Mum and dad were fascinated with me last night. I was lying down with my head on my turbo track snoozing.... I suddenly jumped up and sat staring intensely at the TV screen. I never took my eyes off the screen and watched closely...
When there was a pause in what I was watching I moved up closer still. I watched the whole program and when it finished I walked away and went back to snoozing...
Mum and dad don't know how I knew what was on...I just did...
Love and hugs GJ xxx
Awwww, you are so cute! You are a TRUE wild cat, that's how you knew!
Awwww adorable and ever so chillaxed GJ!! Was that the lost land of the tiger?!?! Yay!!!!
Awww lovely GJ! Me and Charlie hoped you enjoyed seeing your wild and wonderful and very elusive kitty family!!
Enjoy your snooze! Take care
Lookie you! How precious! How did you know that was another cat? You are too gorgeous.
Wonderful post, wonderful pictures.
Take care.
You have great taste, GJ!
Whoa! That big, majestic tiger would have gotten my attention too! I actually love watching the TV and have a few cat sitter DVDs. I should remind my human to bring home some nature shows with big cats!
Well, we understand why you were so interested! You have to size up your competition!
I think you heard the call of the wild, GJ! That sure was a pretty tiger. But you're WAY more handsome!
Wiggles & Wags,
Andy watches tv quite often also, but he says he's never seen that program.....did you copy it for him????? xxxxxxxxxx know a beautiful kitty when you see one huh? :)
All we can say is that GJ must have been born to be wild:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
HI GJ! We do that too, when something cool like a tiger is on (or birdies - we like them too). We bet you were imagining what it would be like to be a big tiger! You look so cute in your pictures though, so we are glad you are not a big tiger!
That looks like a very interesting programme that got your attention. We like to watch meerkats.
Oh my, that was a very big kitty cat!
We just loved your fluffy paws!
You are very cute GJ
Martha and Bailey xxx
The tiger is Mom's favorite big cat.
You're so cute GJ and so is your big friend!!! I am co-hosting a blog hop today, please hop by and pawticipate!
Call of the Wild, GJ? Was the program educational?
Now that's a BIG kitty! No wonder you were impressed, GJ!
Now THAT'S a khytty!
You were watching your relative, GJ!!
WOW, I can understand why you couldn't take your eyes of the TV!
Wow, big kittie!
You saw your big handsome brother! No wonder you were so engrossed!
GJ, what a big kitty!!!! We love the way you were watching it!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Did you learn anything from Super Cat?? Maybe you can share with us?
Cool! There have been several times when mom was watching Animal Planet and when a cat of any kind came on, I stopped in my tracks and watched them.
Hi, Ginger Jasper!
Sure that was an interesting tv program!
The tigers are awesome!
Kisses and hugs
You recognized your long lost relative! Good job.
Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at
We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!
Nubbin wiggles,
We can see why that big ol' kitty got your attention! He's a handsome creature but you are way more handsome than he is!
Wow, what a big kitty you were watching. You sure were watching it very intently, sure got to keep an eye on a big cat like that.
Wow That kitty is BIG!!! And BEautiful!
You are always lovely in your pictures!
purrs and happy weekend,
Wow! Can you imagine seeing one of those giant cats in pawson??
Clearly your mum and dad do not realise how clever you are.
GJ, that is a big kittie that you were looking at!!!
Love, uSSSSS
GJ, that is a large kitty. No wonder you watched it. It is a very pretty kitty too. Fuzzy here, and I like to watch TV too but like sports.
Hope you have a great week end GJ.
We can see why you were watching the TV GJ - he was a very elegant tiger and a relative of yours.
Haha! That tiger is pretty cool. There for a minute I thought you must have been watching Doctor Who. I get like that every time Karen Gillan is on-screen!
Neyland D. Catt
thats an awesome looking tiger! You are smart to know to watch it :)
Our mom and dad watched that too ~ wasn't it awesome!
MEOW! We'd want to keep an eye on a kitty that big, too!
Totally precious. We would have loved to be at your side, watching you watching your program.
Did you enjoy the tiger? He has some ginger in his fur too! Is there a bit of a tiger in you, GJ.
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