15 April 2011

Guess what...

Hello my friends.. Mum and dad took me to the dreaded place today for some injections. I was prodded and poked some more and discussions were going on. Mum and dad told the vet that I had eaten something for the last two days and that I had asked for the prawns yesterday.The vet said this was a good sign and maybe I was coming through the tunnel. The vet lady said she had done a lot of thinking about me and my tests and when mum had mentioned the stress of the dental, she thought the answer could be that the stress of that could have let in a virus and that had made me ill. Virus's don't show up in blood tests. The vet lady also said she thought that the virus was working out of my system and that in turn was letting me start to eat. the ultimate thing was that when they put me on the scales I had put on a few ounces. I must be getting something from the small amount I was eating. They decided that I was not going to have the steroid but to keep trying me with food and to see how I went on. I will be weighed and if I put on or maintain my weight then we are indeed going through that tunnel. I ate some food later today and although not a great amount it is good. And.... mum has been out and bought some more prawns for me, I hope I will get those later tonight. So keep those purrs going please and pray that the end of that tunnel is in sight.. Dad was eating a sausage roll and as I love the meat inside he took it all out and fed me some. I only ate one piece but one piece is good.. Especially as I asked for it... This week has been quite a week and taken it out of mum so some good news is so welcome.. Take care love to you all.. Hugs GJ xx


Sweet Purrfections said...

That's wonderful news! Hopefully, you've turned that corner and are now on the mend.

I'm not doing so well this week!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh that is brillant news again Jasper...a little kitty step in the right direction! Bravo!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh we love you GJ and we right here cheering you on! Can you hear us???

septembermom said...

That's terrific news GJ! I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling better.

BeadedTail said...

We're thriled with this great new GJ! Especially that you put on a little weight and are asking for more foods! We're still purraying that you keep feeling better! Hugs to you and you mum!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We are soooo happy for your good news! It really does make us smile inside. Keep up the good job, GJ. And think: APPETITE! (Prawns are sounding really good about now. Hmmmm. Maybe for dinner?)

Now. About other things. Can you tell that Moma has been a bit frazzled as of late? That blog we were wanting to direct you to is: http://chloeandcecil.blogspot.com/ Hehehe. YOURS was stuck in our computer's memory 'cause we were pasting it back into our blogroll. (How we lost it in the first place, we'll never know!)

AND! No, we didn't know your woofie cousins were from pawzforthought! Yippee! All the more reason to celebrate GrumpyBobby receiving those toys! We are soooo happy!

So. There's LOTS of reason for happy celebrations. Not the least of which is your advance out of the tunnel. Keep on movin' forward!

Much love,
Jake and Fergi

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I am so glad that things are looking up for you, GJ, and that the vet has some idea about what might have been going on. Paws crossed that you continue to get better. I am sending you lots more purrs!

Mr Puddy said...

Hooray !!!!! My Sweet GJ eats more..I'm really really happy about this news : ) Keep it up, Sweetie !, You really done well. Do you hear me " Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrssssss " ? the motor is on now, Just for you : )
Big Hug for Good Job



Great news indeed GP, Keep it up, will be thinking of you.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Good going GJ!! It does sound like you have turned the corner and hopefully will keep on eating and gaining your weight back!! Have a great weekend! Lots of love, Holly and mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Each day seems to bring a bit more good news, GJ. Mom has a friend who told her about one of her friends that had some dental work done, got some sort of infection in her gum, and it formed an abcess in her brain. She had to have some very serious surgery. Maybe there is something to this virus from your dental. Keep getting better, GJ, we are all pulling for you.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

GJ, we are all in a huge tangle over here as we are crossing everything we've got for you to continue to improve and come rushing out of that tunnel!

The Chans

Kea said...

GJ, we're doing a (cautious) happy dance for you and are purring and purraying that you have, indeed, turned the corner. *Kitty kisses* to you and hugs your mum. Tell her to be especially kind to herself...It *does* take a huge amount out of our beans, when we're sick. In our mom's case, re: Annie, she mostly ate toast and drank tea and there wasn't much else she could keep down. So our health definitely impacts the health of our humans!

-Fuzzy Tales

Marg said...

Oh Gosh, GJ, we sure hope you have turned the corner. That is so cute that Dad gave you his food. It is amazing what we cat people do for our kitties. Keep taking those small steps Ginger Jasper. I can't tell you what good news that is. Still sending the purrs and prayers. Like Brian we are cheering you on. We are in your corner. Take care. More hugs to Mom and Dad.

Angel Simba said...

I am really just purring for more eating, day by day. You will get out of this, I think.

But Mom wonders if they use a tube in a kitty's throat when they anesthetize them for a dental. If you got some injury to your throat that way, and it was hurting, then I don't think you would want to eat. Just an idea for how it might have had a connction to the dental.

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE! Oh, Ginger Jasper, that is just the BEST news I've heard in a long, long time! My paws are crossed that you get feeling better and better!

Wiggles & Wags,

Old Kitty said...

Oh gorgeous GJ!! Me and Charlie hope that whatever it is that's made you stop eating is now over and that you are getting better!! We have everything!! Everything crossed that you are over the worst! You are such a fighter, GJ!! You and your mum and dad deserve this good and positive and hopeful news that you are getting better!! Keep eating those prawns and dad's sausage roll! :-) Take care and lots of hugs!! xx

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh my dearest GJ. I am SO happy that you are doing better. Your mommy and daddy love you sooo much and I think the Vet is right. You are slowly walking out of the tunnel and into the sun puddles again.

I love you sweet one. Many many kisses and pawhugs. Always.

