12 November 2010

Catoga and updates.....

Hello everyone.. There I was practicing catoga while having a bath when of course out came the flashy box..

Look the other way...
Carry on regardless..
This is to the flashy box.....
Now everyone has been asking after both me and mum so here is our update.. Although I am much improved I still have not got back to fully myself. Dad keeps saying come on mate where's my Jasper. I cant put my finger on it but somethings not quite right. Hopefully as each day goes by I will get back to " me ".
Mum also has not been herself. The antibiotics finished but the pain and discomfort didn't. Mum has been having appointments this past week. Today the doctor said he is referring her to the hospital doctor and it looks like an operation. This is what mum was hoping was not going to happen.. But as they say these things do happen. Tonight mum is even more in pain after being prodded and poked somewhat. Not moaning really but just updating.. Thanks for asking after mum.. Hugs GJ xx


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Khome on woo two!!

Paws khrossed fur both of woo to feel better with minimal invasion!

PeeEssWoo: Nice pikhs!

Sagira said...

Hope you get back to the real GJ soon.

Never any privacy huh? :)

Kari in Alaska said...

thats quite the pose! I hope you are both all better soon


Old Kitty said...

Oh beautiful GJ!!! Me and Charlie are so sad to hear about your lovely mum not feeling too well and you not feeling too good either!! We are sending you tons of purrs and hugs. We hope you will get better GJ and we hope your mum will stay as strong as she can as she goes through all these docs' examinations - she must be so tired now. Please send her our love and hugs!!!

Awww we are so in AWE at your catoga skills, sweet GJ!! You are completely pawsome!!! Take care

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're really sorry that neither you nor your Mum is quite recovered yet, GJ. We're especially sorry to hear about the possible op for your Mum!!! But we are sending giant purrs and keeping every paw in the house crossed for both of you.

Cindy said...

Poor mum! Maybe a miracle will happen and the surgery won't have to happen. You sure showed your mom for taking those pictures.

GreatGranny said...

A cute pose for your Mom. We hope she feels better soon. Just give her extra purrs and love.....Kassey

Marlene said...

Hugs and healing purrs to both you and your Mum, GJ!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

GJ, we are sorry to hear this news. Surgery for your mum? If it helps, that's the main thing because we don't want her sick and in pain. You get better too please!! We send lots of purrs and prayers to you and your mum to get much better soon. For me, I'll have my paws crossed too. Lots of love, Debbie, Holly, Angel and Lilly

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Holy Smokes! We have to get back to visiting you regularly! We didn't know you or your Mum were feeling poorly! We will amp up purrs for you right this instant!!!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! We are sorry you and your mum are both poorly GJ. We are sending you both lots of purrs.
Mum usually tries to check in when she is on the ship, but the connection was so bad that it kept crashing. She gave up after the first day.

Kari said...

We are really upset about you and your mum. We are sending our love and praying that you both will recover quickly. You and your beans are some of our very favourite people in the whole wide world. You are family to us.
Please forgive us if we are intruding on your privacy. All of your readers just love you, LOTS.
Our love to you.
PS. You look so beautiful, our mum gasped with delight when she saw your first photo

BeadedTail said...

Oh noes GJ! We're sorry you aren't quite back to feeling like yourself and that your mum isn't feeling well either. We're sending purrs and crossing our paws that you both get better. We hope she feels less pain tomorrow! Hugs to both of you!

Hansel said...

You look wonderful there friend!! Even if you are doing Catoga! :) Nice moves!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We agree, it is about time for you both to be on the mend. Paws crossed here with lots of prayers from Mom for this to happen.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry your Mum is in pain! WE are purring that both of you get better, soon!

Asta said...

Gingew Jaspew
Looking at youw handsomeself..I would nevew guess that you'we not youwself.I'm so sowwy you Mom is not getting the wesults she wants and is stillin all that pain..please give hew my love and bof of you take my healing smoochie kisses

I will be cwossing my paws fow youw Mom
smoochie kisses

Ellen Whyte said...

This doesn't sound good. maybe prawns would help? Or lashings of chicken???

lupie said...

We love your catoga position!!!
You are so flexible!!

More rest, prawns and yummies will get you back to your usual GJ self in no time! We send our purrs too!!!

We purr that your mommy will be better soon. Hospital is no fun. We hope there's something non-invasive that the hospital doc can do to make your mommy well. Please update us of your mommy's condition, okie?

We love you all! :)

Love, Lucky & Co (and staff : bin)

White Dog Blog said...

We are so worried about both you and mum! Please feel our healing energy and positive thoughts being sent to help you get well. Like Khyra, we hope Mum will find relief with minimal invasion. Rest alot and keep up hydration and cuddle (lovin' always helps).

Just Ducky said...

Purrs to you and your mum. Sorry to hear she may need to go to the human fix it place.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I am concerned about both you and your human, and sending you lots of purrs! You two must get better soon!

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we hope you are back to normal soon. And we're sorry your mom isn't doing better and may need an operation. We are purring for you both!

The Chair Speaks said...

We love your last picture. Cute.
Get better soon purrs for you and your mom.

Vicki said...

Hooe you both feel better soon!!!! Love the scowl on your face GJ!

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, slow but steady wins the race...we hope you'll feel better soon. And we are sending BIG purrs for your Mum. (Our Mommy has surgery coming up too...at least hers was planned.)
We sure hope her pain abates soon, feeling awful sux.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That's too bad about your mum needing surgery. With you being sick too...well, that's a lot at once. We hope you continue to recover steadily, and that your mum's surgery goes well and takes care of the problem.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We thinks your bath is nice photos. We are sorry you both don't feel good. We hope you don't have to have surgery.

ZOOLATRY said...

We gots almost matching pik-shurs today GJ... and I didn't even know I was doing Catoga, I thought I was just scratching an itch, or itching a scratch or whatevers...

PeeEss: my mom was thinking of you mum last night, in facts she said she dreamt about her and how she was feeling and doing, so she was not happy to read all this today

She sends kisses over the clouds and hugs across the pond!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are sorry to hear that you and your mum are still not "in tip top health". The awful wet and cold weather does not help much either and mum says it makes her feel low (whatever she means by that!!)
We hope both of you will feel lots better soon.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Come GJ, we love you, you can do it!!! Bring your Mum along with you on the betters too!


I do hope you and your mum will be in tip top condition soon.


Jacqueline said...

We enjoyed your photos, handsome GJ, but we are very sorry to hear about you and your Mum still not feeling well...We hate to hear she is going to have surgery, but will purr and pray for you both to get better asap...We are trying to catch up with our wonderful friends on the weekends; our Mommy's new job, along with her part time one, makes it difficult to visit during the week now...We hope you enjoy a restful weekend with your Mum, sweet friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Lorenza said...

You are a catoga master, GJ!
I really hope you and your mom get better soon!
Paws crossed here for you two!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh no! We are sorry to hear the noos abowt yoor mom and yoo still not feeling well. We are sending BIG rumbly healing purrs for yoo both.

Teddy Westlife said...

I hope you both feel better soon!

Cezar and Léia said...

Wow Jasper, you are skilled at catoga there! LOL
Great poses!
I wish you a lovely Sunday and a great week ahead,
hugs to your sweet mommy, I hope everything is okay there!