23 February 2011

For mum... Good luck mum.......

Mum has gone in today for her surgery. I am at the ready in case I am needed... Never fear mum GJ is here.....

We love you mum .. GJ and dad .... xxxxx


Anonymous said...

Oh, aren't you just so sweet. We love your mum too and we are sending up prayers for her. Hugs and nose kisses

Sweet Purrfections said...

GJ, I know both you and your dad will take really good care of your mom. I'm sending my strongest purrs that her surgery goes well and that her recuperation goes quickly.

lupie said...

For our wonderful Auntie Carol, we send our purrs, kisses and hugs.

Good luck!!

We echo GJ's "Never Fear"!!

Love, Lucky & Co (Mom & Dad too)

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We are thinking of your mum and praying for a quick recovery.

Maxmom said...

We are thinking of you and pray that the surgery goes well. With an attentive kitty like GJ - who could have a better companion?
I hope the recovery period will be easy and smooth. We love you - hang in there!
Sending lotsaluv

Mr Puddy said...

GJ, You are so sweet !!!
With Ginjer Nurse and Doctor Puddy
Everything will go well !
Purrs Purrs for your mom

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

When your human comes home from her surgery, GJ, she will be in good paws!

m.q said...

purrs and kisses to ur mom GJ

BoBo Salem, ChaCha and our human

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Firstly, thank you SO MUCH for the backup tent!!You have no idea how grateful I am for that!

Secondly, I am RUMBLEPURRING so hard for your mummy, and for you and your daddy who I know will be worried.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

GJ, we know yoo will do a PURRfect job of taking care of yoor mommy. We are sending her love and purrs.

Us4 Cats said...

look at you! you are all ready to take good care of your mom. we sends purrs for you to put in your first aid bag.

Cezar and Léia said...

I'm purring here sending love to your mommy

Good luck!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sending lots of purrs and hugs to your mum. Good luck for a smooth surgery and a good recovery. You are a very good doctor GJ.
Love from us and our Beans.

The Florida Furkids said...

We'll be purring and praying for your Mom. We'll check back for updates.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All the very best to Mum for her surgery and recovery. She will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara and Mom

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed furry tightly fur your mum!


Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are all sending our very best purrs to your Mom!

Jacqueline said...

Adorable photos, handsome GJ=you are your Mum's little sweetheart!...We just commented on your great birthday post and wanted to also wish you a successful surgery and quick recovery, lovely Carol...We are purring and praying for everything to go well for you, sweet friend...big hugs...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Princess Jasmine said...

What a good kitty you are getting all prepared to be a kitty nurse for your mummy prrrrrrrrrr xx

The Island Cats said...

We are purring for your mum and we hope all goes well today for her. We know you will take great care of her when she comes home!!

Anonymous said...

We are purraying for your mom~!!! Keep us posted

Kea said...

We have been and will continue to purr for your mum, GJ! Paws crossed that all goes smoothly today. If you can post an update later, please do.

Mack said...

Sugars and many prayers are being sent to your mum today!!!!!

Mack & Mom

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Good luck Mum! I hope it makes you feel lots better!
~lickies, Ludo

The Creek Cats said...

Purrs, prayers and love for your mom today!!!

The Creek Cats and Mom!

GreatGranny said...

Sweet Ginger, please know that my Mom is praying for your Mom and I know you'll make her feel all better when she gets home.
Love, Kassey

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

GJ, will you let your Mum know that we are sending our very strongest purrSSSSS to her. We know that you will take very good care of her!!!

Love, uSSSSS & auntie deb

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh GJ we hope your mom does look quite as naked as you did when she gets home!!
We know your dad and you will spoil her rotten and you will have made a very special musical purr song to keep her entertained while your dad does the cooking and the cleaning.
Giv your mum our love and tell her we are thinking of her.
Luv Hannah, Lucy & mum Sue xxxxxx

Hannah and Lucy said...

ooops - it should read doesn't look quite as naked!!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww sweet and adorable and ever to so amazing and delightful GJ!!! Me and Charlie are sending your mum tons and tons and tons of hugs and purrs!! We are keeping her in our hearts! With you there we just know everything is gonna be alright!!!

