyte said...

You keep eating, Ginger Jasper, and we're purring that your results are a-ok. We miss Admiral too. Such a shock!

The Chair Speaks said...

We are so happy you are eating, GJ. Purrs and hugs to you, mom and dad!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are very much in our thoughts, GJ. Enjoy every moment with your Mum and Dad.

We were so sad to learn bout Admiral too.

The Chans

Homer said...

Glad you are on the mend! This calls for a celebration!


Martha said...

We are glad to hear you are managing to eat GJ - don't forget there will be turkey coming up!
Paws crossed for your blood results.
In the meantime keep up the good work with the humans - goodness knows they need a lot of cuddling.If you could manage some extra cuddles from us bassets too.
Much love
Martha, bailey and humans xxxx

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

We pray a wish of time for all of you upon your rainbow...that it will be given to you for as long as it is comfortable...we love you so very much...

Everycat said...

Japser, it's wonderful that the pills are helping you eat a bit and even put on some weight. You rest up lovely lad and save your energy for healing. No one expects you to be running about like a kitten after being so very poorly. We are purring for good blood test results and sending you love.

Oliver & Gerry

HH and The Boys said...

GJ... so good that you are blogging and eating and taking an interest in things again. Keep up the good work pal... I love ya... We are all continuing to send you our puurrrrrrs.......

pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Hannah and Lucy said...

It's nice to see you snoopervising the packing of your secret paws gifts GJ. You mustn't let your exacting standards slip!
We are delighted to hear that you are eating.
We are sending our best purrs and lots of kisses to you and your Mum and Dad.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

GJ, we are purring for you every day and are glad you are still having quality time with yoor mom and dad. Stay well sweet friend. xx

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are so very happy that you are eating GJ! Please keep it up and we will keep up our purrs!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We just saw about Admiral and are so very sad.

We are glad you are doing better GJ. We will be purring for all to go well at your v-e-t and for you to continue to improve.

Pip said...

We just stops by to sees how you is doing GJ. We is purring fur you.
Love, TK

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi GJ...it has truly been a sad day in blogville...however, you bit of good news made us smile....we will purr that tomorrow's blood work comes back good. God bless you and you loving peeps.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Dexter said...

Jasper! It is wonderful to see you up and around and enjoying your family. I am so sad about your friend, but I am happy that you are still with us.


Admiral Hestorb said...

Admiral's Mom here: GJ, please get better and thank heavens you are taking the tablets. That's how *I* ate all the way from last March till yesterday when I flew away. So you be a good boy and eat for your mommy and daddy. we'll be waiting.

Mickey's Musings said...

Jasper,we just want to send you BIG purrs and hope you feel better!!!!
Purrs Tillie & Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

GJ, we are glad you are doing a bit better, and hope for the best. Purrs...

Team Tabby said...

Glad to hear you are eating,GJ. Purrs to you that your visit with the vet goes well.

Scout and Freyja said...

We ♥ you JG.

Gattina said...

I just dropped by to see how GP is, the fact that he is eating a bit is a good sign. Hopefully it continues and he puts on some weight ! That's all I can wish you ! it must be an awful time for you !

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

thinking about you all so very much even as we pack for a holiday at the ocean...you are close to our hearts! we hope to return with a Christmas kitty!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so glad you are eating. That made our day. GJ, we are sure your Secret Santa will understand if the package is late and I am sure just seeing the pictures of you checking it out will bring a smile to their face.

May your Christmas be filled with LOVE and we wish you a Happy Healthy New Year.

Marilia said...

GJ, we´re so happy about your news!
We sending our best purrrayers to you!!!
Auntie Marilia

Sagira said...

Glad to hear that the tablets are helping you eat. I hope you feel better soon. We have all of our paws crossed over here for you.

Sorry to hear about your friend crossing over. :(