This award was given to me by The georgeous Sedona
You need to:
Give thanks and link back to the one who sent you the award. Post the logo on your blog. List seven things about yourself that others might find interesting. Pass the award on to seven other kreativ bloggers.
Here are my seven things:
- I spend the first hour of my day going round all the places I have found a spider or a bug before.
- I love smelling the flowers in my yard, this makes mum laugh.
- I sit for ages in my window and watch for my bean friends going by, they talk to me through the window.
- I can tell when mums comming home before her car gets in the street and jump up on the window to look for her
- I am very nosy and when there is a knock on the door I run to see who it is.
- When mum or dad are going to get my basket out, I know without them saying anything and run behind the sofa as this means either the V E T or the cattery.
7. I love prawns, cheese scones and cheese.I love cuddles with mum more..
Here are my seven to pass it on to. If you already have any of these dont worry.
Eric and Flynn
The Monkeys
The Island cats
Maison Dixie
Shadow Molly
This lovely award was given to me by The Kitty Crew
Translates to:
"your blog doesn't stink" award

It appears the only rules for this one are to link back to who you got it from, and tag 5 others to get the award. So we tag the following kitties:
The lovely Muffin
Sweet Prailine
Sweet Sugar
Shadow Molly
Patty Sktpants and Bhu
I hope all these links turn out OK, as you know mum is not the best at these lol. It has taken her ages as usual.
More pictures of me tomorrow.
Love to all my furfriends GJ xxx
i love it!
from M
BTW, I'll race woo to the door to see who is there!
Congrats on your other award! (Can we congratulate you on the one we gave you? Oh why not! MOL)
We like the interesting things you listed about yourself. You're braver than we are, when we hear knocks on the door, we run the OTHER way and hide! We don't like anybody except The Mommy.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew (that's KREW with a K *poke poke*)
Congrats on your two awards! Wonderful!
PS - we're not sure that the award we gave realllllly translates as "your blog doesn't stink", we just liked Reese's interpretation / translation that she gave on her bloggie when she awarded it to us, and decided to keep it going! LOL
Congrats on your awards - very nice ones too. TD is just like you, always has to know what's going on, who is at the door, who is outside.
Woo, the OP Pack
Congrats to your new awards.
Those are interesting facts about you!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Congratulations on you Awards - your blog certainly does not stink!
We liked your seven things - it is always good to learn more about our friends.
We thought if you weren'a a cat you could be a basset with your seven things - sniffing the last place you spotted something is a sure sign!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Congratulations on your awards and thank you for passing on to me. I'll get mom to post it tomorrow.
I also race to the front door when the door bell rings (even if it is on the TV).
ConCATs on yer awardies and fank yoo so much! We had the mom writted this down so not to forget (she does that a lot lately wif our bloggy stuffs).
The mom says it was shear luck wif growin of da plants - she normally kills em!
Gratulations on your award :)
I love your 7 things !!
Special the cheese
Kareltje =^.^=
Congrats for the awards! You deserve =)
But Jasper, Mom wanted to make a correction in your post ><
Don't feel offended by that =x
We didn't speak well the english (of course), but we believe that the translation of the second award is wrong.
Instead of "your blog doesn't stink", the correct would be "Proven! Your blog has nectar."
Well, excuse me anything ^^'
you're a nice pet..
Concatulations on your awards and thanks for passing one on to us. We always smell the flowers in the mornings too. We smell the hedgehog on them that walks past every night.
Congratulations! You seem a very nice cat. I will try not to make the mean teeths to Pepe anymore. :(
~lickies, Ludo
You desewve those awawds!!! Concatulations!!!
I loved heawing the factses about you..I wiah I could cuddle wif you.Awen't we lucky to have such loving mommi's???
smoochie kisses
Congrats on your awards, GJ! And thanks for passing that one on to us! We don't have that one!!
Congrats on all your awards! I know you must enjoy watching your friends from your window, GJ!
Clap clap clap!!!!
What a great awards dear GJ!!!
Sure you deserve all of it!!!
We love read about you and the things you like to do!!!!
And lots of things you love are the same that we love to!!!!
Woowowowoooo.....did you were a dog in your first life????
We love youuuuuuuuuu!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
Hi, my friend! I really enjoyed learning those interesting facts about you. Congratulations on your awards and a big THANK YOU for honoring me with one. You are a great friend.
Woo Hoo! Great awards, GJ!!! Concatulations!
Concatulations, Jasper! You deserve those and more!
Congratulations on your awards, GJ! And thank you for passing one along to us :)
We love number 4 and 7!
Hi GJ,
Thanks for passing on the award to me ~ I'll post my 7 interesting things about myself on Friday, because Alfie does his gardening spot on Thusday!
We loved that you do a spider / insect hunt every day ~ that made us larf!
Concats on your cool awards GJ!
Concats on your award! I finally gettings to visits all my furriends! I so excited!
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