13 April 2011

Here's my news...

Hello everyone, well mixed news today. The blood tests show I have not got pancreatic disease. we are still at a loss as to what has caused this and lots of head scratching has been going on. We asked could the stress from having my dental have started something. Yes its possible. It is also possible that I have had some sort of virus that made me feel sick when eating, therefore making me not want to eat. Any of these could be possible but so could a whole lot of things. Now to positives, I am going to have an injection of steroid and also an injection of vitamin B to see if they will bump start my eating. Fingers crossed that will do the trick. Now for the biggy. Last night I ate a third of a sachet of stinky goodness and today I had about the same and dad gave me a little mince and I ate it. Mum was almost jumping up and down. Have I turned a corner.. We so hope so so keep those purrs and purrayers coming please as mum says she is sure they will work and we will win through.. You are all so good to us..... Love and hugs to you all.. GJ


Kari in Alaska said...

I think its good that they know what is wrong so they can hopefully fix it!



This indeed mixed news, but to have eaten a little is Good news,
I was thinking of you today just wondering how you were.
Take care all of you.

Unknown said...

Dear GJ,
Me is so happy yous is eating! Yeah! Sorry the news was mixed, but eating is the first step!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well good noos so far, we are relieved the test results didn't show anything bad. We are pleased yoo have eaten, albeit only a little.
We are sending huge big rumbly healing purrs and hope yoo feel tons better soon. And tons of love and hugs for yoor mommy and daddy, who are probably worrying themselves sic.

Angel Simba said...

I am glad that they didn't find any pancreatic disease, GJ. Let's hope that you continue to find your fuds more appealing from now on. Purrrrrrrrsssss

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are very glad that it's not pancreatic disease. Miles will tell you that the stress of having a dental can last a long long time. Miles was very sick for almost 2 months after his. we hopes that you haf turned a corner and start feeling better!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I really hope you are on the mend! I'm sending lots more purrs your way, GJ!

Martine said...

We are glad to hear you ate a little more food. WE are thinking of you and praying for recovery. xo

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We hope, hope, HOPE that this is indeed a corner you have turned, GJ! We are crossing everything we've got that the various injections will give you that boost ad set you on the road to recovery.

Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs,
The Poupounette Gang

Oskar said...

Well at least there is a starting place and we are thrilled that you are eating some. Keep it up dear one, you can do it and all of Blogville is supporting you!

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Daisy said...

GJ, I am glad you are starting to eat better! Keep up the good eating, and I hope you feel better and better each day.

HH and The Boys said...

The positives sound good. The boys and I are crossing paws all over the place here. HH is sending all manner of good thoughts as well. GJ... we so want you to feel better. Will be watching for the next news.

pawhugs, Max

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh goodness. Well we certainly will be purring for the medicines to help your eating. We are very glad you ate what you have!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree GJ, at least they know what you're dealing with...now on the the help. I am so happy you ate something I just can't stop smiling. Keep it up pal, your cheering section is here for you and the purrs are rumbling steady for you. We love you GJ, now quit reading and go eat some more!!!

jen said...

purrs and prayers ascending...

--jen and edda

Marg said...

Oh goodness, that is all such good news. I am excited they gave him those two shots. And you have already started eating GJ. Gosh, I can't tell you how happy that makes everyone here. The power of purrs and prayer really does work. Yeah GJ. You keep that eating going on. We are all sending tons more purrs and prayers and got our paws all crossed like crazy and the eyes are crossed too.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so happy you are eating!!! We're going to keep the purrs and prayers going until you are 110% better!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

The Monkeys said...

We're happy it's not pancreatic disease and we are so pleased that you're eating, GJ! We hope that it was just stress and that you'll be back to yourself very soon. We love you!

Noll's Nip said...

Hi Sweetie. Noll had that about 2 years ago. I think it was brought on by bad constipation (that was the only stressor I can think of). It went away after he had taken some antibiotics and stool softeners. Saying some purrs for you.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Purrfectly pawesome news on the eating, GJ. Are you finally starting to listen to all of us and your Mum and Dad too? Good on the no pancreatitis, but let's now hope the steroid will do the trick. We hope to hear more encouraging news tomorrow.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

GreatGranny said...

