18 October 2009


Hello everyone.... How are you on this bright but cold Sunday...
On mum's day off this week, the trip out was to Knaresbrough.. This is very near us but mum and dad don't go much.. They wondered why they don't go much when they were there, as the colours and views were so lovely. It was helped by being a lovely bright day. The reflections on the water were quite stunning... A walk beside the water, a lovely bright day, lovely views, people watching at the coffee shop and good company what more could you want... As usual mum found a fur friend or two as well.. Take a look.. Hope you enjoy...

Views a plenty......
Worth the climb up....

More reflections...

Mums favourite reflection...

Mum and dad fell in love with theses houses for sale, right on the water front.. If only....
They saw lots of these.....
This chap was very friendly. He looked like he had been in the wars and only had one eye, but knew his way around and was so friendly with people. He was wearing a collar with a pretty tag on.. Mum said he looked like a lovable rogue..
Checking out the local smells..
A sleepy feather friend....
Hope you liked a glimpse of Knaresbrough... Hugs GJ xx


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Your mum khaptured some furry lovely pikhs again!

Please tank her fur us!


Cindy said...

Gorgeous photos! Looks like they had a good time. You're looking good in the top photo

Martha said...

Beautiful - loved the reflection pic!!!
Of course GJ you are always gorgeous.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Anonymous said...

What an adorable place to live...Mom says we can never move because we don't like going bub-eye in the car. And 6 cats can't very well get in a car together. Ever.

One Cats Nip said...

What lovely pictures! I especially loved that little orange catizen!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Your mom and dad have the best places to visit. I loved the reflection pictures and the other ginger kitty.

CCL Wendy said...

Thank you for sharing your lovely Sunday in the English country. Those reflections are amazingly clear and vivid. Your landscape is still a lot more green than ours is here in Ontario, Canada right now. Most of the leaves have already fallen off the trees.

I was so happy to see the one-eyed ginger cat had a tag on him. It means that someone loves him, and he has a home, and that's good thing.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

These are beautiful pictures. And you, Ginger Jasper are really beautiful.

Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes. I do appreciate them.


Jack & Moo said...

Woooo, lovely! Mom says she feels like she's looking at a travel brochure!

a-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Lovely pictures!

The Army of Four said...

What gorgeous photos! Hey, there's a kit-cat like that in our neighborhood! He followed us on our walk the other day!
I love that picture of you with the sunlight in your furs. Lookin' mighty handsome, GJ!
Play bows,

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hello Ginger Jasper, Thank you for coming to my blog and leaving a comment. I loved your beautiful pictures. You live in a very pretty country. I like your name too. It suits you. Thanks for sharing your pretty pictures.

Cory said...

What lovely pictures! I think it's a good idea for you to continue posting them because then my mom can get her fill of traveling without leaving me behind.

ScrapsofMe said...

What a beautiful place for a walkie. She should have taken you in a back packy thingy ... or not. Maybe you liked having the house to yourself for a lovely warm nappy?

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Beautiful photos, and we love the pirate cat!!

SeaThreePeeO said...

WOW! Those really are stunning pictures. Such a beautiful place. Where abouts is Knaresbrough? If it'snot too difficult to get to we may go and have a look see.

Elin said...

LOvely & prety reflection photo!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Beautiful!! Beautiful!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

Lovely! Absolutely stunning scenery. John said he feels like he was there. That fuzzy fellow looks like he might have been a relative.

Oz and Zozo

Anonymous said...

Wot a lovely collection of photos ~ Mom said she wished her poorly leg would hurry up and get better 'cos yoor pics made her want to get owt and abowt! We all loved the favourite reflection one too ~ stunning. And the one of yoo GJ ~ pawsome!

Milo and Alfie xx

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful landscape ! just what I love too ! and the little squirrel and the one eyed cat. He probably isn't unhappy otherwise he wouldn't have been so friendly and wearing a collar.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Beautiful photos.....thank your Mum for taking them, GJ.


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Beautiful pictures, but they seem to be completely lacking your stunning visage. I mean, one can never have too many pictures of one's self, can one? ;-)

*kissey face*

Anonymous said...

What a stunning area! Those house are GORGEOUS!!! And that little scrappy kittie is super kyute!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh my goodness! Our Meowm is loving these pictures. We are loving that ducky picture and finding that kitty to be very interesting. And, of course, you are looking as handsome as ever.

TwoSpecialWires said...

We LOVED the glimpse of Knaresbrough! This is one of the things we like best about blogging ... all the wonderful places on this earth that we get to see, from the eyes of our friends. This trip was beautiful! We love the reflection pictures (we really miss water) and we sat here and wondered about the life of the rogue. What stories he'd undoubtedly tell.

We love your blog....
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are wonderful pictures GJ!