1 April 2011

Friday update...........

Hello everyone mum wanted to give all my friends an update. Yesterday I ate nothing, zilch apart from licking a tiny bit of cream cheese from mums fingers, the day before was only a small amount of cheese and soft food, maybe a teaspoon. Last night mum and dad went to the late shop and bought a basket of stuff. Baby foods, chicken pieces, baby milk. a sachet of some chicken stuff and much more. Even though I don't like milk they got some new cat milk with vitamins to try. the baby food I just looked at disdainfully both warm and cold. Chicken pieces much the same. I just ate nothing. I had also not used my tray all day. Mum was in despair. This morning mum saw I had eaten a little of the chicken and drank a small amount of the milk. You would have thought she had won the lottery, a tiny amount but something. I had also had a wee in my tray. This morning they bought some fresh ham. Mum tried me and I ate a little, not much but a little. Mum and dad are really worried at how thin I have got in such a short time. If you look at these pictures perhaps you can see a little of why the worry. That's my bones showing beneath my fluff at the back and I have no fat at all. as the vet said we have to stop this decline because to have lost it like this it must have been going on while I was eating. Something is causing this but what..... There are so many of our friends out there that are ill , like my gorgeous girlfriend Praline and we continue to purr for them all. Mum really appreciates all your purrs, woofs and love and all your suggestions, we are trying them all. Thank you so much . With much love GJ xxx


Catio Tales said...

Oh GJ, we just wish we could help. Have your Mom and Dad tried flavouring food with a little catnip ? Hang on in there buddy and try to force some stuff down...... Very loud purrs.

Kari in Alaska said...

Oh those pics make us sad as you way to thin!


Maxmom said...

Oh dear, we feel so helpless too. I hope they can identify whatever it is, quickly. In the meantime, hang in there. We are sending lotaluv and warm wishes from South Africa.

Katnip Lounge said...

I know exactly how you feel. I am beside myself with worry about The Baby, at least she is still eating a little.
Have they x-rayed GJ? Maybe he has a blockage...that's what's up next for our little gal.
Huge purrs and prayers for GJ!

Love, Trish

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh dear! WE will purr for you too! WE sure hope you start eating more. Purrs and hugs from all 6 of us!

Sónia Mendes said...

Oh Gj, please eat something, my mum and I are very worried about you...

Maybe you should do an MRI or a CAT scan to try to find out what is happening...

Please get well my friend

Lots and lots of purrs from Gotchi

Marg said...

Oh gosh GJ. It sure sounds like a trip back to the vet is in order. It makes us so sad that you aren't eating anything. We are sending tons and tons of purrs and prayers that all of a sudden you will get an appetite. Mom has told the donkeys to cross their hooves for you. Take care and eat some more stuff GJ. We are thinking about you.

The Monkeys said...

Oh GJ, we are worried about you not eating. Maybe ask your vet if a little bit of force-feeding might help. We just want you to eat!!

RoySr said...

I'm no VET, know nothing major about kitties other than the fact I love them and wish all of them the best of health. I do know, thought, that something has got to happen and quick.

Here's wishing the best for you little one. We all, here at SouthWoodsUSA, are sending our best purrs and have all paws crossed.

Take care and get well soon Little One.

The Island Cats said...

Oh GJ, we wish we knew something else to suggest for you to eat. Baby food always worked for us. Has the vet suggested an appetite stimulant? We hope the vet can figure out what's going on so you'll start eating more. We are purring for you!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are very worried about you, too! Please try to eat a little for Mom!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh GJ! While we are glad you have eaten and drank a little, we really want you to eat and drink alot more! We know you can do it!

CCL Wendy said...

Poor baby! Please, please don't give up GJ! There are so many people and kitties out there purring for you to feel better. And to do that you have to eat, my dear.

Can your vet give you an appetite stimulant perhaps? I know that some other kitties had to resort to that, but it may be worthwhile.

We love you, GJ!