Sweet Ginger, we're happy to know you're eating and hope the problem goes away.
xoxox Kassey and her Mom

Kea said...

We've heard lots of positive things about those B12 injections! We hope that, coupled with the steroid, helps you eat normally again, GJ. It's good news that it's not pancreatitis! But still mystifying!

Continued purrs and universal Light!

-Fuzzy Tales

Meowers from Missouri said...

hooray, hooray!!! no real bad news, an' some good news--we thinks that calls fur a happy dance! may you eat well from now on . . . an' may it be a step onna path to wellness!!

skritches & hugs from us all--
e, n, x, i, and dbd
(and mom)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi GJ! We think that this is overall very good news - though we really wish they could say why you lost your appetite, we are glad that you don't have pancreatits and are especially glad that you have been eating! We are still sending lots of purrs and prayers!!

Cat said...

Well Ginge at least it's not pancreatic disease!!! that is great news. Keep trying to eat a little something it will help you to get better and make your mum and dad happy (although I can't stand mince so good on you for choking it down - lol)!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was the dental that caused this to happen. I know when my Babybella was so sick they gave her a steroid shot..it took a few days but that is what saved a life.
Once she started doing better she has been fine every since.
We really hope this does the trick for you too.
We Love You,
Jude the Dude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

Scout and Freyja said...

GJ, you put on your bib and grab your fork and spoon. Sit in the kitchen and tell momma and dadda that you want some really furry stinky goodness to eat and to keep it coming.

We are so happy to hear that you do not have some horrible disease! Continued PURRayers and good wishes coming your way from our house in northern Michigan.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

That's brilliant that you are eating ol chap!!! KNowing what is wrong is the best way to help getting you back on the right track. We purrrrr that the results are fast and you will recover your zest for life again....love Miss Peach

Mr Puddy said...

Sweet GJ,
I do Jump and Down to hear you do some eating too : )
And I hope the injection will bump up your eating , I Paws Crossed and Do Hard Core Purring for you. All must work ! Me and my mom do prayer as well.
Love you lots

Freya's Staff said...

I think it's good news. Now we know what's wrong, we can start fixing things and malking things more comfortable for you.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are glad they did not find anything, but wish they knew why you do not want to eat!

Old Kitty said...

Sweet and beautiful and wonderful GJ!!! Oh please please please continue to eat and build up your strength!! Me and Charlie hope that you are turning that ever so important corner!! We have everything crossed - everything!! Please get better!! It may have been a virus and you did go off your food after your dental surgery so it could be stress too. If you are stressed you are more prone to viruses!! Oh poor sweet GJ!!! Mum and Dad and we all love you!! We just want you to get better! Take care

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we're so happy to hear that you ate some!! Our mom is jumping up and down too!! But we sure wish we knew what is going on and why you don't seem to want to eat. We're still purring for you and hope that you'll start eating more!

Catsparella said...

Keep up the good work with the eating, GJ! We are all purring for you to get better!!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy that you are eating!

BeadedTail said...

We're happy you're eating GJ and we sure hope you continue to do so! We're glad that nothing bad was going on inside you and we'll continue purring for you to keep getting better! Purrs and love to you!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, the news sounds good to us! We are very happy to hear you have eaten some and are going to get some help to bump up your appetite! More prayers headed your way sweet Ginger Jasper!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are keeping purring for you GJ so make sure you keep trying to eat for your mum and dad. That is great news that it is not Pancreatic disease.

Kari said...

You're eating! You're eating! Praise and thanks to God! While we wish there had been a definitive diagnosis we are glad that you dont have pancreatitis. Just hearing you have eaten makes us want to jump for joy. No, actually our mum IS jumping for joy. We are elated that you will finally be started on steroids and B12. Oh sweetheart, we are so happy. Your mum and dad are probably going to be able to sleep for the first time since you became I'll. Our prayers and purrs will continue until you are totally well. Even then, you'll still stay in our prayers. We love you

Jenner said...

This post made me so very happy to read, even though you still don't have the answers you were looking for. I hope you continue to feel better and keep eating, GJ! I hope this is the turning point for you! xoxox

Percy the Cat said...

We are purring that the jabs will work! And good job on eating the mince! :)

Danielle said...

