6 March 2009

I,m famous !!!!

Hello everyone, well I cant tell you how excited I am my picture is over on Zolatry.
It is so lovely, I love it. I have been telling all my friends to go look. Pleese check it out.

Now my mum was getting a few things ready to Post out this morning and I just had to check them out first. It took her longer than it should as she had to keep moving me. I checked out the bags, I looked inside, I looked under them, I jumped on them, sat on them and just made super sure all was well. I checked out the items to go. Mmm are you sure mum these are not for me? No? OK well they can go in then. Take a look see what I got up to.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Ginger Jasper! We saw your picture at Zoolatry and had to come to visit! Come and visit us sometime!!

Tuck said...

Hey there Ginger Jasper! I saw you over at Zoolatry and wanted to stop by to say hello!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I went over and saw how tasty - I mean HANDSOME woo looked!

Hmmmm - was your mum going to ship woo to me?

That would be furry sweet!


The Creek Cats said...

Hi Jasper! Nice to meet you. You sure are one stunningly handsome Mancat!

Ingrid said...

Cats are the best parcel controlers ! they should work for customs !

missbreezysbox said...

The stuff looks like is for you.

Anonymous said...

Did yoo get prezzies? Concats on being featured on Zoolatry - they is so talented!

Elin said...

Hi Pal!

Yes, i love our photo on Zoolatry too!

Congratulation for both of us!


The Florida Furkids said...

Hi Ginger Jasper. We saw your picture on Zoolatry and came by to visit too. You're a beautiful kitty!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sweet Purrfections said...

I love your picture on Zoolatry! Did I tell you that one of the kitties that my mom wanted to bring home was a male red Persian?

You are doing a great job of snoopervising!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We saw woo at Zoolatry too - woo are furry pretty. Looks like woo found a bagful of very nice goodies.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Elin said...

I have an award to u!
Go to mine and pick it up!


meemsnyc said...

Ooooh, what awesome toys!

BenTheRotti said...

ooohhh I know woo that parcel is for *wink wink*

Ben xxx

Mr. Black said...

Hi GJ!
Nice job handling that parcel!