14 April 2014

The room is finished....What do you think...

You will remember I have been telling you about doing our room up. e have re done it all and changed the colour on walls and doors. The unit that is built in were the TV is was a very dark wood and varnished. The wall unit was a dark wood and very large. We painted the unit a light colour the same as the doors and the walls a pale oatmeal colour. The wall unit was given to the charity shop. We changed the carpet again to a paler colour. All these things lifted the room and made it seem much lighter. The last piece of the puzzle was thee suite which was ordered at the beginning of January. It is a Lazboy and it was delivered today. It took 15 weeks because it came from USA where it was made. The last piece of the puzzle completed the transformation and I love it....


                                            The new units are much smaller and lighter..
                                      The unit with the TV on is now lighter and I believe prettier and the carpet again adding to the lighter effect..
                                          Barrie trying the recliner out..

         Do you agree it looks better. Hope you like the look.
Take care everyone.


Anonymous said...

It looks lovely Carol well done .

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

It does look Light and BRIGHT and VERY MUCH INVITING.

Love the pic. of Mr. B. in his CLINER.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

It looks very nice !
I can tell you that my dad-person would LOVE to have a recliner to relax in :)


meowmeowmans said...

Awesome job! We think it looks fabulous. And that chair looks very comfortable. :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Just wonderful! Scott and I just got a quote for some painting, etc...and were talking about a new sofa today! That recliner is Da BOMB.

Anonymous said...

Love the colors. Changing out the dark wood does really lighten things up. Imagine you'll both be VERY comfortable in the LazBoys!

Lizzie & 2 kitties

Mickey's Musings said...

Light and bright to lift your spirits :) We see you both spending lots of time in this lovely room too :)
Well done!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure, JJ
and Angels Tiger and Tillie
and the mom

Fuzzy Tales said...

We agree, it looks terrific!

You might never get Barrie up out of that COMFY chair, though. LOL.

Anonymous said...

OMC Meez sure luvs da fuwniture. :) Dat wuld be sum good cat nappin'. Wanted tu pwowl on ovew and see you and fank you fur visitin' meez blog.

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses :D


Sparkle said...

It looks WAY brighter and prettier! My human is hoping to do our attic apartment sometime soon - right now it is very dark and dingy.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Everything looks wonderful and Barrie looks quite pleased all lounged out!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Wow, that looks really lovely and comfortable!

BeadedTail said...

It's very lovely and bright! Love the Jasper pillow! Barrie looks like he approves of the USA made recliner!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Vey nice, Carol. Love the light look, makes things very cheery and bright. It's what Mom and Dad love about our big family room at the back of the house with all the windows. Those recliners look quite inviting:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Kari said...

Wonderful job, Carol! The lighter colours make the room look so spacious and inviting! We'll be right over to try out the new furniture.
Heaven on earth for weary bones.
Certainly worth the wait.

The Island Cats said...

We like the lighter colors. Very nice! And Mr. Barrie looks very comfy in that recliner. :)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We do love the lighter colors! The wonderful furniture looks so comfy, too. Enjoy your hard work!


Old Kitty said...

We LOVE the sofas!!! LOL! They're brilliant - all soft and comfy looking!! Yay!!

And the whole room looks amazing!! Yay!!!! Take care

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We love what you have done! Especially love that carpet! All of our furniture is Lazy Boy and we sure do love it.

John Bellen said...

A very nice job. I like the walls especially. And someone looks very comfortable in the new room...

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

looks fabulous!! Enjoy that comfy chair!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It looks lovely and the suite looks very comfy. I wonder if Barrie will be like my dad. Within 5 minutes of being in the recliner he is snoring. Mum is not much better but I lay on her and won't let her snore.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, the best part of the room decor is Barrie lounging comfortably in the chair. That says a lot about the room. :)

katsrus said...

Looks very pretty. The couch and chair sure looks comfy.
Sue B

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

There are times to change things...

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I love it. Especially the couch and recliner. We have a Lazboy couch and Chair-n-half (both recline) and I have never regretted the purchase they are so comfortable and hold up very well.

My Mind's Eye said...

I love your new look Carol and Barrie. You will very much enjoy your Lazy Boy pieces. We have a Lazy Boy love seat that is very close to the color of yours.
Hugs Cecilia

Unknown said...

Wow! Carole and Barrie, It Looks absolutely wonderful!!!
You would not know it was the same room.

Hannah and Lucy said...

You've got a great new look and it looks more spacious being in a lighter colour. We love it.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

A Tonl said...

Mowzers! What a change - we know you must love every inch of it!! And that recliner rocks!