8 June 2014

Another 40's event..

This weekend we had another 1940's event. Saturday we had a lot of rain and got rather soggy but we didn't let it spoil the day and had a lot of fun meeting with friends.
                                  I see this little old gent at lots of events and although he is getting on in years he takes everything in his stride.
                                                   A little fun and games..
                                            A little soggy but smiling

                                        Sunday was a much better day with sunshine for the most part.
                                                       Nugget always gets cuddles and loves them..
                                                           Coco lets me hold for a while but doesn't do hugs as much..
                                               Look what I found. The most adorable 9 week hold Rotti and he was adorable. His name is Chop..
                                               He was gorgeous and I got lots of hugs
                                                Barrie and a friend.

                                       Waiting to start the parade.
Quite a few emotional moments with veterans but they enjoy our reenactments.
                         We had a great time, met lots of lovely people and rain didn't stop play. Back to the grindstone now with a week of nights approaching on Tuesday.
                                  Take care everyone    Carol x


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Carol,
You and Barrie are a gorgeous couple. He is so Handsome and You are So Pretty.
WE just LOVE these 40's things that you go to. SO special. THANK YOU for sharing it with us.
Love those PUPPY CUDDLES you got...

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

You all look great in your 40's outfits !
Glad you didn't let the rain spoil the fun :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Carol I love your 40's events. I often say I should have lived I that time. The music, clothes and way of life are all my favorites. Precious critters too

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all really look great and you sure got lots of puppy hugs!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What wonderful costumes! I just love the 40s!! Carol, looks like you are having a blast with those pups!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Sparkle said...

My human always loves seeing all those cool vintage outfits!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

DId you do anything with the D Day memorial?

Katnip Lounge said...

LOVE the first photo! I think it's so neat that you have so many different outfits...I don't know if I've seen you in the same thing twice!

Marg said...

We agree with Trish, those are terrific pictures and you do have lovely outfits. You all just have the best time. Take care.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so unusual to see you with WOOFIES but I love it! xoxo

John Bellen said...

It looks like another fun event. Tell Barrie to watch out while fencing with that fellow in khaki - he looks like he means business!

katsrus said...

That just looks like so much fun.
Sue B

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Looks like everyone was havin' loads of fun. EXCELLENT.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your 40s events always look a lot of fun and you both look so good.

Jans Funny Farm said...

You look good in those styles, Carol.

Gigi said...

Hmm, would GJ approve of his Mom snorgling with all those WOOFIES??? ;-)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Love your outfits for the 40's events Carol and Barrie looked very smart in his uniform. What a cute little Rottie pup - just look at those paws he's going to be a big dog.
Love to you and Barrie.
Hannah, Lucy & Sue xxx

Gattina said...

You both look very chic ! My cats disapproved that you posted with dogs :) !

meowmeowmans said...

What an amazing event. We love seeing you all dressed up and having fun.

Katie Isabella said...

OH how I LOVE when you go to and then publish these pictorials of the events of the World War ll times in the 40's. I enjoy it each year that you show us all of the pictures. xo