Come on GP I know you can do it.
you are so precious to so many people and animals alike. we will say prayers for you,
Take care will be thinking of you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sweet GJ, if I knew what you would eat I would hop a plane and bring it to you myself. We're sending so many purrs your way sweet friend.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I know your mom and dad are really worried and so am I. Please start eating very soon! Love you.

Margaret said...

Hugs and purrs, GJ!

Catsparella said...

Oh my dear, GJ! I am so sad to hear all of this! Please start eating something. We will be purring so hard for you to start gaining weight and for the v-e-t to figure out what is wrong!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Keep trying to eat a little bit more, GJ. Maybe your meds are starting to work. Please eat, pretty please.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kea said...

Any vomiting or diarrhea? I think an x-ray would be helpful, just to check for constipation (it *would* make you stop eating) or any other obstruction.

Well, the vet could feel if there is any stool in the colon, that would be a start. But s/he couldn't tell if it was too hard to pass unless an x-ray was done -- you'd see hard stool as white on the x-ray, like bone would be. Normal stool wouldn't be white, just greyish.

The vet checked for pancreatitis, right? I think you've done that and it wasn't the case...or is it another kitty I'm thinking of?

We're all sending purrs and Light and purrayers, crossing our paws.

-Mom Kim at Fuzzy Tales

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I agree with Kea. Were Xrays done? I was thinking blockage or constipation myself...I know a lot of you feed your cats cheese, (I never thought it was good for cats)...and I know that cheese is extremely binding...I am hoping it is something as simple to rectify as that. purrs...xoxo

BeadedTail said...

We wish we knew how to make you feel better GJ but since we don't, we're making sure to send you lots of purrayers and get well purrs. Lots of love is coming your way too.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Every little bit helps, GJ. Has your Mum tried Science Diet AD prescription tins?

We wish the vet would come up with something more useful than needing to stop the decline. We all know that!!!

Huge Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs,
The entire Poupounette Gang

possumlady said...

Oh GJ, I'm just hearing about your not feeling well! I would second the thought about an appetite stimulant. Also, what about a little sub q fluids? I had two cats that became quite lethargic, not eating or drinking. After a couple of days my neighbor came over and helped me give sub q fluids to them both (at different times)(she has been trained in giving fluids under the skin), and literally within hours, they both perked up and ate.

Also, even though they hated it, I thinned out the baby food enough so that I could put it in a syringe and just squirted it in their mouths so at least they were eating something.

Please, please feel better!
Love, Christine and all the cats at Possumlady Place

Kari said...

We agree with follower Roy; something has to be done and quick! You need fluids and support beyond the scope of what your vet can provide. Is there a veterinary hospital that has 24hour veterinary critical care? They could stabilize you and keep you from declining further until a diagnosis is made. We are praying so hard for you, lovely boy. We are begging God to help your doctor to find why you are sick. (Has you vet thought about poisoning of some type, maybe Paraquat?) It must be so horrible for you to feel so sick. It is killing us that we are unable to help you. Please know that you are loved beyond everything. If we can help in any way, do not hesitate for one second to ask us.

Old Kitty said...

Oh sweet GJ! :-( Please please harass your vets - you must eat - they must find out what's wrong -they must - you cannot go on not eating. OH GJ me and Charlie are very worried about you and we just want you to get better!!!

Your poor mum and dad must be so worried. Please get better sweet GJ! We are sending a gazillion hugs and prayers to you!!!
Take care

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

GJ, you have turned up your nose at some of my favorite things! I really wish there was something I could suggest or do to help. I AM sending you lots and lots of purrs.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We sure hope they find out why you arent eating. We unnerstand that no one wants ta eat when they arent hungry, but you try. Purrs...

Jenner said...

