19 January 2012

Feeling old....

Hello everyone.. Its really cold here at the minute and this is what I have been doing a lot of.. I hope you all stay warm and snug...

On Saturday mum and dad went to a christening of mum's great great niece Lexi...

yes I did say great great niece.. Mum says this does make her feel old because she remembers well the christening of her nephew..

Left to right nephew Howard, mum, great nephew Stefan and in the middle great great niece Lexi.. Mum said that seeing all the generations made her feel a zillian years old MOL...

Thank you all for the lovely comments yesterday, we so appreciate your caring. I am a big man cat for sure and my vet calls me his lovely big cuddly bear.I am though very thin under all the fur and did lose a lot of weight. Mum and dad are not worrying too much about that because so long as I hold my own and don't lose more it wont be so bad. the problems arose when I didn't eat for so long and lost so much weight. My body was using its own fat and that was why my kidneys failed as they could not cope with this and were poisoning my body, so I just have to keep eating and hold my weight for as long as possible..

Love and hugs to all GJ xxxxxx

There is a graphic on my sidebar that if you click takes you to the auction blog for my pals Truffle and Brulee.. Take a look see as there are many nice things there..


Fuzzy Tales said...

What a cutie Lexi is. Our mom doesn't have much family, but when she realizes how old the children of friends are now...Well, *that* makes her feel old. LOL.

Continued purrs and universal Light, GJ.

Kitty kisses (nose taps) from us and hugs from the mom.

Anonymous said...

Sweet G.J. you look so cuddly and peaceful resting there...what a gorgeous mancat you are. We love you with all your beautiful furs. Lexi is adorable. What a great gift to have the 4 generations pictures. Tell your pretty mom she sure does not look old. Hugs and nose kisses

Angel Simba said...

Super pic of the family, and what a sweetie Lexi is. You tell your Mum that she truly looks young, and being a great great aunt should not make her feel old at all.

GJ, we know all about thin under the floof. Simba is not as thin as you but he is quite thin under his fluffiness, and Mom thinks he needs to be more consistent in his appetite and when he eats. YOU just keep up holding your weight, GJ.

The Heartbeats said...

You look like my kitteh brother Harry. Are you as weird as him? He likes to drink water out of the faucet and sleep on the kitchen table and any nook & cranny he can find. He also taunts me which makes me bark. He is around eleven years old and was the first pet of my mamma. Well the first one that she was solely responsible for. Despite Harry's crazy behaviors I will say that he (and you) have very pretty furs.


The Monkeys said...

We think about and send you purrs every day, sweet GJ. We love you very much!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats to Mum on the cute new great great niece. She is adorable. Mom says she has that same getting old feeling a lot lately:(

Hugs to you, pal.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi GJ...I do wish I could send you one of my sunpuddles for I know you would enjoy them. I'm sitting in one now. When Mom touched my tush she said it was so hot it burned her hand...yes she is rather dramatic.
What a lovely picture of you and Mom yesterday.
Hugs Madi

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

LEXI... what a LOVELY name that is. I really like the picture of the GENERATIONS.

YOU keep eating like you SHOULD, OK?


That getting old feeling comes to us all, but you are as young as you feel....that's the secret.
Take care in this cold weather GJ you are precious to us all.


Pernille said...

Keep warm, and eat a lot Ginger. Send greetings from my mom, to yours, mom says your mom looks so young and fresh:-)
Luv from Pernille XXX

The Florida Furkids said...

You look so cozy on your ham-mick! We hope you continue to be stable and keep eating!

The Florida Furkids

Brian's Home Blog said...

We love you GJ and you are always adorable to us. Not a moment goes by that you are not in our thoughts and prayers. You're doing great pal!

Old Kitty said...

Sweet GJ! You are truly the bestest cuddliest floofy bear ever!! You just rest and take it easy and just do your chillaxin as only you can do! You are just so amazing and we love you so much!

Awwwww great great niece Lexi is adorable - how sweet!! Awwww and we love the pic of all three generations too! Sweet GJ, please tell mum she just looks incredible! Take care

Dachshund Nola said...

She's beautiful!
Dachshund Nola

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Ginger Jasper, what an absolutely wonderful family photo. Mum has a great nephew too and when her great nephew was born my mum had just had our brother james, so they are only five months different in age. Weird aye. Also mum was an aunty when she was six and the kids at school didn't believe her!! Take care fluffy friend. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

HH and The Boys said...

That baby is just tooooooo cute. And nice family pictures... Gj... Sending you purrrs buddy.

pawhugs, Max

BeadedTail said...

Lexi is a cutie pie! Those are very lovely photos!

We missed yesterday so just saw the photos of you and your mum and we love them! You look so big and cuddly GJ! Our mommy wants to get on the next plane and come hold you too!

Mickey's Musings said...

