14 March 2013

I went to the dreaded vet today...

                        Today was my appointment for my blood pressure and bloods. I was stuffed in my carrier and I can tell you I made my feelings clear and loud all the way there. I have to be there for hours when they do the  tests and I hate it. when thee vet man called mum to let her know the results he said my levels were slightly raised from last time but not dangerously so at the moment. My levels had gone up a few points and I have to go back in two months so they can do them again. The other news is that my blood pressure is good and is down. I don't need to get that done when I go in two months time so they can do it in the surgery without having to stay. The vet man said when you think back to when I was so ill, my levels were off the scale they were so high and he is very pleased with how I am now. Mum said to him that she thought it was team work with the vets getting the meds right and dad giving me them and the right food, he agreed it was a good partnership.
   when mum picked me up the other vet man said to her that he wanted to say mum and dad were doing a great job with me. Mum was so pleased with me.. I am home now and settling down for a snooze..  Hugs and love to all.. GJ xx


Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Vets are icky but I'm so glad your doctor was pleased with the test results. You must be an A+ student! purrs

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is a great report GJ and we are smiling big time! Love ya pal!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is great news GJ. Keep up the good work mum and dad!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Wonderful news! I'd say that yes, it is a great partnership that got your levels back close to where they belong! And the love and support from your mum and dad probably tipped the scales in your favor! Hugs and snuggles GJ!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Hi GJ! We think this is great news, though are sorry you have to return in a couple of months. Still, we're so happy you're doing so well!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

FABULOUS news GJ... We remember just how sick you were a year ago last November... and look at you NOW buddy. Your peeps are WONDERFUL.

Just Ducky said...

Happy to know you are doing well GJ. We remember when things weren't so good. Let's cellybrate!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Well Done, GJ! We are all so proud of you!

The Chans

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We remember the scary time, GJ. We're glad there's such a good partnership between your vets and your pawrents in getting you healthy. Yeay!

HH and The Boys said...

Very thrilled about your good medical news. So glad your levels are doing right by you..... Yea!!!!

Have a great day.

hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

Marilia said...

Lovely boy!

Anonymous said...

Yes GJ when I think back when you were so ill today's news is good. You have a mum and dad that love you that is half the battle, you see I used to have a cat called Tabitha who had diabetese and needed injections twice daily which I had to do. I loved Tabitha very much just like your mum loves you. You're doing very well Good luck.

Jenna and Sissy said...

You are such a good cat to take your medicine and eat your special foods. We're glad everyone is so pleased with your vet report. You definitely deserve a nice little nap now :)

Random Felines said...

that is good news!!! keep up the good work.

BeadedTail said...

We're so happy for the good v-e-t report Jasper! We're glad you are doing so well!

Marg said...

Oh we are so glad to hear the good news. It does sound good. Dad,we sure do thank you and Mom too for taking such good care of that boy. We are so attached to him. GJ, you are one miracle boy and we know the Mum and Dad know that. Take care.

Angel Simba said...

GJ, that is such good news! Especially having your blood pressure under control is important for your overall health. Job well done, GJ Mum and Dad!

Millie and Walter said...

Hi GJ! It's so good to here you are doing so well.


Poppy Q said...

Well done GJ. I wonder why you have to be there for ages? My last blood test took the vet 5 minutes to take, and mum could take me home straight away.

Julie and Poppy Q

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is just such wonderful news, Ginger Jasper. We hope you continue to do so very well.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

san said...

That is the best news GJ.

The Island Cats said...

This is great news, GJ! We purr that you continue to do well.

Sparkle said...

Paws up, GJ! You have come such a long way and I am so happy for you and your humans!

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, this is such wonderful news...we want you to keep up the good work with your team!

Lorenza said...

Super duper news, GJ!
Team work!
I am very happy to know your results!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Fluffy Friend, glad to hear you are going well. We think it is the teamwork that has made you so good. Sounds like your Vet man is a good fella too. Take care and happy weekend to you all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Kari said...

Oh darling Jasper! We are so happy for you! We remember those terrible days when you were very ill so todays news is exceptionally wonderful! The doctors have done a wonderful job but your mum and dad have taken extraordinary care of you. We all know what a difficult job giving us kitties medicine can be. And for you, even getting the medicine you needed for your appetite took some doing.
We love you so much, dear, and continue to pray for you each and every day. Tonight, in your honor, it will be treats for all!

White Dog Blog said...

White Dog howls of joy for this great result! You have worked very hard, as have mum, dad and the vets to rebuild your health and we are proud of your dilligence! We want you with us for a long, long, long time, dear friend!

Unknown said...

This is very happy news, GJ. Smiles and hugs!

Old Kitty said...

Yay for a great team! Aww lovely GJ we are so happy to read you are doing ever so well!!! Hooorah! Take care

Barb said...

YAY! That is such wonderful news, GJ! srsly.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Such WONDERFUL news!!!

Unknown said...

Gj! Yous has NO Idea hows happy this cat is! Me is so furry happy taht yous is doing so well. Me is nots going to quits purraying for yous big guy!

Gattina said...

Good news for you GJ ! even if you had to go to the vet ! Tell your mum to buy earplugs when you sing all the way along !

Gattina said...

Good news for you GJ ! even if you had to go to the vet ! Tell your mum to buy earplugs when you sing all the way along !

A Tonk's Tail said...

oh YAY! Well if you HASTA go to the evil V-E-T, then at the very least they should give you a good report. YAY for good blood pressure!

Mandu said...

Fantastic, GJ!
I went to get a pedicure last week, and they say I lost over a pound, so I'm in good with the vets, too.
Hugs, Mandu

Kari in Alaska said...

We love hearing the good news

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