We are so happy to see your floofy furrs get floofier by the day!! Yay!! Take care

BeadedTail said...

GJ, you are so sweet! We're thinking of your mum and sending lots of purrs for a quick recovery! Hugs to both of you!

wildcatwoods said...

Hope all goes well for your Mom!

Cats of Wildcat Woods

Kari said...

Prayers and purrs are with your mum through her surgery. We know you and your dad will take wonderful care of her when she returns home. We will be watching for your updates. You are the bestest of sons, precious love..

Kari in Alaska said...

we are keeping your mom in our thoughts


Forty Paws said...

We are sending purrs and purrayers to your Mum. And let's hope that she doesn't get a shave job.

Luf, Us

Marg said...

We certainly sending tons of purrs and prayers for your surgery to go well. GJ, you sure look like the best nurse ever. We hope the recovery goes really well for you. We are keeping all our paws and hooves crossed for you. Take care GJ and take good care of your Mom.


Good luck to your mum.
Take care.


Sónia Mendes said...

Hi GJ,

I hope everything goes well with your mum's surgery. I'm keeping my paws crossed...

Purrs from Gotchi

CCL Wendy said...

We're really purring hard for your Mom to come out fine. There are lots of healing vibes going her way.

When she's feeling a little better and able to look at a laptop, I did two LOLs of you today, GJ!

We know they make her laugh.

Amy & the house of cats said...

hi GJ! We are so behind we didn't know your mom was having surgery - we hope it all went well and she is feeling ok! We are sending her tons and tons of get well soon purrs and prayers!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Sending good wishes to your mommie that the surgery goes well and that soon she will be home with a quick recovery. So nice that you are on stand by to take care of her. Way to go!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well with a Doctor like you GJ, your Mum will heal up quick!

We have not been visiting enough lately, is it the shoulder that your Mum is having operated on? We hope it is not terribly serious.

Looks like she had a great time at her birthday party! She is very loved!

Sagira said...

We are thinking of your mom. Paws crossed for a speedy recovery. I know she will do well if you're taking care of her GJ :)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

We are all six of sending big purrs to help your Mum get well fast.
Love & Purrs,

Ellen Whyte said...

We're purring for her too. And we hope she's back soon. You make an excellent doctor, GJ.

Asta said...

I am cwossing my paws fow youw Mum!
I know she is in expawt paws wif you awound and youw Dad's love
I hope she comes home all well vewy soon
smoochie kisses

White Dog Blog said...

We love your mum, too! Sending her powerful White Dog Army healing energy and soft woos of recovery comfort.

Lorenza said...

I hope everything went well, GJ!
Let us know, please!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Just checking in to see if there is an update. Sending our loudest purrSSSSS to GJ's Mum!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE hope every thing went well. Give your Mom a gentle head bump from us

Just Ducky said...

Sending purrs to your mum.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You are just the sweetest Ginger J. I know your mama will be home soon and you will help her to have a speedy recovery by giving her lots of purrs and cuddles. You make the cutest nurse!!
We are saying prayers for your mom to be well soon.!

Anya said...

we send much hugs and prayers for your Mum !!!!

Take care Carol
we are here for you ....

Kareltje,Betsie & Anya

Freya's Staff said...

Good luck Mom GJ! I'm sure GJ will look after you when you get home, and massage your wound :-)

AFSocksScylla said...

With you on the case GJ we know everything will go smoothly. Sending healing purrs and wishing your Mum a Happy Birthday as well as a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Mum is sure to feel better seeing you in the cute outfit!

Clooney said...

GJ, you makes an excellent Doctor! Purrs and prayers to your Mom and our best thoughts.

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, We are checking in to wish you Mum "Get well soon!"
Our Mommy is home and it is great, she lays around all day and we get to snuggle.
You be a good Doctor and stay off your Mum's tummy!
xx The Lounge Kats & Mommy Trish