Hello everyone.
As I have not posted for quite a while I thought it was time and to maybe explain why. I have always loved my blog and much more than FB. I have met so many lovely people and so many that I call friends and some very special friends too. I have met many already and hope to meet more in the future.
When I lost Jasper I was lost and posted about grand kids, holidays and just a range of things really. I hoped I wasn't boring everyone and did try to sort of keep it going. I then got such a shock as I received quite a lot of awful anonymous comments. I at first just deleted them but I got quite a few more. Basically saying why did I keep a cat blog when all I posted was kids and holidays. Why didn't I get another cat and stop moaning about stupid things, etc etc. I am sad to say I took the comments to heart and just stopped posting. I probably played right into their hands. as they were saying just what I was thinking about boring people.
A little while ago I spoke to Ann and her advice was to blog about anything and everything that I fancied and to just ignore. I think maybe she is right and I will do so. I so miss everyone and FB is just not the same. I am thinking of changing my header to something related to Barrie and I but of course with Jasper on there somewhere.
Barrie and I talked about another cat but decided we wouldn't while ever we were travelling, so we wont be getting one. We miss our boy so much and feel him all around us .
Bye for now
Carol x
I still feed the little stray cats and this was a new one that came today, We haven't seen it around before. Its a little skinny but very clean and cute.
We are happy to hear from you! Whoever those trolls were, you should just ignore them. You have too many true friends in the cat blogosphere!
What a sweet little kitty! Some powerful lazers too.
My goodness, Carol! What nasty people!! Please don't take any notice of them!! It's your blog and you can post whatever you like on it!! I can understand that as you are travelling a lot, you can't commit to another kitty yet. But you can post about your travels and it would be a lovely diary for you to remember it all by. Also pics of the visiting kitties would be lovely too :)
I agree Facebook isn't the same!! So keep posting, eh! Hugs, Caro........ and Austin ;)
Love you! Love Barrie! Love Angel GJ! Love the visiting kitties, the grands and greats and friends and traveling photos (Barrie is a great photographer BTW) and don't pay "no never mind" to the "party poopers" who might stop by!
It's YOUR BLOG, do with it just what you want, when you want, the way you want!
We who love you will always be here for you, rain or shine!
You should post whatever it is you like on your blog.
I don't know why anyone would comment like those that did and made you feel bad, you shouldn't at all. THEY SHOULD though.
Oh Carol, I am so sorry that some mean minded people have upset you. It is your blog and you can post whatever you like on it. Trolls like that get their perverse pleasure from upsetting others. You have many friends on here who all love you and miss you. Come back and blog about whatever you want to, and to hell with those miserable pathetic people.
Carol, I wondered where you were, but just thought you were on FB, which I don't do. (I'm not blogging for the boys right now, but keep my personal one going.)
I'm very sorry that there were such awful comments, obviously posted by trolls. You can change your settings so that only people with accounts (i.e. no anonymous users) can leave a comment. Actually, I suggest you do that, it cuts down on crap like this, and on spam too. Anyone who spends their day behind a computer screen being so unkind must be very miserable indeed, perhaps to be pitied, but definitely to be ignored.
Lots of hugs from me, and purrs from Nicki and Derry. Peace.
I don't have a blog, but I enjoy reading and living vicariously through the blogs I do read. Every time I see a post from Ginger Jasper, I can't wait to see what you have posted. Please keep posting so we can enjoy as well.
Good to hear from wooos, we are very sorry some of the nasty people got to you. Wishing you love, light, peace and happiness.
Nuk & Family
We're so sorry people said those things to you! It's your blog so you can post what you want! Maybe they didn't know what had happened with GJ so didn't understand why the change in posts. Anyway, we love you and Barrie too so will love to read whatever you want to post about! (((hugs)))
Absolutely, ignore the crazies. I'd listen to you say/read almost anything... Miss Jasper, too, but still very much want to hear from you and Barrie. Please do tell about what you're doing and thinking-- the grandchildren are quite wonderful. Please stay with it!
Lizzie, Max and Tuck
Yes,njust ignire thise crazies, we see you on FB but we sure miss you in the blogosphere. Our world us a much beteer place cause you and Barrie are part of it. Let the blogging begin!
Great to see you and "hear" you!!! shame on those wit the rude comments. If they were anonymous, you need to change your settings so you don't allow anonymous comments. We always enjoy what you post, kitties, travels, you, Barry, kids - it's all wonderful - don't stop - keep it coming. We may not always get to comment but we do love you.
Woos - Ciara and Lightning and Mom
Gasp = I am shocked and saddened that anyone would make those crewel comments to you. I hope they were NOT our regular animal bloggers. I would say shame on them for being so unkind. I say you should keep the blog and write about whatever you want to write about. Those of us that love you will come to see you. If anyone doesn't like, it is their choice not to visit.
The kitty you have visiting currently is a cutie. Love that black patch under his chin.
Carol, please don't listen to those people who leave those rude comments. You should feel free to blog about whatever you want. We love you and Barrie...and GJ. We miss him. too.
