19 October 2009

Did someone say chicken.....

Mummm dad just said there is chicken.. Did I hear right....

I will give you my best stare, usually works...
Yup it worked.. Chicken... nom nom.....
Nom Nom Nom.....
That was yummy, thanks dad....

Have a nice day.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh please does any of my fur friends want to exchange Christmas cards with me..I would love to do so with lots of my fur friends. If you would like to could you Email me at cazbaz7@aol.com.. Thank you in anticipation.. GJ


Luna und Luzie said...

GJ, you are very good in staring for chicken! That really works!

We would love to exchange christmas cards with you!
(the girls are at Miss Peachs Party tonight)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Tastes like?

PeeEssWoo: Nice pikhs of woo!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Yum! Chicken!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We would like to exchange Christmas cards. too. We love chicken. Was it fried? We get oriental

Misha said...

How could your beans resist that face?!

Anonymous said...

NOMMIE CHICKEN!!! And we would LOVE to exchange Christmas cards!!! We already have your address, but mom will send ours!

The Creek Cats said...

Chicken is super nommy! We don't get nearly enough chicken around here. We must protest!

We'd love to exchange Christmas cards with you. We will email you right now!

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

Heck, if I had chicken I might send you some right now. Maybe we should exchange christmas chicken...hmmmm

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We could tell you really enjoyed that chicken, GJ.


Asta said...

Gweat tecknique J,G that chicken looks delicious!
I'm so glad you wewe able to wowk youw magic and get some
smoochie kisses

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ooo, can we also do a chicken exchange with the cards?? We LOVE chicken...

One Cats Nip said...

YAY! Chickens is yumms. I love catmas cards! I will xchanges with yous

Cindy said...

Love too. That mind-meld worked!

The Island Cats said...

We gotta try that stare and see if we get some chick-hen too!

We wanna exchange cards! We'll email right away!

Mason Dixie said...

With a stare like that I would give up my chicken for you too =)

The Monkeys said...

We saw the word 'chicken' and came right over! It looks like you got it all though, GJ!

Halloween Spooktacular! said...

Jasper, i put your photo up on the contest page!

hmmmm i LOVE chick-hen! -hansel

Noll's Nip said...

Lip-smacking good!

Anonymous said...

Our Grampa is bringin' us Chicken this weekend!

The Army of Four said...

Woo. I love chicken. Especially when it's cooked with jalapenos!

Tuck said...

Yummy!!! There's nothing like chicken!

Anonymous said...

You got some chicken? You're one lucky cat, Jasper!

septembermom said...

Chicken makes everyone happy (mostly):)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Yummers, you got chicken - so good.

Of course, we would love to exchange cards with you.

woos, the OP Pack

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mom has tried to offer me real chicken, but I turn up my finicky nose at it. I do like chicken and rice stinky goodness.

I sent you an email to exchange Christmas Cards.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Yummers. Chicken is the best. And you got some! (So did we! Last night!) You have some purrfect technique for getting that first bite and savoring the last little bit of flavor, as well. (Such a cute tongue!)

Love ya!
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Pee S We'd love to exchange Christmas cards... but Moma's not letting us make any promises yet....

Ellen Whyte said...

Oooh chicken! Yum! We don't celebrate Christmas but we will send you an e-card - promise...

Teddy Westlife said...

CHICKEN! I love chicken. Nearly as much as I love ham.

I will email you about the christmas card.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Chicken looks good - sometimes Mom makes us chicken and rice.

We'd love to exchange Christmas cards with you - we'll shoot you an email.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Cezar and Léia said...

You are soooooo cute!
I loved your best stare pose! :)
purrs and love

Anonymous said...

GJ ~ That's an excellent tekneek for getting chicken!

Milo and Alfie xx

Ingrid said...

Hehehe ! all the same you too are a chicken fan !!!

CATS 4 MEOWS said...

We would love to exchange christmas cards with you! May we also do a chicken exchange ,yessss!!!!

CATS 4 MEOWS said...

We would love to exchange christmas cards with you! May we also do a chicken exchange ,yessss!!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Chicken!!! Yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent job getting your way, GJ! (You were well-rewarded for it, too!)

White Dog Blog said...

You have a very effective chicken stare! I LOVE chicken and have quite a good stare, myself!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Chicken is awesome! And we would love to exchange Christmas cards with you!