6 June 2009

Ginger Jasper is LOL feature !!!!!!!

I have been LOL'd at the lovely Wendy's LOL blog. I am honoured to have been featured. If you haven't looked at this funny site you should do, its very very funny.

I did not realise that you need to click all the pictures down the side, but when I did i was surprised. Take a look, I have just included a couple to show you, the others are fun too.

wendys lol spot Take a look click here

Drugs at Ginger Jasper's place....

The cops raided the place....

This tobacco is addictive...

I picked up this lovely award from The lovely Huffle . The award says it all I think. It is your blog makes my heart smile award. Just lovely. I say the same , please take it and pass it on.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

BOL at woo!

Tank woo fur sharing!

I'm glad woo like the Lady Bug! I gave it to Huffle so I'm furry happy she gave it to WOO!


septembermom said...

Congrats on the award GJ, you're a star in bloggyland!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on the Lady bug - isn't it so very nice?

Congrats on your LOL feature, the link didn't work for us, but we did enjoy the ones you posted.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

The Creek Cats said...

LOL! We love your LOL feature over at Wendy's blog! So funny!!
Concats on your award!

Asta said...

Gingew Jaspew,
That was just what I needed.a gweat laugh..you awe faboolous
thank you
smoochie kisses
(Mommi says those add ickshuns awe hawd to beat..good luck, hehehe)

Sweet Purrfections said...

I love the "paws against the wall" LOL picture. I simply must get my mom to send in some pictures.

Anonymous said...

I hope when you smoke that stuff, you don't inhale!☺

Gattina said...

Hahaha ! that's too cute ! and congrats to your award !
I have seen so many cats in Morocco, wherever we went, they were not shy at all and didn't look hungry either.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Congrats on the Lady Bug Award! Those are funny pictures! Especially the paws against the wall!

Selba said...

Congrats on your lady bug award!

Adele, Vincent & Bella

Anonymous said...

Great pics. We larfed and larfed!

Milo and Alfie xx

Teddy Westlife said...

Those LOLCats are very funny! Enjoy that award.

Huffle Mawson

Martha said...

Congratulations on your Award. Those were some very funny pictures - we will check out the site. Nothing happened when we clicked on the pics but we will visit and see.
Have a nice weekend and thanks for starting it off with a smile!
Martha & Bailey xxx

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Congrats on the award GJ and we got a great laugh at the pics - thanks for sharing.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Javadotyp

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

SO FUNNY!!! Mommy wanted to let you know that if you want to bid on the mystery box of books, the shipping cost will be paid for by her. She will send them Media Mail. SO, PLEASE GO BACK AND BID!!!

Have a great day!

Hansel said...

WOW! good job bein famous!


The Monkeys said...

You're a star, GJ!

Anonymous said...

They made an excellent choice to feature you, GJ!

Reese =^..^= said...

Wonderfurry LOLs!!! I'm impressed. Concatulaltions on dat bug award!

The Florida Furkids said...

ConCatulations on your award and your great LOL cat pictures!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cory said...

You are so funny!!! Paws against the wall!!!! Ha! What did you do?


You are most beautiful and funny
(LOL feature) too! Great combo when it comes to furry friends! Stop any
Monday, I'll be at House Panthers.
♥ Spooky Do

Anya said...

its fun today here ;)
We love fun !!!
I like the shots they are GREAT ;)

Gratulations with your award ^__^

I go look by Wendy site .

Have a nice weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Those are soooo funny! We haven't checked out Wendy's blog before, so we'll head on over:)

Pee Ess: Concats on your award! We'll pass it on:)

Baby Patches said...

I saws da LOL postings of you! I luvs all em, you so cute!