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we hope you continue to eat a little more each day. That sausage sounds yummy! We can see why you would ask for some!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Jasper, that IS good news :)
We will purr extra hard that you keep eating more and do not need any needles :)
WE purr for your Mom & Dad too. We know the tole that caring for a sick kitty takes. We hope you all have a positive and happy weekend!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe woo would like some of those chikhken thighs too?

PeeEssWoo: Great job GJ!

Team Tabby said...

Good news indeed! We will continue our positive thoughts and purrs!!

Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

Katnip Lounge said...

We are dancing with delight...and Mommy is sooooo happy you are asking to eat, GJ. Paws crossed and big purrs that you continue to improve.

xx, alla us & Mommy

Kari said...

Answered Prayers! But we won't stop praying and purring until you are all better. Then we'd better be offering big prayers of thanks. We love you.

RoySr said...

Bravo! The tunnel is gettin shorter and shorter. Walk on little one. We're pulling for you.

Be happy and eat, eat, eat.

the 6 Mouskateers of 5 Oaks Manor

Asta said...

Gingew Jaspew
I'm so vewy happy fow this news..Of couwse I will keep pwaying and cwossing my paws until you awe totally well, but this sounds vewy vewy hopeful.
I'm so happy to have such a bootiful, dawling kitteh as a fwiend.
This has been a sad week fow me. I lost two fwiends fwom the same family of doggies and i needed youw good news
smoochie healing kisses

Oskar said...

Oh Ginger, I would send you a case of prawns if I could. You're doing a great job, buddy, keep it up!

Nubbin wiggles,

Daniela said...

Phew, i am so happy that you are feeling better. You have such a good mommy and daddy. Keep getting better.


Ellen Whyte said...

Keep eating, GJ! Sausage rolls, prawns, fish efurrything your heart tells you to eat. We're purring for you.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Yeah! Keep on asking for food!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

the virus thing makes sense. I am praying that that is what it is. The fact that you asked for food (even a little bit) is a super good sign!

Jenner said...

Wow, reading this post made my whole day! I hope the vet is correct that you are on the mend! Keep eating!!! xoxo

jen said...

good news for you... and for your mom!

Chesney Cats said...

Sounds like maybe you are nearing the end of your illness, YAY!! Hopefully you will be back to yourself soon. You are n our purrs & purrayers!

Catsparella said...

That's encouraging news, GJ..I hope you and your family have a relaxing weekend..and that you continue to eat! Purrs xo

White Dog Blog said...

Hey GJ check out my blog for today...it is all for you! Glad to hear some good news. Keep up the progress and we will keep up the White Dog woos of healing positive energy.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Purrayers continuing for you and your mum and dad. We are happy to hear better news, and hope you illness is ending.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Great news GJ we have been worrying about you so much and now we see you eating a piece of sausage that you asked for - hurrah for sausage rolls! Now be a good mancat and eat more foods we need a bit more meat on those bones so you can start going into the garden and snoopervising.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
(this calls for a nipitini)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoor mom and dad must be doing the happy dance round the kitchen, now yoo are eating! YAY! Wot a relief!
Keep up the good werk GJ, we love yoo.

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy Happy... munchie, chewy, yummy in the tummy. Zoom, zoom.
Down da hatch! Here comes goodies!

Teddy Westlife said...

Good news GJ! Keep it up.

Cory said...

Woo hoo! This is fantastic news GJ...eating food and asking for food! We'll keep those purrs coming your way.

Kari in Alaska said...

that is such great news!


Sónia Mendes said...

Hi GJ,

I'm so relieved that you are starting to eat. I hope you get well soon, my friend.

Purrs from Gotchi

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Great news GJ!!! We thinks they will feed you whatever you want!
your pals, Morgan & Maisie

GreatGranny said...

It's encouraging, sweet Ginger to hear you're still eating and maybe the virus will leave you alone.
Much Love, Kassey and her Mom

Danielle said...

That's PAWsome, GJ! Keep it up, buddy!

Alien said...

Glad things are better!


Sagira said...

GJ, I am SO happy to hear that you are finally turning the corner and asking for food. Keep it up buddy!

Pattyskypants said...

Hooray GJ! Mai mom is very curious about the "dental" and the virus.

caspersmom said...

I am so glad to hear Ginger Jasper you just might be coming out of that tunnel. Purrs and prayers still going for you that you are on the way to getting all well. Keep eating and please do take care.


Anonymous said...

Oh GJ we are so HAPPY over here at melodyskatz. We've been purring and praying really hard for you.
You go Baby Boy!! You keep on eating.
Lots of Love,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

CCL Wendy said...

That is good news indeed! Not good that you had a virus, of course, but good that you are getting better on your own! How marvelous!

You just keep eating those prawns, GJ, and whatever else your little heart desires.

I has a happeh, but we're still purring for you until you're 100 PURR cent again.

Karen Jo said...

Yay for eating, Jasper! Keep it up. Lucky you, getting prawns. I have only gotten them twice and Emma has never tasted one. We are still purring for you.


Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Jasper,
I think it's a good sign, and I'm here crossing my paws for you.I know everything will be okay soon.
I'm sending you love and good energies!

Vicki said...

That is great! Hope you continue on in this way. Sending purrs and hugs...xxxooo

Admiral Hestorb said...

How are you today sweetheart?


KarenMcG said...

Ginger J, this is fantastic, super, wonderful, awesome all rolled into one news!

We are beyond thrilled and hope you continue to be on the mend!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Any good news is welcome, so keep eating and getting better, Jasper.

HH and The Boys said...

Still sending purrs your way. Glad to hear about this progress with the eating. Yes, let's get all the way through that tunnel...

pawhugs, Max