Hugs to all GJ xxx
PS.. Yesterday when I did my awards I put on that the one the kitty crew gave me was called the " your blog doesn't smell award" I had not realised that this was just a joke that had started with Reese and kept going by the Kitty Crew. Ooops, it really means."your blog has nectar" Thanks Jasmin for letting me know what it meant really. Love GJ xx
Just smell those flowers.. MMMMM
Smell like nectar...
Did someone speak then......
Oh hello Mr Gnome, good morning to you too. Lovely day..
I just want to khover woo my with floofiness!
That last pikhture is just tooooo khute fur woo's!
PeeEssWoo: Did any of the lovely flowers smell like chikhken?
Oh! You're very cute smell the flowers! Simply adorable =)
Oh, Jasper, it was so nice to see you this morning in your garden. Today it is all gloomy and raining outside. You were a little ray of sunshine☺
Oh, look at that last shot - just gorgeous, can we rub your tummy?
woo, the OP Pack
Very cute pictures, Jasper. You look so happy to be home with your mum and dad and outside again! Nice stretching in the neighbor's yard.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
every time my mommy sees you she wants to give you a big cuddle. especially when you are showing your floofy belly. i am not sure why.
We love the pictures of you, Ginger Jasper!! We bet those flowers smell so nice!
That looks like a lovely time!
Oh my goodness! You look so cute smelling the flowers and rolling around! Meowm wants to snuggle you after looking at that last picture!
GJ....what fantastic pictures! Did the flowers smell great??? Mommy is coming over to SNORGLE that beautiful tummy! Your furs look wonderful!
Beautiful!!! We're so glad you're back.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
You and the flowers capture the essence of this are both beautiful. Thank you for sending my mom get well wishes! She is home now and getting stronger every day!
You are just far too cute!!!
Lovely flowers too - glad you found out the corrent meaning of the Award!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hello handsome boy! We love these pictures of you :-) Our Rocky loves to smell flowers, too!
Gingew Jaspew
I love that you appweciate the fwagwance and boty of flowews. I wish I didn't live so faw so that youc ould come visit me too
Youw fuws look bootiful
smoochie kisses
Looks like your fur is growing back nicely !!!
You look lovely smelling those pretty flowers!!
xo sguar & martine
Oh, those are wonderful picture - and wow in that last picture you are really twisted around! It looks like you had a lot of fun outside!
Yes, we did notice your lovely furs!
oh yes, your furs look lovely!
Very nice flowers too.
~lickies, Ludo
We can see that your flowers must smell nice. Mum says it looks like you need to have your tummy tickled.
Sweet photos. You are very photogenic. Love the last one - contortionist cat.
Those flowers are lovely but no comparison to your loveliness! You are such a cute Ginger!
Thank you so much for your condolences concerning our Luna we very much appreciated it!
Love the picture of you sniffing the flowers. Elegant! You're lucky to have such a garden...most of the flowers in our yard are...brown. :)
I sure miss my rounds I used to have outside. Especially checking for froggies. Great pictures of you Jasper. Mom loved looking at the pictures of your Mom and Dad's vacation. Looks like they had a great time. I like the picture of the dragon fly. I think Mom should post some of her pictures when she went back to Michigan to granddaughter beans graduation. She did a couple of them. I have never been to an animal hotel. Danwalk looked like a nice place even though you missed your mum and dad.
It's good to stop and smell the flowers, GJ! You look gorgeous today!
Oh Jasper, your floofiness is coming back! Are you gonna get shaved again for the rest of the summer?
GJ, you sure look mighty handsome with those flowers. I'm glad to see that your floof is growing back out.
Your furs are growings in nicely Jasper! You so cute smellings da flowers and greetings da gnome! I hears you has to watch out for those garden gnomes MOL
Like those photos of you smelling the flowers! That last picture of you on your bac is soooo cute!
Whoaaa... lovely flowers... and looks so cute together with you.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
It looks like your furs are growing back nicely GJ!
Huffle Mawson
jasper, your furs look gorgeous in the sunlight! what did you and the gnome speak about?
You have a very lovely garden made alla the more lovely because you are in it :)
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