Hello everyone.. Is anyone else having problems uploading photo's to their blog. It wont let mum upload new ones just from Picasa. We tried yesterday and again today but no luck so this is a very old one from Picasa...
Now some news from my pals Eric and Flynn, they are having a super contest and you can win a years supply of cat litter if in the UK or a gift voucher if not in the UK. There is a really great review on their blog so pop on over and take a look see.. Eric and Flynn Its really great....
Love and hugs to all GJ xxx
GI, we have not had blogger problems. We hope it sorts itself out for you soon.
GJ , we have no problem here either , but we heard that both people in Sweden and in UK and U.S are having problems :(
Have you tryed to use Google Reader as webreader ??
We use that and never have problems with Blogger then.
We are not having photo issues but know that others are. We will check out the contest!
WE are not having a photo problem, either! Good to see you!
We are having blogger problems too, but we used a different web browser (google chrome) and it worked as expected.
We switched to Google Chrome too, guess what...it started the same too! Trying to sort it all out...
Popping over now...thanks!
Miss Kitty's Mum
We are not having problems with blogger at the moment. But I think it has something to do with the size of your pictures and how much space they take up. Jan over at Funny Farmers has a post about it. Or write her an email. She can help you.
We like that picture of GJ. It looks like he is smiling. Have a great day.
We didn't have any problems yesterday but we haven't tried yet today. We did see somewhere else though that someone (we can't remember who)was having exactly the same problems. We did notice though that we have lots of storage left. We were up to nearly 90% and now we are down to about 17%. It looks like google has vastly increased the free storage.
Thank you for mentioning our competition.
It seems like some Blogger users are having problems and some aren't - I hope it gets fixed soon, whatever it is.
Hi - we were having big problems a month ago, but that got fixed when they changed their free storage like Eric and Flynn said.
I think the new problem might be related to what browser you use. If you are still using Google for some reason it doesn't like it. People have changed to Google chrome or firefox as their internet browser. I would suggest google chrome, I find it easy.
If I can help explain it better please feel free to email me on julieq@xtra.co.nz
Julie and Poppy Q
we hates blogger too. until now we cant leave comments to some of our friends. we just had to log in and out from blogger for several times before our comments can be save
BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family
We haven't had any Blogger issues yet but know of others who have. We use Google Chrome and it seems to work fine.
We hope you get your blogger issues sorted soon.
You must be using IE browser. Firefox will upload.
You look so cute with your freckled nose, GJ.
When I started my post today, blogger wanted me to mention friends in my posts...what's that about, I wonder. This popped up so I couldn't make a post. I had to switch to Firefox, no problems then.
GJ, as usual, you look so precious coz you're a precious kitty.
xoxo Kassey
Silly blogger!! We use flickr for our photos....we hope that things straighten themselves out soon!!
Happy New Year!!
Dory and her Gang!
We heard it was a problem with Internet Explorer. We use Firefox and are not having any problems.
What is it with blogger and pictures lately? A lot of kitties having problems.
GJ, we sure hope the blogger problems get fixed soon!
Well, shoot! First she's all gone at work and now Blogger's turned against you?? Why, that's just an OUTRAGE, GJ!! But you know what? I think it's been happening to Leo and Star at the Celestial Kitties! They've been having the same problem! Hope it starts working for you, Buddy! Meanwhile, enjoy some noms and cuddles.
Blogger can be so moody sometimes! But even if it is an old photo, it is always good to see your face, dear one!
Lots of people having Blogger problems right now. Have a great week anyway! xoxo
Gj, I heard from Kjelle Bus. You possible can fix it by reduce the size of the photo before uploading.
The detail Jan Funny Farm post it, You may want to have a look here :
Quite a few people have been complaining, GJ. It does seem that the browser used could be the problem. We use safari (we use Macs) and haven't had a problem yet.
We're off to eric and Flynn's to read about their contest.
The Chans
I read that someone else was having trouble but can't remember who. I'm not having any trouble, probably because I don't upload from Picasa...I upload directly from my computer. Maybe try that?
Is there a limit in the total size in images you can upload or has blogger changed this limit recently?
I've read about several other bloggers having the same problem :-/
We had a problem in the summer and Jan of the Funny Farm advised me to reduce the size of the photos on picasa - we did some (we will need to do some more) but at the moment we can post our pictures again.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Kisses on your nose!