Sue and Wally, Ernie & Zoey
What an awful thing for someone to say to you, and on top of that, do it in such a cowardly way by posting anonymously. My human says she can tell how much fun you and Barrie are having traveling and visiting family, so she figured you would not be getting another kitty. But the Cat Blogosphere is not just us kitties, it's the humans behind us all, and of course the humans all care lots about each other... with a few notable exceptions, apparently. But they should be ignored, totally. I'm glad you posted today and let us know what's up!
Oh, and what other commenters said about changing the blog settings so no anonymous posters can comment - that's a great idea!
Ignore them Carol. I have missed you and your lovely pics.
Ignore them Carol. I have missed you and your lovely pics.
Ignore them Carol. I have missed you and your lovely pics.
So glad to see you back Carol and Barrie. You can blog what ever you feel like. If people don't like it, they do not have to read it. I have a suggestion. I myself would love to see old picures of GJ. You could do it like once a week. That would be fun. Bring back old memories. And we always love seeing the grands. You all have a great week end.
The stray cat cleans up nicely. We enjoy reading about your travels and your family. We don't always comment as sometimes we read blogs on the phone and Mommy doesn't dare sign in because the last time we tried it messed up our signing in on the computer.
We miss GJ, and always will. He was a very dear friend.
It's so nice to see post from you, dear Carol. We have missed you! Please know that we love you and Barrie, and hope that you will just keep on posting about whatever your heart desires. Just ignore those miserable, nasty trolls.
We miss GJ so much, too. He lives on in the hearts of SO many, forever.
Moosey, Gracie, Zoe, Kevin and Tracey
What cruel people! Through GJ you became our friend also and think you should talk about anything you want on your blog. Our blog started out as our mum's but then it changed over to us. Mum says she lives vicariously through you and Barrie!
Oh Dear God Carol I cannot believe that some sicko (or sick people) even took the time to do that.
DO NOT let it get to you!
More than likely, it isn't anyone that you know.
I get TONS of spam email promoting links on Cat Chat (blogger has been AWFUL about spam lately), but no one sees them because I usually catch them in time and delete them
It is YOUR BLOG to do with what you wish........what really sickens me is whomever is doing this has to hide by the name anonymous.
We love you and love WHATEVER you wish to share with us!
Precious Carol! Do not change anything about who you are for anyone for any reason! We love you the way you have shown us that you are...that makes a true friend...furever! You have shared your family with us and your adventures with Barrie...
As for the trolls...off with their heads!
Love Karla and Miss Peach and Hunny Bunny and Hope!
Carol and Barrie. Jeez what the hell is wrong with some people. Thank goodness you have not stopped blogging. We love to hear from you whatever you post about. We'll always love our fluffy friend Ginger Jasper and never forget him but still love to hear what is happening with you both. I don't blog much either but still love to catch up when we can. Take care and love to you both. No worries, and love, Carol and Stella and Rory
I read whatever you have to say!
Welcome back! We are so thrilled to hear from you! We love to read anything you write. We especially love hearing about Jasper. Just because he's gone doesn't mean we've stopped loving him. He was a very special part of our lives. My mum didn't recognise our kitties or me either for that matter but she could recognise Jasper ( and Eric). My mum crossed the bridge July 13 and it has been hard after caring for her all of the years. The counter woman at the bake shop saw me looking glum and told me I should kick myself in the butt and get on with it, after all my mum was 92. I took my cake and started to cry. Some people just have that attitude and really think they are helping. If anyone makes nasty comments, just let your loving friends know. We'll clobber them!
Say, that little stray is adorable. Bet he- or she- would fill out nicely.
Carol, we are so sorry to read this. We can't imagine why anyone would leave such nasty comments on your blog. It is your blog! And Ann is correct, you can post anything you want on it. We might not get around to visit as often as we'd like, but you are still in our thoughts and we do see some of your posts on FB. You always seem to b having fun. Well, except for the flooding again. But you worked hard and deserve to enjoy retirement. So enjoy it and post if and when you want.
Cute kitty. Guess he'll be back for another meal soon? :)
TBT here: If a cat isn't right for you right now, don't get one. If ever a cat is right for you again, you will know and tell us. Que Sera, Sera...
Sometimes, waiting brings fulfillment in surprising ways.
Happy to hear from you...always love reading about anything you post! We all miss GJ and want to make sure his family is getting along. It is hard when you lose one so special. Since Smokey died, almost a year ago, I find I struggle with taking photos of Tanner and Oliver. I used to always have the camera out and ready to capture sweet and funny moments...I am really having to remind myself to do it. Loss effects us all in different ways...let's all turn to one another for support and understanding!
That's a really nice kitty. We always like reading about your 40s dances and such.
Carol you post anything you like and leave good on GJ right up there on the header. It was his blog both your and Barries hearts we loved.
Do not listen to those who say those things.
I do not visit many due to my own health and loss recently but am trying and having your blog with a new post lifts my heart!
Dad Pete and Timmy
How flipping rude! This is still your blog and Angel Ginger Jasper is still part of you. Ignore those ignorant rude people and post away. I don't get time to post much but always stop by to see if you have. Love your little stray.
Marty's Mom
We are happy to see you back. That stray kitty looks really beautiful. We are happy that they are friendly. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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