22 September 2010

A little special mum and me time........

Mum was home from work and sitting there all tired and in a cant be bothered with anything mood. I jumped up for a little mum and me time and
managed to help mum relax for a while.. Take a look see.. Sorry a little blurred but mum was trying to give me skritches and take pictures with one hand..

I get close to send a special loving look to my friends at the end..

Its been sad again in blogland with losing dear sweet Sniffie.. Please get yourselves a little special time and some loving..
Sending love and hugs... GJ xx


SeaThreePeeO said...

we love special time with our mum.


septembermom said...

Enjoy those snuggly times :)

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That sure was a good head rub you got. We could almost feel it ourselves! Mom just LOVES your little freckles on your nose!

Amy & the house of cats said...

It is great that you got to have some special time with your mom. We bet it helped her to feel better, and of course we know you had to enjoy it - scritches are always so great!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are totally adorable pictures GJ!

Christine and FAZ said...

that is special - purrs FAZ

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awwww, we bet that special time together was good for both of you.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That's lovely, GJ. Such moments are to be treasured.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww!! Awwww!!! Helloooooo GJ!! You sweetie!! Me and Charlie love how you're all so sleepy after getting such wonderful scritches from your mum!! Awww we hope you have a nice long nap now - you make the tiniest littlest cutest purry noises too!

Now this is definitely what we call quality time with mum!

Take care

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, that is adorable!!! Special time with mum and you both were enjoying it! We just love your freckles so much along with the rest of beautiful you! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Marlene said...

we love our special 'alone' time with Mom too.

hugs and purrs to you!
9 and Chani

Parker said...

It's our job as kitties to be there for our 'rents when they need purr therapy. You did very, very well GJ, I need to do the same thing when mine somes home tonight!
we sure will miss Sniffie.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Special time with mom is always important. I'm still in shock about Sniffie.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think woo were trying to khast a spell ovfur your mum!

Good work!

PeeEssWoo: We were purry sad Monday night when Sniffie's mom shared she was going to let her khross on Tuesday - but we were glad they listened to Sniffie


It's was lovely to have special time with your mum, mus are special.


Sagira said...

Looks like you really enjoyed your time with your mum!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was very special time you had with your mum. We could see you were enjoying the gentle scritches and we bet your mum felt a lot more relaxed after.

Deb said...

Always good to have Mom & Me time. You look even sweeter close up, GJ

Anonymous said...

Isn't mum and me time the best? (I likes how you call your mom "mum." My mom's just plain old "mom." Kind of boring.)

Wiggles & Wags,

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

You take such good care of your human, GJ!

Kari in Alaska said...

you look like you are loving the scratches


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You had a very special time with Mom!

Cory Clark said...

You know GJ, our Mom hears that cats are difficult & selfish animals from time to time - we all know this just isn't true! We are VERY observant & sensitive to our Mums & Dad's moods - & we know when they need some extra love!!

We just love reading posts like this one, because this is what us kitties are really like - loving & helpful!

Have a great day!!

~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

Deborah said...

There is nothing better than me & Mom time!
Sorry about the loss of your friend, Sniffie.

White Dog Blog said...

There is nothing better than mom and me time! She seems much calmer after a few minutes of scritching you! You are SO right, ALWAYS take the time to let those you love know you care.

The Island Cats said...

Aw, GJ, we're so glad you got some mum time!! You look so happy!!

Lorenza said...

Nothing better than a special time with your mom, right?
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

The Chair Speaks said...

These special times are precious!

Chesney Cats said...

Bet you made your mom feel all better with all that special time!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Special time wiv yoor mom is VERY impawtant. Enjoy.

Sónia Mendes said...

Awww Jasper, you really are soooo sweet and cute.

Purrs from Gotchi

Teddy Westlife said...

Special time with mum is always good.

Kari said...

Oh sweet, sweet, beautiful boy! Did we ever need our daily visit with gentle, loving you this morning. Our mum's day really got off on the wrong foot. She was feeling so sad but your gorgeous face, your sweetness and your love just radiated through our laptop screen and had her squeeing in no time flat. What an amazing boy you are.

For some reason, mum's comment never posted when you were showing us your tummy. You know mum! If she ever got a chance to snorgle your belly, all would be right in the world! We love you.

Ingrid said...

Oh, GJ I can hear you purr through my screen ! Your mom is a genius, filming and cat scratching at the same time !

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That was very nice of you to help your Mom relax. It's one of our best duties to purrform.

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Jasper...These are very special moments.It's all about love!