17 December 2011

Ups and downs... Worry and relief...

Hello everyone. Well we have been up and down this week and the worry motor has been going. My eating slowed down two days ago and then yesterday not much at all. When we went for my appointment at the vet he feared that I was slipping again and said we will see what the bloods showed but we had to rethink. The vet also said I should be eating some of the special renal food but I hate it so we struggle there. Mum and dad took me home and were worrying a lot. Dad gave me an extra appetite pill. The vet rushed the results through and he telephoned us with them. The results were better than the vet expected and had not slipped as far as he feared. He told mum that he was willing to repeat the IV Valium if need be. Well the extra pill worked and I ate last night and again this morning so they will hold off and see how I do. If I eat then I don't go back until Thursday and we go from there. Talk about a roller coaster, its so up and down but hey I am here and still plodding on and that's good.. Several were asking what my levels were and mum asked the vet yesterday, he said that when I was admitted my levels were off the scale and much higher than their machines could read. They were 12 a couple of days later so the drip was working.

Thank you all my friends.

Hugs GJ xxx


Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet GJ we are so happy to hear the blood work was better than expected. We are thrilled too that the extra pill worked and you are eating again. Keen up the good work sweetie...eat and feel better. We are still praying for you, your mom and dad. Love you and leave you lots of hugs and nose kisses

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, you look pretty bright to us...hang in there buddy, we are purring you stabilize and your appetite returns. Lots and lots of love from all of us!

Percy the Cat said...

We're glad your bloods were better than the v-e-t expected. We're purring for you :)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

So glad that the tests are better than expected. Sending you constant love and prayers and purrs. xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom says she has never had a dog that liked the prescription food very much. We hope the Valium will get you hungry again. Eat up, GJ. We want to see you get better.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Fuzzy Tales said...

GJ, we're glad your blood work was better than expected and hope that the appetite stimulant kick-starts you eating, without the need for it.

We'll continue to send purrs and purrayers to you and your beans, as long as they are needed.

*Kitty kisses*

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're thankful for any good news of you, Jasper! We hope you will continue to eat and your numbers will continue to be good. We love you and your folks.

BeadedTail said...

We're so glad you are doing better GJ! We hope you continue to do so too! We're sending lots of purrs to you and your mum and dad!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hang in there, Sweet Friend. We're so glad that extra pill worked and the results were not as bad as might have been feared.

The Chans

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Yoo know TT Girl never liked that prescription food either - its yuck! Our the mom gave in and let her eat whatever her heart wanted - it wasnt good fer TT but it made her purr and thats what the mom wanted. Jasper, we hope yoo git to eattin real soon, perhaps sum catnip may help yoo git sum munchies?


Dachshund Nola said...

So happy to hear you're doing ok! Stay strong furry friend
Dachshund Nola

Angel Simba said...

GJ, we are happy to see that bright looking picture of you, sweetie. Hooray for appetite pills!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hooray for every bit of good news GJ. We are constantly thinking of you and sending you purrs and prayers. You're doing good pal, keep it up, we all love you!!!

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we continue to purr for you and hope you continue to eat. Keep it going!!

pee ess. our word verification is "blest"...kind of like "blessed"...and that's what you are...blessed with all the good wishes from all of us in the CB. We love you, GJ! oxox

Kari said...

Oh Jasper darling! We are overjoyed to hear that your lab values were better than expected! Is it your Urea that was 12? We know the UK and Europe use the SI measurements so 12 mmol/L is really good after being off the charts!!!!
And if you have to have a pill to eat, so be it! Lots of beans take pills so they don't eat.
Our mum has never been able to get any of her kidney cats to eat that renal diet. Maybe your vet can give you suggestions as to what human food you could have that wouldn't drive your Urea levels up. Bet Teri would know.
We thank God for the good news and continue to pray that you continue to feel better and better. all of our love to you.

Catio Tales said...

Good news about the bloods. But keep up the eating buddy, please!

ZOOLATRY said...

Jasper ~ your Mum will know what I mean when I say "every time I go to the refrigerator" I think of you! So, dear boy ... plod away!

Whisppy said...

That is a generally positive report, GJ. You are looking mighty good in the photo too!

Asta said...

Dawling GJ
Just came to check on you and send you mowe healing smoochies to help you get that yucky wenal food down. all ouw things awe on a containew headed acwoss the pond..if I don't wite fowgive me. I will keep checking when I can..I hope and pway that you can have a bootiful chwissmuss togethew wif youw Mum and Dad and get lots of west and feel all wight
smoochie kisses

White Dog Blog said...

We are so glad that your test results gave cause for hope. Just keep trying, GJ. It is going to be a roller coaster but we are all with you for the ride. Just live each second to the best you can and never stop loving. Of course we send White Dog powerful healing energy and positive strength...and lots of love.

Old Kitty said...

Oh GJ!! You are looking so sweet in this pic. Please keep taking these pills that make you eat! You must eat sweet GJ and now that your vet results are better than expected, then it's even more important that you gain as much strength as possible. Me and Charlie continue to crank up our purring and praying for you and your amazing mum and dad. We hope you get other foods you like that is as good for you as the special renal diet food too. Hugs and purrs, take care

Pattyskypants said...