Continued purrs for you Jasper !!!!
WE just love the picture with your Mom and Great-great-niece Lexi!!!!! That represents 5 generations :o
Lexi is so cute :)
Mom was a great -aunt again January 5 to a little girl,Portia.There are no nieces,only nephews, so a great-niece was very exciting!! She has a big brother who is 3 :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Holly said...

Way too cute! Such a cuddly, furry cat!! :)

Sparkle said...

My human has virtually no relatives, so she pretty much ignores how old she may or may not be! ;-) Cool photos, though!

I am glad you are hanging in there, GJ. Keep eating, please!

Unknown said...

We loves seeing all the generations. We all lives so far apart, that it is hard for us to get together. And GJ, we loves yous and purrays for yous everyday.

san said...

For sure Lexi is very cute but we think you're the cat's pjamas GJ.

the amigos and san

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My mom is nodding in the feeling old bit -

Next Thursday her baby brother will be 40!

Thanks fur sharing those great pikhs!

AND please keep up the good EATING work -

Maybe woo need a pikh of me fur insPURRRRRRation!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Hi GJ!!

Love and Hugs to you!!

The Rocky Creek Scotties and Ivy

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

she is just gorgeous and so is your family! Everyone looks wonderful!

GJ your blog looks AMAZING!!!
You keep eating precious one!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Lexie is such a cutie. We're sure your mum isn't that old.

Thank you so much for mentioning the auction for Truffle. That is so sweet of you with all that you have going on.

Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

The Island Cats said...

Our mom says she understands about feeling old. But that Lexi sure is cute!

You keep hanging in there, GJ, and eating! We don't want you losing anymore weight!! We continue to purr for you.

Lorenza said...

Lexi is adorable!
I hope you will not stop eating!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Jans Funny Farm said...

We all know your mom is young at heart, so what's a great great or two? :)

Keep eating, GJ. We love you.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi GJ,
Lexi is so cute!!!
Carol thank you for my birthday wishes. It has taken me almost a month to get back to you. B/c my old computer died Christmas Eve morning!!!! It went to the shop and was gone 18 days. When it came home it had a new mother board and everything is all different!! I lost a lot of stuff too!!!
I feel your pain when it comes to GJ. I know how it is to be losing a very much loved cat. Happy is 19- to 21 years old and she is so full of arthritis she can hardly walk. She keeps hanging on tho.
They are so very special!!
xx, Happy, Zoie & Fern

Oui Oui said...

We think our first comment went to cyberspace! We said we were glad all your problems were caused by not eating, and not something a lot worse. We think your mom doesn't look a zillion years old. We don't think she looks old at all, so she must be a "young old"!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Lexi is so pretty. I feel old too. I have three great grandsons and a 4th on the way. My oldest child will 54 his next birthday. Oh my, I am old!!

Ginger J. we think love can do miracles. You have plenty of that!

You are a beautiful boy and we hope with all our hearts that you will be around for a long time.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Lexi is so precious. Pah! Age is only a number. You're as young as you feel. Keep eating, GJ. All your fans are purrin and purraying fur you. xoxo

White Dog Blog said...

Mum, celebrate the life that allows you the wonderous joy of holding a great great niece...you look marvelous and age is just a silly way of adding order to elusive time(imagine how old you would be if we counted in Base 50...problably slightly more than 10).

GJ, do your best, dear one. Eat to maintain your weight even if you must push yourself a bit. Know we send you White Dog encouragement and positive energy every day.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

GJ, since I am the biggest warmest one here, I am teleportin over ta keep ya as warm as I can while the Beins don't notice.


The Chair Speaks said...

We're sending lots of purrs, GJ. Lexi's so cute!

Hannah and Lucy said...

What a lovely picture of you GJ to make our very wet start to the day feel sunny - your furs are so lovely. Just keep eating a bite here and there - it can soon add up to a meal ir two.
We love the picture of your Mum with Lexie and her nephew and great nephew. Baby Lexie looks a real cutie.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Lexi is beautiful! Stay warm and cosy GJ. We purr for yoo every day! xxxxx

We love LUNA said...

Sweet Jasper, forget about this feeling, you are young and you are a wonderful cat!
I'm always thinking of you my sweet friend Jasper, sending love to your heart!

John Bellen said...

Do you have a heated cat-bed, Ginger Jasper? I have one and my oldest cat loves it, especially as the temperature dropped to -30 recently.

Martha said...

Oh GJ, for a human baby that baby is very cute!
Tell your mum she is looking very good for a great aunt!!!
Lovely to see you are still eating and looking after yourself.
Keep up the good work.
Much love
Martha and Bailey xxx

Cindy said...

What a doll, isn't she. Your mum doesn't look old enough for a great-great niece.

GreatGranny said...

Sweet GJ, it's good to know you're hanging in there by eating and taking care of your floofy self. Very pretty G-Grand niece.
xoxo Kassey