Mum has a really sore hurty in her neck. She has been today to see someone called a Fizeo.. He told mum she has to not go on the laptop much ... That is awful because how can she help me visit.. I hope its not really hurty for long.. Mum says it is really hurty and she has to listen to the fizio man .. So if we don't get to you for a couple days that's why...
Couple more photo's of me on my wall...
You're so cute on the wall GJ! Now, go wrap yourself around Moms neck and purr real hard!!!
We hope Mom's neck gets better soon. Love the pictures of you on the wall.
Tell mum to relax and get betterm nothing worse than a pain in the neck!
We liked your wall pics.
Martha and Bailey xxx
Tell Mom to listen to the fizeo and feel better soon. No worries about visiting us - we so understand.
Were you playing peek a boo behind that plant, GJ?
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We really hope your mum gets better really soon! We know about neck and back pain and it sure not fun at all. Get better!! Love the pictures! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Oh no...hope your mom's neck feels better.
Awwww GJ!!! Me and Charlie hope your mum's sore neck gets better! We hope she listens to the fizeo and rest from the laptop for a bit!!
We will miss you GJ!! but we also like your mum to get better!!
We love your pics here - you are a very agile kitty!
Take care
Oh no! We hope your mum's neck is soon better. She better listen to what the Fizeo told her.You look cute on the wall with your plantpot.
Hope your mum gets better quickly.
I loved the photo's.
Oh GJ I hope your Mommy feels better soon! BTW your looking quite handsome today!
Meowms neck gets hurty too....and sometimes her wrists. She gets out a ice pack and that helps her ouchies feel better. We hope your Mum feels better soon!
Sweet pictures of you. We hope your Mom's neck gets better real soon.
I hope your human feels better soon! I too think the in-person healing purrs-around-the-neck technique will be very helpful!
We hope your Mum feels better soon...You are so adorable, we always love your photos, GJ...kisses x3 sweet, handsome friend...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Take good care of your mum, GJ!!! We're sending her healing purrs!
We sure hope your mom feels better! Did Mr. Fizio give her something fizzy to drink?
Ammy. :)
Hi, Ginger Jasper!
I hope your mom feels better soon!
My mom has some back pain... and her doctor told her that it is caused by the use of the laptop! Hmmmm...
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hope your Mommy feels better soon. Are you acting as neck warmer?
Best mum take the advice given...we want her back in tiptop shape as soon as possible! Know we are all thinking of you GJ and sending healing vibes to mum.
Almost can't see you behind that plant! Now go to your mom and purr to make her feel better.
I bet she needs some purrrrrrapy!
PeeEssWoo: Please make sure your mum rests!
Oh no, lots n'lots of cuddles to your mummy my friend!!
We hope your mum rests and feels better. You look really great on the wall.
Oh noes! We hope your mum's hurty neck gets better soon!
Jasper, you are soooo adorable, I'm enchanted by your pictures!
Luna - We love Luna
We hope that your Mommy's neck feels better very soon. We are sending her lots of purrs!
GJ....great pictures on your wall!
Wow - you are an excellent acrobat GJ!
I hope your mom's neck is better soon. You are so luck to be outside on the wall enjoying the fresh air.
You look very handsome today GJ. If you purr lots and lots while warming her neck your mum will soon feel much better.
Handsome pix, GJ.
We hope your mum will be better really quickly.....we are purring for her.
We hopes your Mom feels better soon. Healing purrs.
Your poor mum! Tell her we send our love and purrs that her neck feels better soon. We know that necks can be most painful! We agree with Brian. Wrap your precious self around your mum's neck. Even if you can't make it all better, you'll make your mum happy.
We appreciate that she took time post some photos of you. We need our ginger ray of sunshine.
Oh GJ. I'm so sorry about your mom's neck ouchie! I hopes she gets feeling better real soon. That was real nice of her to gives us some Most Adorable pictures of you to tie us over until she can gets back to helping you with your bloggie.
Wiggles & Wags,
Well Peek a boo!!
Hi GJ,
I hope your mum feels better soon.
Purrs from Gotchi
We hope the fizeo helps your human mum get back to normal. We're sure you'll do all you can to make her feel better, too.
Poor mum, I hope she feels better soon.
Stopped by to say hello and give you a little kiss. Hope your mum is feeling better. Love to you.
Moms, they have all sorts of reasons to slack our house it's all "company" blahblahblah and a sticky little person taking up her time.
Tell your Mommy to get some R & R and heal that hurty neck up! Gj, your special mission is to sit in her lap and purr.
OH no! Yoor poor mommy. we are sending her HUGE rumbly get well purrs.
And wiv yoor speshull attention GJ, she can't fail to get well quickly!
Love from Milo, Alfie and our Mom xxx
i hope she gets better soon!
We hope your mom feels better! We are sorry she hurts! You look great on that wall! I really like that 2nd to the last picture!!
How adorable! If Mummy saw such a floofy ginger beauty on our wall, she would just run outside and scoop you up for a big cuddle!! That tree was very nice too!
We hope your Mummy feels better soon...
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
We hope that your Mom's neck feels better real soon, GJ!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
You're like SpiderCat up there! Hope Mum's neck is all better very soon :)
heehee, GJ you are so cuties.
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