C'mon, GJ! You Can DO IT! xxoo Patty & Bhu

Cory said...

GJ, we continue our purrs for you. Great news that your test results were better than expected.


Cory & family

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Ginger Jasper, good to hear from you. Keep on eating fluffy friend. Enjoy those snuggles with your mum and dad. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory


Ginger Jasper you must wonder what is going on, but you are a strong fighter. I will have you in my prayers.
Take care.
Yvonne xx

Poppy Q said...

GJ we are sending you big hugs. When our puss angel was like you and wouldn't eat, our vet said that anything was better than nothing, and she licked at tiny spoonfuls of cool yoghurt and chicken, as she didn't like the renal biscuits either.

Smooches and hugs
Julie and Poppy Q

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

One Bite
One Step
One DAY at a time my furend.


We like what FrankieFurter said.
It is so true.
WE are purring my friend

Deb said...

So happy to hear these results. Hugs, Deb

Marilia said...

Hi GJ. I am here cheering for you very much!
Purrrrs purrrs purrrrrrrsssss!!!!
Auntie Marilia

Maggie Mae and Max said...

In a weekend filled with sadness, it is very nice to hear happy news! YaY fur you GJ, now keep it up...'kay?

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww...good news and that's great!!!
We pray for you everyday and we're keeping you in our thoughts!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee.....be strong!!!
We need our super special friend GJ!!!!
Try to eat something more ok???
We love youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
Sweet golden hugs and licks!!!

Mr Puddy said...

Keep it UP !!! GJ, You are doing good !!!! I'm so please to know the results is better than the VET thought. Keep Pawsitive my friends ! with lots of love from your mom and daddy and US, Kitties !!! You can make Magic, GJ !!!
Lots of purrs and Lots of Hugs to you.
Me and Mom love you, GJ

Admiral Hestorb said...

Darling, I am taking the Admiral's place loving you and praying for you. xoxoxoxoxo

Mom Carole

MrsB said...

Poooeee - yep that Rx food is not the best tasting stuff is it? Maybe they can mix in some caviar for you? But I have to say your picture is very fetching - you look mighty handsome there pal.
Keep up the good work and eat and drink and of course, be merry - it's that time of year.
Your pals,
Mr.Kitty, Mr. White and their mum, MrsB.

Team Tabby said...

This is a good update Ginger Jasper, we are continuing to send purrs that you keep up your appetite and feel better. purrs to your mom and dad too.

HoundDogMom said...

What a great update GJ, sending more drool your way and our paws are crossed extra tight this weekend. We also got your Christmas Card email. That was beautiful. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is great news GJ that your blood results were not as bad as was feared. Please try to keep eating. We are all purring our biggest and strongest purrs.

Unknown said...

Greast news that your levels is better. Wes is still sending yous lots of purrayers and kisses
nellie and Kozmo

Cheyenne -Millie said...

GJ! We will purr for you harder! We hopes that your appetite comes back!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

We are so glad to hear that your lab result were better than expected. My cat wouldn't touch the kidney prescription diet either. It got to the point where they said anything was better than nothing. He ate skinless baked chicken breast and strained baby meat in the jars. That with his fluid feedings at home worked well for him.

Hang in there sweet boy we are praying for you.

Just Ducky said...

Nice to know there is a bit of improvement. Keep eating dude!

Julia Williams said...

GJ, so glad to hear you are eating a little and that your blood work was better. Keep it up, and I shall keep on purring and praying for you. =^..^=

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

We know that prescription food is boring, but please try to eat it Ginger! Try to get strong and healthy!

GreatGranny said...

Sweet GJ, it's such good news that your numbers are better and you're eating. Keep on eating sweetheart.
xoxo Kassey

Sweet Purrfections said...

GJ - we are purring that you will continue to eat and can be with your mom and dad a lot longer.

Truffle and Brulee

Sparkle said...

GJ, roller coaster is right, but I am glad that your numbers are currently improved and you are eating. I have not paused purring for you since you have been sick.

san said...

We are so glad to hear your indicators have improved. Now you just have to eat a little more each day.

Mickey's Musings said...

We purr things stay "better than expected" for a looooooooong time!!

Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
and mom Nancy

PeeEss: Thank you for your e-card.
We finally got around to e-mailing ours :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khome on my handsome pal!!!

PeeEssWoo: PLEASE?????????

Unknown said...

We are so happy to hear good news from you and hope it gets better and better.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

GJ, we are happy that your tests were better and that the extra pill helped. We are still purring for yoU!

Teddy Westlife said...

I have my paws and everything else crossed for you GJ.

Anonymous said...

That's great news that he's eaten something. :)

Everything still crossed and the good vibes still coming from us.

H, Flo, Fergus and George.

Martha said...

Just checking in on you this morning GJ. These vets always have yucky food but hang on in there.
Much love

Dexter said...

