30 January 2013


Hello everyone.. Firstly I want to say a huge Thank You for all the purrs and love from my friends. next I have to tell you what happened.. Alivia could have nothing to eat or drink day which is normal before surgery and had the pre op tests ok. Then at 5:30 they decided to come and say sorry but Alivia has a few sniffles and we cant operate. They cancelled and sent her home. They will operate now in two weeks. All the worry and fretting will happen again in two weeks.We can only hope it will go ahead. Thank you so much all and we do so appreciate you all.. Much love to all GJ xx


Terri said...

Bless your hearts...that had to be so frustrating.

Brian's Home Blog said...

All of us will keep those purrs and prayers going to Alivia. Thanks for telling us GJ, we were wondering. Love ya pal!

Unknown said...

Oh this has to be so difficult. Please know, we will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Take care!

Sparkle said...

How stressful! Paws crossed that all goes well in two weeks.

meowmeowmans said...

Thank you for being so thoughtful, and letting us know, GJ. We, too, were wondering how it went today. We'll keep right on purring and praying for sweet little Alivia, and for all of you.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We will keep her in our prayers!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are so sorry to hear that--your poor family! What stress.

Mickey's Musings said...

Jasper, we are so sorry to hear this news!!! We purr very hard Alivia will be well in 2 weeks so she can have this operation !!!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure, Tiger, JJ and Julie
and mom Nancy

Kari said...

How terribly stressful for Alivia and everyone. We well be praying extra hard over the next weeks that
all will be well. It is a good thing that the medical staff found her sniffles before her surgery. She doesn't need anything to complicate her recovery.
Please tell her she has lots of friends who love her. Give her a kiss from us.

Mr Puddy said...

Oh GJ, your family must be stressful and frustrate !
Paws crossed. I hope everything go smooth for her from now on

Anonymous said...

Poor wee thing having the op cancelled, still better safe than sorry, Hope all goes well.
Take care.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Poor little baby. It must be so frustrating for everyone. :(

Marg said...

Wow, we are so sorry it had to postponed after all the preparation. Poor little child. Still sending many purrs and hugs to everyone. Have a great day.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so sorry about the operation being cancelled until Alivia has got over her cold. We will purr for her cold to get better quickly and hope it will go ahead next time.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

((((hugs)))) to all of you...better for the doctors to be prudent and safe...all WILL move forward when it is supposed to

Cezar and Léia said...

poor baby, I'm keeping purring for her and sending lots of good lights for her faster recover!
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and mom Léia

My Mind's Eye said...

OH NO GJ....the waiting is the worst before surgery and during. We hope and purr Alivia manages ok until then. We know you are all just ready to get this over,
Hugs madi

John Bellen said...
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John Bellen said...

We'll be thinking and hoping for Alivia as long as she needs it, Ginger Jasper.

Just Ducky said...

Thanks for the update, we wondered how things went. Keep us posted.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sorry it had to be postponed. We will keep purring.

Katie Isabella said...

Dearest GJ we will be here when you need us. Sending love and purrs to Alivia

The Island Cats said...

How frustrating! We continue to purr for Alivia and her family.

Unknown said...

It is hard to even imagine what you are going through. We will continue to keep sending love and purrs.

White Dog Blog said...

The waiting must be excruciating for your family. We are sending strength and positive thoughts to you all and our strongest White Dog healing energies that when it happens, this surgery will be the thing that makes all well for your lovely granddaughter. Feel the hope and love we send. The White Dog Army