I almost got posted.........
Mum at last got the chance to send off my paw it forward packages. I sat and waited while we got started....
I checked that all was in there safe and sound...
I gave them a kiss from me...
Then I climbed right in.. Mum said I could have got sealed up and posted.. Oh heck...
I think I better be careful and stay here with mum.. Have a great weekend.. Love and Hugs GJ xxxx
your mum would be sad if she accidentally sent you out!
Oh your mom would have been so sad if you had been sent out, but whoever got that package with you in it would have been very lucky!
Awww fabulous and completely wonderful GJ!!! What a helpful kitty you are ensuring quality control with your fab paw it forward package!Well done you! Me and Charlie are so glad it got your sealed-with-a -loving-kiss approval!! Yay!!!! We are glad that you didn't get posted out though!! Oh dear! :-)
Have a fantastic weekend too sweet GJ! Take care
A wonderful post. Loved it GP
Good job, GJ!!!!!!!!!!!
Your a great helper! And imagine the surprise of the package with you in it?!?!?!?! Mom would LOVE that!
Mum would have really missed you GJ :)
Wow, GJ, that would have been quite the Paw It Forward gift!
Well, woo did travel to visit me that time!
Great post Handsome!
I hope you have a safe and relaxing weekend GJ! Great job packing!!!
GJ, that kiss to the packages was wonderful!!! It's a good thing you didn't get sealed in there because your mum would be lost without you and I know you would feel the same! Have a great weekend! Lots of love, Holly and mom
That would have been a really uncomfortable trip...good thing you didn't crawl all the way in...
Aww GJ, how sweet of you to send kisses in the package. You need to be careful you don't get posted, your mum would miss you.
Shucks! We would have loved it if you got mailed to our house! Mommy especially.
Something tells me they would hear you yowling inside the box, so you likely wouldn't get very far.
You do look very cute sending a kiss to your PIF pals, though!
Your Mom would have been sad without you!
You REALLY wouldn't want to travel by Postal Service...they cat-handle the packages...the in flight food is BAD...and there are NO windows. Best to stay with mum and just send the gifts. Have a great weekend!
Oh my! I hope you didn't get posted.
We would love it if you were sent to us!!
Oh sweetness, you put in a kiss! That is just so darling . We would consider that to be the very best part of your gift. We cam almost feel your soft sweet, kiss on our cheek now. Heavenly! We love you, precious boy.
GJ - you are the sweetest!
We love your seal of loving kiss! :) Lucky felt it in your post to him.
We send your our seal of love too!
Lucky & Co!
GJ, you are sending your purrs and kisses as well!
I'm pretty sure when your mum picked up the package she would have realised there was something extra in it!
I love it when you help with the chores!!!
Could your mum put our address on the package if you are being sent in the post - we would take good care of you.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
It wouldn't take my lettew..thank you fow my Biwfdaygood wishes!
I think the bestest pawt of that package will be the lovely kiss you sent along, but you'd bettew stay home wif youw mum ow else she would be heawtbwoken
smochie kisses
You are so funny! We don't think you want to go through the postal system.
So glad you posted instead of being posted. Mom would have been so sad.
So glad you posted instead of being posted. Mom would have been so sad.
Hi, Ginger Jasper!
Good job snooperving the packages for your friends!
Glad you were not inside of one of them and got sent by mail!
Kisses and hugs
You can send yourself to me anytime!
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