You need to eat, dear GJ! I was a vet tech for many years, and I know that if you don't, you'll need to go to the vet for IV fluids. Either that, or your mum and dad will need to force feed you some Ensure with a syringe just to get some nurishment in you!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

GJ, we hope you get your appetite back soon. You have your family and all your friends worried. Purrs and tail wags.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, GJ, we purr every day that you will get your appetite back and put back on some of that weight. You and Praline have us very worried. (((HUGS))) and more (((HUGS)))

Team Tabby said...

Dear GJ, all of us here are hoping you get back to eating fast! Next find out why you have no appetite. We are sending you lots of purrs, hugs and good wishes.

Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

GJ, maybe your humans could add a bit of warm water to your food? It makes it smell more yummy apparently. Also, when the food is in front of you, tell them to pet you firmly till you eat - it worked with Inigo.

Please get better GJ. Rumblemum is so worried about you and Miss Praline, she wishes she could help.

jen said...

purrs ascending from us humans and edda and her siblings.

Sagira said...

We are sending our thoughts your way GJ.

If you haven't already please have them check your liver enzymes.

The Crew said...

Oh GJ, we wish you would eat!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, our prayers are with you...please get better. Lots of love, Holly and mom

Just Ducky said...

GJ you have us all worried now too. Please try to eat and drink. Did the VET give you fluids? That help Ducky when he was poorly last month.

Percy the Cat said...

We are sending you LOTS of purrayers!! We hope you feel better very soon!

When we are poorly our mum likes to tempt us with foods too. Sometimes Pandora will only eat tuna if she is feeling poorly.

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrrs, purrrsss, purrrrs and lots more purrrss!!! Please eat GJ!! We love you lots!!
(((((((HUGGGSSSSS)))))) from your TX furiends,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That's it:

Khousin Ben MUST have a 'chat' with woo ;-(


caspersmom said...

Oh Ginger Jasper we are so sorry to hear you are not doing well at all. We are purring and praying lots that you will find out what is wrong so you can fight it. Please eat G.J. we are worried. We hope you will feel better really soon. Mom also thinks an xray is in order.


Forty Paws said...

Yes, we agree that more must be done for Ginger Jasper. Why haven't they done sub-q fluids, and an appetite stimulant? And yes, Science Diet Prescription A/D. And we still think a syringe full of food just to get something into GJ. Do you have emergency vets in the UK?

Hang in there GJ!

Luf and hugs, Us and Maw

Cory said...

We were just going to write what Forty Paws wrote...that's what we've done in the past when faced with this.

GJ we are purring HARD for you and your family because we know how upsetting this has been for all of you.

Poppy Q said...

Sweeetie, we are hurting for you and wish we could send you some of our chubbiness. Hugs to you and your lovely Mum and Dad, you are in our purrs.

Julie and Poppy Q

Gattina said...

I don't have to say very much I just know too well how you both must feel, seeing GJ loosing so much weight and being so apathic.
I had similar signs with my cat Max. First the vet took all teeth out because there was an inflamation and he couldn't eat. Then it got better but after that kidney troubles started, he was nearly 20. I hope with all my heart that this is not the case with GJ. I am so sorry for you ! It's terrible to be so helpless.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

GJ, we are purring VERY loud for yoo buddy. Hang on in there and try to eat. We are willing yoo to get better.
Love to yoo and yoor mom and dad.

Milo and Alfie, and our mom xxx

Freya's Staff said...

We know exactly what you felt by the lottery win when you saw GJ eating!

We're sending super ultra purrs for Sweet GJ to eat something!

And not forgetting supportive purrs for Mum & Dad too! I feel for what you're going through!

The WriggleButts said...

Hope you are feeling better, GJ! I'm sure your pawrents have tried pretty much everything, and don't know if you've already had this tip. But Royal Canin (and most likely other producers) have a recovery food with extra high energy levels for sick cats. It's also squishy enough that you can use it for syringe feeding. (Mom would probably have tried a mix of raw ground lamb or pork and raw eggs first, though.) We know syringe feeding is a pain, but if you don't eat on your own that's what they'll have to do you know. 'cause we don't want to loose you!