Hello there GJ,
We had problems posting comments in WP last night but it's working ok now. Perhaps the photo uploading is just taking a while but will eventually be fixed.
Piappies - Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
You seem so FURustrated, GJ! And who can blame you. I hope you can find a solution for that problem very soon. Darned old Blogger!
Yes, we are very interested in Eric & Flynn's photo contest. I hope you are entering, too. There's no one cuter than you.
And we want to finally wish you and your folks a Happy New Year, all year through!
Yeesh, yes we are having blogger problems! Not the picture resize ones, but the there is not button to even click to try to add a picture one! I've heard it was IE, but tried another one, no good. I sent a complaint, but they say they don't always respond! Grr
I'm using photobucket now and adding pictures by URL, it's a pain, but it works.
Even if that's an old picture, it's still adorable!
We're sorry you're having problems with blogger and photos. We've found that using Google Chrome or Firefox solves the problem.
Mowzers, we hate it when Blogger acts up. It's been refusing to give us previews, for it seems 10289472548376 days now.
NO MOMMY, I"M NOT EXAGGERATING AGAIN.... (seriously. Humans.)
Right now our blogger is normal.
I hope your will be back normal soon.
This photo of you is great.
GJ, even though it is a old picture, me is furry happy to sees yous!
Hi, handsome!
Mom sometimes uses Internet Explorer when opening BlogSpot. Sometimes she has to use Google. Then she goes to Picasa and uploads the pictures to Picasa Web Albums, then goes to the Web Albums links on New File in blogspot and uploads the pictures from the Picasa Web Albums. At least, sometimes it works!?! If you click on the photo when it is loaded, you can make it bigger on the composition page.
Hello dear Jasper,
Here blogger is working well but sometimes blogger goes crazy indeed!I hope they can fix it soon!
purrs and love
Hello sweet handsome boy...we ARE having big problems loading pictures just like you are. Poppy Q told us of a work around that seems to be working well....load your picture up in the HTML mode then after it takes switch it to COMPOSE mode and it will be in the blog post. This WORKS for me until they fix the problem.
We have a tiny surpise this week to share little bit by little:)
Love the cozy cottage
I've not had blogging problems but Andrea at Celestial Kitties has been having trouble. The 'upload' button has disappeared on her! She can still upload photographs, though, with a clever detour.
I've not had blogging problems but Andrea at Celestial Kitties has been having trouble. The 'upload' button has disappeared on her! She can still upload photographs, though, with a clever detour.
The Zoolatry Girls have not been able to upload photos since the first of the year. As the Celestial Kitties said, there is no "button" or tab which allows us to "upload" for a new post. This issue is totally different from the storage capacity and photo size issues of the past. Yes, we use Internet Explorer. Have an old computer and old software and have never been able to upload Google Chrome. But we're using the same "solution" as Miss Peach; we upload the photos via the HTML code; once done, switch back to compose mode for text, etc. Works fine that way, just takes a bit longer. Hopefully our blogs will return to having compatibility with IE sometime soon.
Maggy and Zoey, and Ann
We are very sorry that Blogger is being so mean, GJ. Behave, blogger, behave!
Not having anny problems here, but we use Firefox on Apple on Verizon. If that makes anny difference.
HOwdy Fluffy Friend, no we aren't having any problems (touch wood). Hope it works out for you soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Hi GJ, I for security reasons had to close my blog. I set up another one on Internet Explorer and to my horror couldn't add photo's from my computer. I downloaded Chrome and I can get any picture I want. Not all people like chrome but Internet Explorer won't play the music I love on my blog .
My new blog is called Yvonne's Poetry Corner and the address is:
All the best.
Hi it's Yvonne again, I gave you the wrong address it's: yvonnelewis68.blogspot.com
Yes, yes, YES!!! Major problems here. I no longer (well, haven't tried today but as of Wednesday...) have the option to upload pictures from my computer. Have to put 'em on Picassa first and then take 'em from there.
That was for the benefit of Blogger, just in case they were listenin'.
I asked 'bout it on FB but most peeps thought the problem was with me. You're the first one I've encountered who has had issues too. Is yours fixed yet?
Should mention... I tweeted a few complaints usin' @Blogger and #Blogger. Maybe if all of us who were havin' problems did that, they might fix it just to shut us up? purrs
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