17 March 2009

Can you see what I see and others

Mum got the flashy box out just as I was up on my window going snoopervising. Oh not more picures at this time. Pleeese.!!!!

Mum wouldn,t take the hint, the things we pussies do for peace.

Mum then spied me through the window and got a couple of me can you see me?

Then she called me and like a good puss cat I went. Well she was holding my favourite crunchies.

Hugs to all Ginger Jasper xxx

St Patricks day, Mum I am just going snoopervising, no flashy box just now please !!!!!!

Mum I,m busy

I,m trying to snoopervise

I did warn you

Did you spot me?

Can you spot me?

Did you call mum?



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I know I know!

With my mom home this week, all she's been doing is taking my pikhs!

I'll get to try the GJ flavoured snakhks later!

Khyra O'Husky

Byron y Xinver said...

Thanks your mom (the pictures she takes) we can see you are a very good supervisor and everything's OK all around.
Happy Day.

Ingrid said...

Poor Jasper you must feel like Brad Pitt always persecuted with a camera ! But I understand your mom you look so cute !

Sweet Purrfections said...

Jasper, that is one of the disadvantages of fame - the pawparazzi are all around. My mom's flashy box is having problems, so she ordered another one last night. I am sure I will be the subject of millions of photos now!

Have a great day, handsome!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Ack!!!! You were outside and she drug you indoors! Sheesh! The nerve!!!

Mr. Black said...

Ginger Jasper, that is a really COOL photo of you---the close-up of your face. I really like that photo!

Are you going to put the bitey on that necklace with the four-leaf clover in it? Do you think that will bring you luck? I find that putting the bitey on things never brings me luck.

The Island Cats said...

What a purrty necklace she is dangling in your face!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh yes, that flashy beast can be so annoying. Be sure to check out our blog tomorrow - your post today was just perfect for what we needed.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

The Florida Furkids said...

That flashy box is effurywhere!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

I love seeing you outside in your garden. Soon the weather will be warmer and you can enjoy your pretty flowers. Mommy loved the photo of you in the gridded window! PURRRRFECTION!
Lots of love from Miss Peach

Tuck said...

Those are adorable pictures!!

pet care tv said...

That second to last picture is gorgeous and hilarious. Trying to put on the mean face. Haha. It would awesome to have ginger join the MyPetCare Community

Cliff and Olivia said...

You're a very patient feline. You do look a bit annoyed in some of the pictures though.