13 July 2009

More from mum but also me...........

Mum says all I have done since she came home is sleep and eat lol. Mum says she thinks I have been so nosey at Danewalk that I am now tired out and catching up on my snoozes. Last night I was so fast asleep that is was quite a while before even the flashy box woke me up.

Mum has put more holiday snaps on for you, she says I can have my blog back tomorrow. I got two awards, mum will post them tomorrow hopefully.

Hugs to all my furfriends.. GJ

Zzzzzzz Sooooo Sleepy.....



That Flashy box mummmmm........

Mummmm I was asleep........

Flowers match the dress lol.....

Ready for a show.....

Great fun and laughter....

Dad joined in the Elvis fun....

Mum really wanted a go at this... Maybe next time....

Swimming in the beautiful clear blue water, fishes swam around our feet....

The boats were so nice, imagine if you could sail away...

The dragon flies were enormous.. I could have enjoyed catching those...

More lovely views....


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

GJ, you don't look too happy about being awakened. We like to sleep a lot too after we have been at the kennel for boarding. Lovely vacation photos.

woo, the OP Pack

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

that is so horid that you were woken up by the flashy box. my mom says it was worth it though to be able to get that last picture. hehe

the vacation looks like it was very fun!

Martine said...

More great photos of you Ginger Jasper and of the trip!!! We especially like the Elvis ones!

xo sugar & martine

The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow! Looks like your mum and dad had a fabulously fun time on their holiday!!

The Kitty Krew said...

GJ, it's nice of you to share your blog with your mum so she could post about her time away from you. They are pretty pics. But of course, the ones of you are best...

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I know why woo are soooo furry tired!

Woo and the Sibes were hanging out together!

Tank woo fur pawmitting your mum to share more of her beaWOOtiful pikhs!

The dress, your mum, and the flowers look furry pretty!


septembermom said...

Great photos, GJ! Sleeping is a good thing:) Love Mum's pretty dress.

Jasmim said...

These images are very beautiful!
Have a great week =)

Jas & Gi

Noll's Nip said...

That's some sound sleeping GJ! Tell your Mum the vaca photos are great especially the one where everyone is floating around in the blue water!

Martha said...

tell your mum you need to sleep in peace - it was hard for you with so much going on at Danewalk!
Great holiday pictures - loved your Dad joining in with Elvis!! Thank goodness you weren't there - you would have been so embarassed!!!
The pics make our mum want to go on holiday too.
Look forward to seeing you back blogging soon GJ oh and thanks for telling us about the carvings.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ahhh.... these photos remind Mom of the beautiful Caribbean turquoise water and hearing the lovely Carribean rhythm again...

calypso ballads
rustling palm fronds sing me
seaside serenades

The Florida Furkids said...

Tamir agrees with you - it's hard to get good naps in with that flashy box.

Those are super vacation pictures. Your Mom is furry purrty!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anya said...

Well GJ
Your Mom & Dad had FUN FUN FUN
We all can see that :)
Fantastic vacation !!!
We loved the pictures ...
And you will only sleeeeeeeeeep
Why not,
Sleep wel Ginger Jasper,
I go also sleep ;)

Kareltje =^.^=

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm is loving these pictures! She wants to be swimming in that lovely water right now.

We are glad you are back GJ!!!!!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

hehehe zzzzzz.
Ah, what fun your pawrents had without you!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh it looks so beautiful there - I am so jealous! Except for the dragonflied - I am afraid of those (even though I know they can't hurt you).

Anonymous said...

It looks like your beans had a really good time without you. Too good, in fact. We think that you should make them pay!

Mason Dixie said...

You looked so peaceful sleeping away. darn flashy box. =)

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a beautiful place to visit! The only thing missing was you, Jasper!

No more kennels for me!!!

The Island Cats said...

Wow, GJ, your beans sure had a good time!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We see it looks like some of your lovely furs are growing back!

But you look very sleepy!

Mom thinks your moms holiday pictures are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Momma sayz dat is is hard ta sleep when you isn't home so it's no wonder dat youz all tired out.

Teddy Westlife said...

I don't go to the kennel because mum knows I would be too scared. But being on vacation is very tiring, I know.

Huffle Mawson

Hansel said...

wow what a gorgeous trip they had! mom is sooooo jealous!

The Monkeys said...

Great pictures! GJ, you look so happy that your beans are home!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are more lovely photos. You really didn't look very happy about being woken by the flashy box.

Ingrid said...

Poor thing, she doesn't give up to disturb your beauty sleep ! I pity you !
BTW where have your servants been ? It looks like Turkey (maybe Morocco) I must have missed that. Just scrolled through the holiday pictures, they surely had a lot of fun and it was a beautiful place.