Purrs and kisses,
the WriggleButts

Parker said...

GJ - when this happened to Rudy 4 months ago it was Hemobart, caused from a flea bite. Even tho we do not go outside, fleas do come in.
Lots of meds and liquid valium for his appetite saved his life.
I hope that they discover what is causing this.
(((hugs))) to you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Perhaps you could try a sardine in tomato sauce - Emma (a before cat) used to love them and they are quite pungent so it might just make GJ take a few bites and encourage him to eat.
Lots of luv and purrs to you all
Hannah, Lucy and mum Sue xx xx xx

KarenMcG said...

Such an outpouring of love for you,GJ, and your parents, and so I'm adding ours, as well.

As has already been mentioned, I'll just jump in and suggest...maybe x-rays are in order. Another blood test, perhaps. A second opinion from a different vet/animal hospital. It would seem, as you've probably already guessed, GJ needs to get sustenance of some sort as quickly as possible. Maybe IV fluids or something similar.

While the teeth were/have been a problem, perhaps they still are causing this.

Good luck and lots of prayers from "the Boys" and me.

Jacqueline said...

Oh, precious GJ, PLEASE PLEASE get better soon=we are so worried and we love you so much...Purring and praying for you, sweetie, sending big hugs to your lovely parents...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Casper Bear said...

Get well soon GJ!
Lotsa hugs and licks
Casper Bear

Raymond and Busby said...

GJ, we just heard that you are feeling poorly. We are purring and purring for you. We hope you find something that you want to eat soon. xoxo

Kitty McCormack said...

We've only just heard that you are not at all well Jasper! We're sending you lots of purrayers and headbutts... Please eat more...

Nishiko and Xanthe xxx

wildcatwoods said...

I know this seems wild but I have had friends work with an animal communicator to find out what was wrong with her dog and it worked. They saw the problem and could correct it. Look online and see if there are any in UK - you don't have to live nearby - they use the phone and are not very expensive. Sending purrs for GJ!

Cats of Wildcat Woods

Esme said...

Ginger this is just terrible news. I hope the vet finds out why you are not hungry and you start eating and putting on some weights.

We are sending you lots and lots of kitty kisses.

Penelope and Magellan

Meowers from Missouri said...

dear ginger jasper--we is purrin' like li'l engines fur you!! we hopes yer appytite perks up an' you can make up fur lost time. god bless yer mum an' dad, an' the vettie, so they can soon find out what's goin' on, an' set you onna right road!

The Florida Furkids said...

Add us to those who think sub-q and an appetite stimulant might help a lot. We always worry about hepatic acidosis when kitties stop eating. Please eat sweet GJ.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Kari said...

Hello, sweetheart! It's Saturday and we are anxiously waiting to hear how you are doing. We know your mum and dad must be very busy taking care of you so we don't mean to rush them in any way. We are praying for you and sending lots of love your way.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Precious baby..ask the Vet about idiopathic hypercalcimia. I have that and I quit eating. The treatment is steroids. PLEASE ask, baby.

Anonymous said...

adding you to our purr list, GJ. please start eating!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I just came back by to tell you I was thinking of you GJ. Many purrs to you.

septembermom said...

Oh GJ, I'm sending hugs to you and your lovely Mum. I hope that you start eating more very soon. Thinking of you...

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh GJ, we're so sorry to hear this. Please, please eat darling. We're purring loudly for you and hope you suddenly get better like Au turned his corner.

A few Good Cats said...

We will be sending hopeful vibes and purrayers for you, GJ.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I just wanted to drop back by to check on you and to let you know that I am purring really hard that you are eating soon and the vet knows what is wrong.

Cat Street Boyz said...

We are so sad you are having health problems...our brother, Cherokee lost weight also, Mom gave him clear Pedialyte from a small med syringe a few times a day. It helps balance electrolytes. Purrz and Prayerz from us to you Ginger Jasper=^Y^=

Shant said...

I cant beleive the resemblance to my cat !!!
