14 July 2013

What am I doing....

Hello everyone.. Well mum and dad just cant understand what is happening. I told you earlier that I had been weeing out of the box. This is just so not me because no matter ill I was I always went in the box. Dad said a few days ago that he though he could smell something but didn't know where from. Well mum caught me the other day doing it near the stairs door in the living room. Mum washed all the carpet and we asked the vet who said it could be cystitis and gave me a injection. Well mum could also smell that smell and strong  so they went to the pet shop and got some spray that is supposed to rid the smell and help. When they lifted the carpet it was really saturated so it was not a one off thing. The spray was used and the carpet is lifted in the corner to dry out. Today it was done again. Last night mum caught me doing it near the back door. Both mum and dad are upset as I seem to be doing it everywhere but why now. They didn't get angry with me as they know this is not normally me but mum has sprayed the stuff everywhere and hope that helps. We are at a loss as to why and what is making me do this but hope it stops soon as just not nice at all.

                                                I went and sat on mum's knee and she talked to me and said she was not angry but please could I stop..

                                           Hope you are all ok.. Love and hugs to all.. GJ xx


meowmeowmans said...

Hi GJ, Mum and Dad.

We're so sorry you are having this issue. :(

I was thinking ... are there any outside cats coming around? If GJ is peeing by the back door (where does it lead?) and the door to the stairs (to outside?), maybe there's an outside cat marking by the outside of those doors. And maybe GJ feels threatened (especially because he has not been feeling tip top) and is marking his territory?

We hope you can figure things out. Big hugs and purrs to you all.

Deb said...

Try adding a new litter box to the house, even two more. There is something you can get at the vets that will encourage a cat to pee in the box. I don't know what it is called but they will know. If it is not a medical thing it may be that GJ is not happy to be left alone. I know of another cat that would p at the doors when the people went out.

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, is your box too tall for you to get into? The additive used to make the box more "attractive" is called (in the US) Cat Attract.

{{hugs}} from all of us.

Marg said...

Adding some litter boxes will help But we have to agree with Kevin, that it might be due to the cat or cats outside. That will happen. Jasper is marking his territory. Sure hope the spray will help him stop doing that. You are so right, you can't get mad at him. Also wonder if the medication makes him pee more and so he is just looking for other places to go. Is he drinking a lot of water?? Take care all of you and hugs the Jasper boy.

Pattyskypants said...

GJ, we know you are a good boy and don't mean to do something bad! But mai mom will tell that the kitteh who lived here before me (Sofie) was very ill and did the same thing. Mai mom didn't get mad at her, either. Be brave! xxoo Bhu

Angel Simba said...

GJ, we hope things improve. Your other friends have made good suggestions. I have done some strange pee things in the past, such as peeing on the bed when strange visitors came, or peeing on a chair or bathmats when my humans left us. Unfortunately, once a place has been used, it is a big attraction to go there again. We hope it is not a sign that your little mind is going a bit demented from your kidney illness and the blood levels of substances making you not think quite normally. We know how much your Mum and Dad love you. But please try to use your box(es). Maybe Mum and Dad need to put a litterbox at each of the places where you soiled the carpet for a while.

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful GJ! We think it's just you're not well and this is a symptom of your illness. When Tim (my Ol Girl's brother) was very ill with all sorts (kidney, tumours etc) he was just peeing everywhere and in the end I placed down disposable baby mattreses on the place he'd pee most and he'd just do it there and I'd just put a fresh one later. After that it was ok but I did go through lots of baby mattreses!

Anyway, sweet GJ!! We continue to send you many many hugs and purrs and lots of cuddles and kisses! Take care

My Mind's Eye said...

GJ....you sweet mancat...you have very loving mum and dad. Mom told me my predecessor got a wee bit lazy with his excellent box habits when he was a little older. He would spray the wall because it hurt to squat...so mom put a shower curtain on the wall that ran under the box...
of course mom did think of this until the carpet had a wee bit of odor but she got it out too.

Hugs madi your bFFF

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

I sure do hope it stops, soon. Obviously, somethin' is bothering you. Hmmm... once my brother Seville peed on the peep.


Sweet Purrfections said...

GJ, we hope you can figure out what is bothering you. We know your mum and dad love you and are doing everything they can for you. We continue our purrs for you.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy mates. Mum heard somewhere that cats will spray/wee when stressed etc and there is a thing you can get from your Vet maybe? and it has pheromones in it. It's supposed to relax and calm the pet. She's never tried it, just heard about it. Take care everybuddy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Anonymous said...