Jasper, that medicine "food" tastes like crap even when one has a usual appetite so I think that for you it must be extra hard to force it down. But I am encouraged that you are doing your part and eating at least a little and that your numbers are improved.


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so very glad the drip is working. Please continue to eat GJ. Healing purrs.

HH and The Boys said...

I know the ups and downs are rough and do have you all exhausted. It's good that you're still eating some GJ... Keep it up pal. We are sending you lots and lots of purrrrrrrs and even more love...

pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are glad to hear you are eating some and hope you keep it up GJ. We are sending our best love and whiskery kisses.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

Oh GJ, we are glad the levels were a little better. It is so hard when you are so sick. Glad those pills are making you eat some. We sure are sending you so many really strong purrs. And the donks are crossing their hooves for ya too so just eat that food up.Please take care. Big hugs to the Mum and Dad too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We just had to stop by with hugs for you today GJ, love ya pal!

Anonymous said...

We'll call this cautiously optimistic. Seems it's a delicate balance. Hang in there, GJ, and keep eating.

Paws crossed and continued purrs.

Lizzie & 3 kitties

Gattina said...

If this is a recent picture, GJ looks pretty good ! I still can't understand that Valium makes him eat ! Usually it makes people sleep ! But if it works that way for him then it's very nice ! I hope he continues and eats !
What a terrible Christmas time you have !

Pip said...

We are purring fur you and your fambily GJ. Me knows how hard it is on all of you. Love is sweet, but it is also hard. And you, my furend are very loved!

The Chair Speaks said...

GJ, we are sending tons of purrs for you to feel better soon.

Maxmom said...

I'm so happy that you are all hanging in there, Carol! Each moment a blessing!
Sending lotsaluv to you during this Christmas season. (I'll be posting your parcel tomorrow :))

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ purrs and nose kisses to you my sweet friend. Madi
Carol and Barrie I send you a great big hug and many prayers.

The Army of Four said...

We love you, GJ! Try to eat, OK? Give your mom and dad extra snuggles from us!

Play bows,

m.q said...

we're so happy to hear that you're doing ok
happy holiday GJ!!

Sagira said...

GJ, have they ever considered putting a feeding tube in your tummy?

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad your bloodwork was better than expected and we hope it continues that way and that you keep eating!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Fr. Tom Fish said...

GJ, you gotta listen: It's holiday time and you want those tastebuds rarin' to go for stinky goodness and treats!!

We love you, buddy, and we're keeping our paws crossed that tests keep getting better and better, and you're back to your old self one hundred percent!

Tom, Mittens & mom Julie

Quill and Greyson said...

Sending healing purrs to you GJ and Mom sends her hugs to your family!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we have been thinking about you ALL WEEK and were wondering how you are doing. We apologize that we have been awful friends, we couldn't stop by all week because Cody wasn't well.

We think he is better but we aren't sure cause he hasn't pooped since he finally pooped on Friday.

We are soooooo sorry!!!!! We never stopped thinking about you and worrying about you and we are sending you healing purrs!!! We are glad to read that you are doing better! (((((hugs))))))

Oui Oui said...

We are still purring for you & your mom & dad. You are looking better than before, which is good. We hope you start eating on your own, without meds, but we've never known any kitty to like those prescription foods. Could you mix a little of something in it to make it taste a little better? Take care, sweet boy & hang in there mom & dad!

We love LUNA said...

Dear Jasper,
I'm always thinking of you my sweet friend, sending you love and good energies.You are a brave boy and I know everything will be fine soon!
purrs to your heart,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, we are glad you are eating again GJ! Keep it up...

Clooney said...

We are so happy that you are eating GJ, please keep it up. We continue to send you our very best thoughts and our biggest purrs and prayers.

Jacqueline said...

Hang in there sweet boy=we are so happy to hear your blood work is a little better and you having resumed eating...Continued purrs and prayers for you, precious friend...We really adore and cherish you, wonderful GJ=kisses to you, hugs to your worried parents...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Brian's Home Blog said...

Smooch and hugs from all of us GJ!

Rene said...

thank you for the update. Take it day by day. We send you hugs and purrs.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Good to hear your kidney values are better, GJ (they list BUN as Urea in the UK and measure it differently than in the US, but 12 is pretty darned good, as normal ranges Urea = 3.5 – 8.0 mmol/L Creatinine = 40 – 180

Here are a couple of good websites for UK info, and how treatment differs from here in the US (I think, as this site does, doing the SQ fluids at home even though many UK vets don't).



As to the food, we usually advise people to feed anything to get the kitty eating again. try to find a food with the lowest phosphorus that your cat will eat. Senior cat foods tend to have less phosphorus than adult cat foods. And when the test values stabilize and they are looking like they are feeling perkier, then gradually start adding back in the rx kidney foods, starting out at 1 part kidney food and 3 parts food they are eager to eat. Do that for a week then go to 1/2 and 1/2 for a week, then 3/4 kidney and 1/4 other for a week...

Sagira said...

I sure hope you continue to eat :)