6 October 2013

Mixed pictures today..

Lots of mixed pictures today.. These are at mum and dad's last 40's event. Just look at this mum and the woofie's. Mum fancied a change of hair style lol.

                                             This pretty little cat was sat on the wall of her house and greeted everyone. She was still there lapping up all the attention on the way back..
                                            Here is cousin Azzie and look how big he is getting..
                                           Just look what the beans did to cousin Ben.. ( This is for you Khyra. )
                                                Of course there has to be one of me..
                                       Mum and dad have captures some wonderful sky pictures the last few days and here are a few.

                               Hope you have  all had a great weekend. Mum is on nights the next couple so we may not get to visit everyone.   Hugs to all.. GJ xx


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We dont unnerstand much about Beins cloths, but we sure like those sunsets.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sunsets and yes GJ, AS YOU SAY MIXED PHOTO;S


Old Kitty said...

Awwwww we love mum's lovely hairdo! Yay!!

These are such fabulous pics, gorgeous GJ!! The sunsets are lovely!
And Cousin Ben in his gear looks so sweet and so funny! LOL!

Take care

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Lovely pictures all, but yours is our favourite, GJ!

The Chans

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi GJ!! We loved all the pictures your Mom took!! The sun and cloud pictures are cool!! Our Mom likes to take pictures of them, too!
Lots of hugs and prayers to you GJ!!
Your TX furiends,

Sparkle said...

Your humans look like that have so much fun on these 40s weekends! Lovely sunsets, I hope you got to enjoy them too, GJ.

katsrus said...

Everyone looks so beautiful. The sky pictures are awesome.
Sue B

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are some great photos are the sky pics are incredible! Of course you pic was our favorite GJ! We love ya pal!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like another great 40s event for your mum and dad GJ.
The sunset photos are beautiful.

meowmeowmans said...

What a great bunch of pictures, GJ. You KNOW yours is our favorite, though. :)

The Florida Furkids said...

What fantastic pictures!!! That kitty was very comfy with your Mum and we're laffin' at poor Cousin Ben. He looks cute but not very happy about his new jammies!

The Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Those sky pictures are fantastic, GJ! And poor Ben...though we did laugh. :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

We almost didn't recognize your mom.

It looks like your calendar is in the UK now. We hope you get it soon.

Gigi said...

Those sky pictures are just fantastic! (Not as beautiful as YOU of course, GJ!)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Your Mom and Dad have lots of fur friends! Love the sky shots!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Love the sky views~!!
Really amazingly beautiful~

Kari said...

Spectacular skies! They're one of autumn's treats, aren't they.
We're thrilled to see Azzie looking so well and so beautiful. After all the
poor sweetheart has been through,
he's become an absolutely gorgeous
house panther. God bless him.
Ben is certainly a good natured
fellow. Love your mum's new look. She looks great. And you dear, are marvelous, as usual. Love to all.

Marg said...

Love the pictures of all the doggies and the two kitties. What pretty sky pictures. Like someone said. we of course like your picture the best GJ. Hope you are doing all right. Take care.

John Bellen said...

Some wonderful pictures, Ginger Jasper. The sunsets were beautiful; poor Ben... But I like the one of you, GJ. You look strong and pleased and ready for anything.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Nice pictures, all of them. Good to see cousin Ben again. And you, of course!

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ WHAT GREAT FUN YOU PEEPS HAD AND OMCs the sky pictures are fabulous
hugs madi your bfff

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Wonderful pics!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Fluffy Friend. Wonderful photos. We loved them all butt yours was the best! The little kitty on the fence sure was pretty too. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Ellen Whyte said...

Great pics, - and the best was to see you of course, GJ!

Anonymous said...

Pictures are Lovely!

Hope all is well with you guys across the pond!

We Love GJ!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Looks like a good time was had by all at the 40's. Wonderfur

Those are some very nice shots of the sky and sunset. Not as nice as your shot of course

Purrs my Ginger pal

Ramblingon said...

Jasper, I LOVE all of the pictures no matter what they are that your parents show us of the 40's event. They are VERY special to my mommy to look at.

Love and hugs,

Mommy, Katie Isabella and Admiral.

Ramblingon said...

Jasper, I LOVE all of the pictures no matter what they are that your parents show us of the 40's event. They are VERY special to my mommy to look at.

Love and hugs,

Mommy, Katie Isabella and Admiral.