17 June 2014

All is blooming...

Because of one thing and another we were late planting out the baskets and tubs in the yard but with lots of rain and the occasional day of sun they are blooming lovely now.

                             I tried to capture a few at night but not very well. We have lots and lots of solar lights and at night they are so pretty. This gorgeous little kitty is a solar light and came just last week. I got her from the animal rescue site in the US and its good that it also helps a rescue too. I love it.

                                  This fuchsia just keeps getting bigger and bigger
                                  Jasper used to spend so much time hiding and peeping behind here. I look up and expect to see him.
                                       My yellow rose is blooming now too.
                                       A bonus when I finished  a night shift . A glorious sunrise..

                                                Eric and Flynn peeping behind mums hydrangea..

                                                 Jasper's memory stone sat where he used to sit in his barrow and next to the little dog he sat against.
                                           I saw this cheeky chappy and thought he would look great on the wall. He does and he is solar too and his hat lights up.

                                      They just keep on growing and I cant wait to See how big the flowers will be.

                                    This chap paid a visit and stayed ages. He wouldn't have lasted so long at one time.
               We just have a yard and not a big garden but  love how pretty it looks in the summer.
                                       Hope you enjoyed a little look around.
                                                           Hugs Carol


Brian's Home Blog said...

Everything sure looks pretty and we love blooming season!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

It looks really nice in your garden !
The little Gnom is really cute :)

My mom-person love the bracelet and me loved the stick's :)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Your plants look so pretty and healthy. They must have loved all that
rain you got.

Have a great day, furriends!

meowmeowmans said...

The garden looks beautiful. Surely GJ is smiling down upon this place he loved so much. Did you know that in Japanese culture, they believe that dragonflies are the souls of ancestors coming to visit? We think your beloved Jasper is sending you a message of love. :)

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Those baskets look super pretty already and it's only June! I'm kinda jealous 'bout the fuchsia. Peep had some but they were lost in The Great Flood of 2014, I'm afraid. We thought they were gonna make it but alas, Ol' Peepers is fuchsialess.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your yard looks so pretty with all the flowers and solar lights and the figures.
Our bedding plants are very slow this year but the fuchsias and clematis are flowering well. Eric's rose is in full flower now also.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We think your yard is lovely, with the plants and decorative items. You have a wonderful green thumb! :-)

TimberLove said...

The frost has broken here in Wyoming too, that means muddy paw prints BOL! Your plants are marvelous:)


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh what a happy garden :)
We bet you will enjoy sitting out there a lot this Summer.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Katie Isabella said...

OH I loved the garden tour, Angel Ginger Jasper! Fanks you.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH Miss Carol,
G.J.'s Memory stone looks perfect there in your lovely flowers and delightful Lights and Gnomes and other garden Pretties.

Sparkle said...

I love your sweet garden! And yeah, that dragonfly does not know how lucky he was! I have it on good word that they are quite tasty!

Anonymous said...

What a super garden. Wish we had your green thumb... Hope you're spending lots of time outside enjoying it.

Lizzie, Max & Tuck

The Island Cats said...

Your flowers are so pretty! And those sunset pictures...awesome!

White Dog Blog said...

Everything is so full and lush! Yours is like a magical fairy garden...and we too, looked expecting to see at least a flash of orange. But even without a view, it is clear GJ is overseeing that everything is shipshape lovely and delightful!

Katnip Lounge said...

How we love to see so much GREEN! We agree, the dragonfly would last under 10 seconds on the Catio.

Kari said...

Your garden is just gorgeous! Everything is so beautiful you'd never want to leave. We wouldn't be surprised if you see Jasper in the garden; a little bit of his life force in the garden he loved to let you know he's with you.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

LOVELY! We especially love the sunrise photo. ENJOY your day. Golden Woofs

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so pretty! Love all of your cat garden decorations too!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Carol, your garden is awesome !!! love the black kitty on the brick ♥

katsrus said...

Love Jasper's memory stone. Your flowers are so beautiful. You have everything done up so cute. Have a great day.
Sue B

Sweet Purrfections said...

Such lovely blooms. We can just see GJ among them.

Unknown said...

Your Garden is wonderful! Mes could sees GJ everywhere!

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhh how very pretty so much to see and I bet it is fragrant too
Hugs madi and Mom

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

"May be late
But it all looks great"