5 March 2013

New lookout post....Its all mine......

You remember I told you we had new windows last week. well mum had to move that stoopid ship of dads and other ornaments while they did it. this has created a great new look out post for me. I love to sit on my front window but cant usually get on this one.. I love the new view and am there all the time..
                                                          well would you believe I heard mum say I will have to get things back on the window ledge soon.... what... its mine.... Don't you dare....
                                                        I could not believe my ears....
                                                      But I just heard dad say... Jasper loves that new look out post and we should maybe rethink putting things back on there.. There is hope maybe.. What do you think my friends... Maybe you could petition mum or something...

                                                Azzie is home.. Not happy to be wearing a cone but he is home and eating and drinking. They are hoping the large clot he has will be reabsorbed eliminating more surgery .. Cousin Ben the rottie is ecstatic to have him home as he has been fretting for the little man. I know... strange for a rottie but he is a big softy really. Or so mum says..
                                          Love and hugs to all  GJ xx


Katie Isabella said...

Sweet GJ, I sign the petition that the window sill lookout is yours forever more and PLEASE I purr that dear Azzie will be alright. Poor little one. Is that a metal cone he has?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Good to see Azzie at home. We will continue to purr that he gets ok.

We will sign a petition so that you can keep your windowsill. The ladies here at Prancer Pie think you look so handsome sitting there!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me sign the petition on NO stuff on YOUR windowsill !!
Good to see that Azzie is home , keep (((purr))) that he will be OK real soon.

Kari said...

Azzie has been through such an ordeal! Now he has the clot to worry about, God bless him. We're keeping this darling boy in our prayers and purrs, top of the list.
Your dad is such a lovely man, thinking of his little boy. We agree with him: new lookout spot for you!

Anonymous said...

I too will sign the petition GJ,hope your friend fully recovers soon.


Jenna and Sissy said...

We think your daddy has the right idea. One can never spoil beloved kitties too much!

We are glad to hear Azzie is doing better :)

John Bellen said...

Good luck to Azzie. One of mine had to wear a cone and seemed embarrassed by it. I have to admit that it was amusing hearing him clunk into walls and doorways... But it didn't have to stay on long. Hopefully, Azzie will have his off soon, too.

And I think you need a change of viewpoint, ginger Jasper. You should keep your lookout post for while.

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful GJ!! We will sign the petition!! That window ledge is officially yours! Or it should be! Yay!

Awwwww Azzie! Gorgeous Azzie! We are so relieved you are home now! Please please get better! Yay! Take care

Unknown said...

I love this pretty window too Gj, and sure hope it can be your forever spot! Mum, Kitty amd Mummy sign GJ paper. Pleez let her keep pretty spot!
We hope Azzie gets better soon too, poor baby! Meow...

A Tonl said...

We're sooo glad Azzie's home and are purring that he heals 100% very very soon!

Deb said...

Nothing could be more lovely in the window than GJ. And is there ever anything more pathetic looking than a cat in a cone. Poor thing. Hope it's not for long.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update on Azzie GJ, Im sure he will be back to full health soon but we shall continue to send purrs and woofs xx

As for your window sill . . . your Dad will fight your cause and in any case, you could always do what my kitties do when I block their window sills. Give everything a swipe to the floor!

Jacqueline said...

We hope you get to keep your window post, sweet GJ...So glad Azzie is better, we will keep purring he continues to recover asap...Happy week ahead, precious friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

We'd sign a petition to keep your mom from spoiling your look out spot! We hope dad wins this one!

Good for Azzie, we're purring he keeps getting better and no more surgery!

Sparkle said...

I am so happy to hear that Azzie is home! Paws crossed that he continues to heal properly and all will be well soon.

GJ, that window is rightfully yours! Your male human has it right. You earned it, fair and square by... well, by being a kitty!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Of course you should keep your new lookout post GJ. We would sign a petition for you.
We are glad Azzie is back home and send more purrs for him.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is a terrific spot GJ!!! I am glad Azzie is home. Love ya GJ!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We think you have claimed the window as yours and it should stay that way!

I glad Azzie is home and doing better.

Just Ducky said...

All windows should be available for us kitties to watch from. The beans can keep their stuff somewhere else.

We sign, two paws!

GLOGIRLY said...

Both Waffles Too and I are signing the petition. Just don't tell anyone that Waffles doesn't know how to sign his name. You NEED that window!!!

(((purrs))) for sweet Azzie. Hope he recovers quickly.
xo, Katie

BeadedTail said...

We're pretty sure that your dad will make sure your window stays clear so you can use it. You are so handsome Jasper! We're glad that Azzie is home and we hope he heals up quickly!

Unknown said...

A Cat's window should never have clutter!
(Mes just knocks it off when it gets put where me likes to watch!)

san said...

All the 5 of us (san included) vote for GJ to have the window sill. We are glad your cousin Azzie is back at home.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

GJ, we have no doubt that your Mum will be happy to let you have that windowsill - there must be another spot for her goodies.

Great news about Azzie - all paws crossed for good healing.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Kari said...

P.S. Your window and curtains are so lovely!
And you are too!

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we're pretty sure you'll win your dad over and you'll keep your lookout post!

Mr Puddy said...

GJ , you are a sweet boy ! And I'm sue you are the boss of mom like me, and Mom is the boss of daddy...tee..heh..Win Win situation, GJ !

And of corse I purrs more for Azzie : ) My aim of purrs, he have to bet back to himself 100%


Unknown said...

Hurray for Dad! I think you just started a movement, GJ.

Fur Everywhere said...

We thinks the humans should find another place to put their stuffs so you can keep your window :)

We is glad your cousin is home and we hope the clot goes away so he doesn't have to have more surgery.

Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

Marg said...

Oh Mr. Ginger Jasper, we certainly vote that the new seat for your look out just stay yours. Mum can figure out some where else to put the nick nacks.
Glad Azzie is home. Poor thing with his cone on. But better that than more problems. Take care.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

That lookout post is YOURS! Tell Mum not to put ANYTHING on it!
So glad to hear that Azzie is home!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We hope the windersill stays all yours GJ! Purrs fer Azzie...

wildcatwoods said...

Glad Azzie is OK!

Thank you kindly for your comforting words of sympathy about our dear Chica.

Cats of wildcat woods