It must be worrying for you all but it's not your fault and your mum and dad knows that. Perhaps when the injection works it will subside.
Love to you all.
Hugs xx

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, GJ, we hope this gets sorted out quickly. Pawhugs.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We all know you don't mean too GJ. I agree, there are some good suggestions today but it might be cystitis or even a UTI. We love you GJ and we sure hope it all gets figured out really soon.

Sparkle said...

Purrs to you, GJ - I know you do not want to go anywhere outside of the box, and I am hoping that some of the suggestions from our friends will help you out and make you less distressed.

BeadedTail said...

Oh Jasper, we're so sorry you're peeing outside the box and we know your mum and dad know it's not because you just want to. We don't really have any suggestions other than maybe more litter boxes so you don't have to go far to use them from wherever you are in the house. It could be from outside kitties causing you to want to mark your territory. We just hope you get over this issue soon since we know you don't wanna do it. Purrs and hugs!

Poppy Q said...

Awww buddy, we hopes things settle down, it sounds stressful for you and mum and dad.


Julie and Poppy Q

cats of wildcat woods said...

Cats with CRF can get UTI's often - our Yoko does that when she has one. Most times it is due to a illness.

Just Ducky said...

We hope you feel better that you use your box.

san said...

Our bruffer Totoro used to pee outside the box when he had UTI. He was CRF as well. He was put on the catheter for about 4 days but at least it allowed the urine to get out from the bladder. We also got him UTI-Free from Petsalive.

Mickey's Musings said...

Jasper, we send you purrs and hope you start to feel better. Your current problems could be due to your sickness.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope that injection does the trick and that you're feeling better soon.

We love you,
The Florida Furkids

Ellen Whyte said...

When our old Mr Bell did this years ago, we discovered he had diabetes and that made him "go on the spot". Carol, we're purring for you all.

Kari said...

Do you think that the mertazapine might be making you a bit confused? In addition to stimulating the appetite, mertazapine is used for depression in humans, cats and dogs so it obviously affects the mind.
Because a lot of us are older kidney cats, we have accidents. Mum covers our favoured areas with the urine resistant pads they put under incontinent hospital patients. They can be easily washed and, since they are designed to catch urine, don't hold urine odor. We got a bunch of them at our local thrift/ second hand shop. We use the disposable bed pads too but they can get a bit expensive.
We are praying hard for you, sweet boy. We know you must be poorly not to be using your box. Maybe you need more antibiotics. We send you all of our love.

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we know you don't mean to pee outside your box and we hope some of the suggestions others have given will help you. Many times a cat will pee outside the box because of a UTI, so hopefully the shot will help. We also wonder, like the Katnip Lounge cats whether you might be having difficulty getting into your box. We're purring for you and hope your mum can figure it out.

Terri said...

We know your pawrents love you so much, GJ. We suspect your illness is to blame for this. Perhaps confinement to one room will help keep you on track.

I also agree with Katnip Lounge that your box could be too much of an effort to get into now.

Clooney said...

Oh dear GJ, we are sending purrs to you and your Mum and Dad. We hope and pray that you will start feeling better and going back to your litter box. (We would probably try to put a different and new box near or at the location to see if that would help you.) Thanks for your Birthday wishes.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I remember Skeeter having that problem. He said he just couldnt seem to remember the right place annymore. But then sometimes he would remember again fer a while. ~ Ayla

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, that's not fun for any of you... hugs!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

If you are able to pee properly but just outside the box, we think Kevin might be right about the introoder animals (in your yard) that might be bothering you (they might be pooping or peeing in your yard).
We hope the issues resolve soon coz it has to be so frustrating for your pawrents and you too.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

sometimes I do that because I have no way to get to my box, Michico's bedroom doesn't have litterbox but sometimes when she turned on air-condition she forgets leave a gap for me to get out, and I go pee on bed...
I think your case is quite different, I sincerely hope your problem will be ok soon, with my warm paws to you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Sweet GJ we know you don't mean to do this but do you leave it too long to go for a pee and just have to do it there and then? Could you try putting him in his litter box every now and again to see if he pees more little amounts more often.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Catio Tales said...

