21 June 2014

A very belated post...

I was very remiss because I am so very busy at work. I didn't post for international box day. Our woofie friend Khyra today reminded me of fun we had back in 2009 when GJ was sent to her for that day. I have shown you the pictures from then.
Khyra saw the box
GJ getting ready to go..
Ready for coming back..

We are so very short staffed at work with illness and holidays that I never seem to be away. I am only dipping in the internet for short periods to check things from the kids etc. I know I am missing so much and for that I am sorry. I left the house on Wednesday at 7:30 am and came in briefly at 4:45 which turned out to be only ten minutes before getting called out and didn't return until 22:10. Thankfully didn't get a call out in the night but was woken very early with a headache from hell. I have never experienced one like it and hope I don't again. Maybe tiredness or the way I had to struggle to lift a patient, not sure but it knocked me for six. On late shift and on call all weekend so will not be on the internet much but we are going to Holy Island on Tuesday so a little relaxation to look forward to.
Sorry for the moan but hey it helps sometimes. 
Hope you enjoyed the little GJ flash back. I did a lot
Hugs Carol


Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure did enjoy that flashback! I hope you get caught up on your rest really soon.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Carol...what a adorable photo of Angel GJ!

Yes it does help to have a sounding board ...it is good to write them down ...Lohengrin you feel the relief of putting it off your mind

My Mind's Eye said...

Big typo
Meant to say
" then you ". No clue what auto correct meant!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE remember when G.J. visited our super furend, Khyra. It was grrreat.

Now about being TARDY... see we don't look at it that way... we think that you just KEPT THE FUN COMING.

We hope that thingys slow down at work so you have some more time to rest and relax.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We used to think GJ looked so cute with his "summer" furcut and Mum still has our pink feather boa hanging from the bed headboard! Enjoy your trip to Holy Island - I loved it when I visited there.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

Sorry to hear that you are having to work so hard. Hope things let up for you soon. Have a great week end.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely flashback. Sorry you have so much work and hope your headache is gone now. Hope you have a nice relaxing time at Holy Island.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Lovely trip down memory lane!

We hope things settle down a bit at work soon.

Jans Funny Farm said...

You sure are busy. Glad you will be getting away for a day of fun. Hope the extra work ends soon so you can get your life back.

We remember that post. Thanks for the happy memory.

Sparkle said...

It sounds like you need some relaxation! Enjoy yourtime on Holy Island.

Loved the flashback with GJ!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Both me and my mom-person enjoyed the box Flashback :)
My mom-person work as a care assistent and it's the same problem with staff here in Sweden too.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Both me and my mom-person enjoyed the box Flashback :)
My mom-person work as a care assistent and it's the same problem with staff here in Sweden too.

The Island Cats said...

We always enjoy seeing GJ!

We hope things slow down at work for you. Enjoy your time off...and relax!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It was nice to relive the tasty - I mean handsome fella - who braved the trip 'khross The Pond!

How khome it seems like yesterday?

And so NOT five years ago?

I'm sure he's enjoying watching from The Roof of The Rainbow Bridge!


Katnip Lounge said...

We'd forgotten about that post...what FUN!

Mommy says maybe it's time for YOU to take a sick day...you know, for MENTAL HEALTH!

katsrus said...

Loved the flashback. Try to take care of yourself. Even if it's for 5 mins of relaxing.
Sue B

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you can "moan" any time that you want to! I don't know how you handle that grueling schedule!

Kari said...

There you are Jasper sweetheart! Look at your haircut. You look cool and comfy and oh so ginger! You're positively glowing! We miss you , precious love. We know you will visit the lovely garden your mum and dad have planted and they'll let us know when the recognize your presence.
We're sad to hear your mum is being run into the ground. Please tell he she must try very hard to take care of herself.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Belated Box Day is just fine too!

John Bellen said...

You sound like one of their steadiest, most reliable workers. I hope they appreciate you.

It's good to see Ginger Jasper again, especially with his buzz-cut hair.

meowmeowmans said...

We *always* love to see flashbacks with GJ. And this was no exception! :)

Hang in there with work ... we hope things sette down a bit for you soon.

Debra Taylor said...

Sorry you did not feel well. Hope you enjoyed your relaxation Tuesday !!!!

Debby in Arizona

Mickey's Musings said...

Just popping in to say Hi :)
We purr you have a good little holiday. Sounds like you could use a rest!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

BeadedTail said...

We always love seeing Jasper!

Hope you've been able to relax on your holiday!

Linda Brown said...

Very nice post. I like your blog. It is very interesting.
Things to do in Houston