Good for you, GJ! We hope you continue eating and that the v-e-t can get some definitive results soon.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Way to go, Jasper! Keep on the same path - eat and get better.

meowmeowmans said...

We are sure happy to hear you are eating, Ginger Jasper. We are purring and praying that you have indeed turned the corner and are on the road to full recovery.

Purrs to you and your mom and dad, too.

Lisa Kolosey said...

So glad you are beginning to eat again! I think this is great news. Purrs continue for you all!
~Lisa Co9T

animal lover, quilt lover said...

So happy to hear you have had a little more to eat in the last two days!! Still praying for you GJ !!
xx, Fern

Jacqueline said...

We hope once you get treatment, you will recover your full appetite and start to feel better soon...We love you, precious boy and are so relieved you are starting to eat again...Hang in there, sweetheart, we are still purring for you...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Sasha said...

I hope you are better soon Jasper. I have not been feeling well myself.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Nice news fur us to head to bed with!

Here's to more stuffs in your tummy on Thursday!


Ellen Whyte said...

Oh GJ we're sitting here and getting all teary with the good news. Keep eating, fur fluff!

White Dog Blog said...

Eating more is GREAT news! So is the fact that it is not pancreatic disease! Don't worry my friend, they will figure this out and bring you back up to full speed. You are surrounded by the Power of the Paw...so much positive thought and healing energy is flowing to you. Feel it?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY!! I am confident that you have turned the corner! You ate some "stinky goodness" and that is what is most important! Hooray!!! I feel positive that you are on the mend! xoxoxo Keep eating!!!

Just Ducky said...

GJ that is good news. Maybe you just had a bug that has finally worked it way out of you and now you can eat.

Like Ducky in early March, we don't know why he wasn't well, but a little extra fluids and some anti-bio-ticks and he was good as new.

Catio Tales said...

We are so glad to hear you have eaten. And hope the jabs will give you an appetite. And it is good it's not pancreatic disease- Loud purrs still coming your way, GJ buddy.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh wow! I hope this is a big turn around for you. Keeping my paws crossed.

I'm not eating so well the past few days myself.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are cheered that you feel like eating some again! We will keep the purrs coming...

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful news!
I'm so happy that you are eating!
LUna - We love Luna

Everycat said...

Oh Ginger Jasper we are so happy you ate some food! That's wonderful. We're very happy you don't have pancreatitis too. We hope it was a virus and you really have turned a corner.

Rumbly purrs & love
& Gerry

ZOOLATRY said...

Just a couple more corners to turn Jasper -- and you're home!
Hoping you eat a little bit more each time... hoping the shots work well, too!
Take care! Luv Ya!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Sorry that I have been out of touch but the folks were gone last week and now I am trying to catch up on things. Good news with the test results! I am sending many purrs and good thoughts that the shot does the trick. Looks like you have turned the corner for sure. Keep up the good work and you will be as good as new very soon.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Hooray GJ you have eaten more and this has made your mum and dad furry happy. We are so relieved that you haven't got pancreatic disease so hopefully it was caused by having the stress from your dental work done. We are still purring double time for you.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

KarenMcG said...

Since I didn't make it here yesterday to see how you were, imagine my surprise to read your note that you are eating more and that the tests showed no pancreatic disease.

Yippee times two!

"The Boys" and I are thrilled at this news.

Meowers from Missouri said...

eat! eat! eat! eat! an' don't furget to drink!!! c'mon--you kin do it!!

loves an' bonks to our gj--
ed, nitro, xing, & iggy

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Ah, yes, the Power of the Purr is mighty powerful! That is the best news! Continued good eating, GJ! (((HUGS)))

Forty Paws said...

Oh yes! You keep eating Ginger Jasper! And eat a whole lot more!!!

Luf, Us and Maw

Piappies World said...

Hi GJ,

We do hope that you get to eat more and enjoy your food more. You are in our prayers and we send you all our piappies hugs and licks.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

Admiral Hestorb said...

Precious baby. I am over the moon!

Pip said...

We is glad your pancreas is not broked! But we hopes you can gets all better real soon. Not knowing is very hard.
We is purring fur you!
Love, TK and Sqaushies