Oh GJ, this is so hard for you and your humans.
We wanted to suggest that maybe if you have a place where you are peeing regularly, perhaps your humans could put down a shallow tray lined with old towels and you could 'go' there. I know it's not so nice, but is it possible your litter is actually hurting your bottom as you sit ? A towel is softer and can be washed.
Purrs for you, good buddy.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we feel awful because something is making you do that. For some reason you aren't able to control your bladder. We agree with deb who said to get multiple boxes and put them around the house. We are thinking you aren't able to reach your current box in time.

katsrus said...

I would try the extra litterboxes too. Sure hope it helps. It's hard when you don't feel good. Hugs.
Sue B

Anonymous said...

My Angel developed Sterile Cystitis during the last months of her life. She was miserable and it hurt to go and she often peed on the bed. My vet was able to help with medication including an antidepressent. Try the extra litter boxes but check with your vet as well to see if he feels that GJ could be helped with meds as well. Sometimes when a cat that doesn't normally have a problem goes outside the box, it is their way of saying "I have a problem..."
God Bless,
Marian in Houston

John Bellen said...

I'm sure it's as upsetting to you, Ginger Jasper, as it is to your mum and dad. Have they tried Nature's Miracle? It may not be sold in England, but it's specifically designed for cat accidents.

As to the cause, has the doctor considered it may be a blockage developing? That's what happened to my Tucker. He was having wetting issues, and it eventually came to a head when he couldn't go at all. But initially, he was wetting where he shouldn't.

In any case, I hope this problem is solved soon. Your mum and dad may have to put out several litter-boxes at different spots around the house.

Best wishes to you, Ginger Jasper.

Piappies World said...

We do hope that the comments above would get to help GJ. Perhaps a another litter box would help. Do try to keep the appetite up, ok?

We keep you in our prayers. Hugs from the Piappies.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh sweetie, we think something is stressing you out like what happened with our brother Maxx last year when the same thing happened. He was sorry but couldn't help himself. He got his very own room for a while and now, things are much better when he's out in the rest of the house with the rest of us. He just needed a break from his stresses. We're still purring good thoughts for you, GJ. Sending love...

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh Jasper, it stinks when yoo dun feel good and do fings yoo dont normally do. Our mom offered some advice to use straight white vinegar on the spots to rid the smell thou it might smell like salad dressing.

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh GJ, we're so sorry you're having trouble. We are no experts, but it sounds like there is a lot of great advice in the comments. We're sending our (((purrs))) for you and your mom.
xo, Katie & Glogirly

Gigi said...

Hello sweet boy, I am purring my best purrs for you efurry day! XOXOXOXO

Timmy Tomcat said...

We know it must be difficult friend. Love and purrs from the Tomcat Home!

Mandu said...

You are still my favorite friend.
(Don't tell the others I said so.)

Gattina said...

It is sad to say, but I am afraid to tell you that there is strictly nothing to do ! It often happens that cats from 15 years on who were clean and always used their litterbox, suddenly pee everywhere ! I had it with my Lisa,and my friend in Eastbourne with her cat of 19. She also tried out everything, but nothing helped. The vet tried all kind of things without success. When they took out the carpet in the whole house to replace it by parquet, they couldn't believe their eyes or rather their noses, where the cat had peed !
I still find traces of Lisa she did it against furniture in unbelievable corners ! And she died 3 years ago ! Especially in the basement. Our vet couldn't do anything either. Just clean up ! It happens with old people too. I am sorry, he doesn't do it on purpose, he just doesn't know what he is doing. Poor GJ !

White Dog Blog said...

There is sure a lot of great advice from your friends, GJ. All of us care so much and want you to know we understand. Mum and dad are feeling lots of stress right now about your health and maybe their unease is also making you a bit on edge. There are ways to solve this problem, dear ones. Focus on the powerful love that surrounds you all.

Katie Isabella said...

I am so sorry that you are having a problem right now GJ. As does everyone else, I know you aren't doing it on purpose. I hope that you will be able to remember to go to the box and ask mommy and daddy to get you two more boxes and put them where you have been having accidents. I hope it helps darling. Blessings to you and your pawrents. xxxooo

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of hugs GJ!! We purr and pray for you everyday!!
Lots of hugs,
Your TX furiends

Kitties Blue said...

G.J., we know you don't mean to do this. Your health just isn't too good. We hope the vet can get you back on track. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette