24 June 2013

Mixed things today....

Hello everyone. Mum went to the doctor and she has a problem with her inner ear. She got some tablets that hopefully will help with the tipping over and nausea feeling. The doctor said she should not drive or go in work this week so a enforced rest. I am still very up and down. The three tablets I take for my kidney's heart and blood pressure are no problem because dad crushes and gives in a syringe. I am used to this and don't mind. The appetite one seems to be a different matter as it foams up and causes me problems. Its this causing the problem. Mum crushed it into a fine powder and put it in a little cream cheese. I took that ok last night and this morning but unfortunately it has not worked its usual magic with me eating. Mum says I am so causing worry at the moment.
                                      Mum thought you might like to see a couple photo's from when she went to her friends wedding a few weeks ago.
Nice smiley pictures..
                                                      Love and hugs to all.. GJ xx


Sparkle said...

GJ, I am sending purrs to both you and your human - I hope you two feel better this week!

Colehaus Cats said...

Beautiful smiley wedding photos! Thanks for sharing those. Good for you taking your syringe pills. You just gotta figure out what sounds tasty to you so you don't have to take the other one. Sending purrs!

Fuzzy Tales said...

GJ, we hope your beans find a good way to get that appetite pill into you. Hugs and purrs to you and your mum.

meowmeowmans said...

GJ, we like those wedding pictures very much. We send purrs and prayers for both you and Mum. Hugs!

katsrus said...

Sending purrs and hugs to you and your mum. Love the wedding pictures.
Sue B

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Everyone looked very happy at the wedding. GJ please EAT.

We hope your Mom's inner ear gets better soon. Our Mommy has trouble with hers so we know how sick it can make you feel.

Love, Hugs and Healing purrs...........

Unknown said...

There is so much sickness around with everyone. We sure hope your Mum gets to feeling better. That problem still lingers with Mummy and she has to lie down a lot. Her meds help but not very well. Lets hope our Mums get better soon and you too GJ. I wish I could help you feel better my friend! Hugs, Love, Prayers & Purrs to everyone! Miss Kitty

Mickey's Musings said...

We will purr for your appetite to come back.
We also send purrs to your Mom.
She looked lovely at the wedding and so did the lovely couple!!
Best wishes to them.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Poppy Q said...

Hope your mums ear feels better soon, mum has had that spinning feeling and it is not nice.

GJ we are sorry that you don't feel like the pills. I hate taking them too.

All our love
Julie and Poppy Q

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope your Mom's ear gets better fast and that they figure out a solution for you and your pills. Mom remembers giving Sniffie an appetite pill and it foamed all over her. Mom felt sooo bad.

The Florida Furkids

JC said...

I hope you eat soon and that your Mom feels better.

JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am sure glad your Mom got some medicine to help her. Now you need to get serious and thake those pills that help you eat, please, please, please. We love you GJ!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom says she and your Mum have similar problems. She is standing on her head trying to find something besides chicken that Thunder will eat. We hope the appetite meds will kick in for you tomorrow.

Tell Mum we are sorry about her ear trouble. Hope the meds help.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We are keeping send purrs and prayers to you and your family~!!
And the photos are lovely, just perfect!!

Jenna and Sissy said...

What a lovely couple--two lovely couples!

We are sending lots of purrs and hugs from our house to you and your mom.


Oui Oui said...

We are purring for you and your mom. We worry so about you, and hope your problems are sorted out soon so you can feel better. Your mom's ear must hurt horribly and we hope she is better soon too. She looks lovely all dressed up and the bridal party looks very happy. Best wishes to them!

The Island Cats said...

GJ, we hope those pills start working their magic again and you start eating more. And we hope your mum feels better soon.

John Bellen said...

It sounded like an inner ear balance problem your mum was having, Ginger Jasper, but one never knows, eh? I'm glad she went to the doctor.

Why isn't the appetite pill working for you? I don't like the sound of that. Maybe the vet has something to say about it?

Mandu said...

Be sure to go snuggle with your Mom. That will make her feel better!

BeadedTail said...

We hope you and your mum get better soon! We're sending you both lots of purrs and we really hope you eat Jasper!

The photos are lovely! Your mum looks wonderful in that pink dress!

Just Ducky said...

Hope you eat enuf to keep going GJ.

Angel Simba said...

Aww, sending purrs and purrs. Maybe you humans can try you on some human babyfood meat either as a way to give the pill or to increase how much you are eating.

Kari said...

Hope your mum's inner ear problem is something that can be cleared up quickly. Our mum has Meniere's and it is a bear!
Lovely wedding photos. Glad that there some happiness to be found in these dark days. Now, if we can only figure what to do about you. Has your dad tried taking some butter and coating the offending tablet? If you are taking a portion of a tablet, get a q tip and coat the
rough edges first to seal the nasty taste in first and with a fresh q tip, coat the rest of the tablet. If you like any sort of softened cheese, this works well too. Not too much so you don't choke ( but your dad and mum know this).
We have you at the very top of our list for prayers. We love you so much dearest. Please try your very hardest
to take your pils. You are in our thoughts always.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

GJ, we are all purring and purraying for you. Hang in there, handsome boy! XOXO

Pee Ess - beautiful wedding pic!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Middle and inner ear problems are terrible. We hope your Mom takes her pills! Like you should be doing!

White Dog Blog said...

Poor mum! We send her White Dog healing thoughts and are glad that she is having a forced respite. GJ, we are worried about your lack of appetite and are doubling the positive energies and munchy thoughts we are sending your way. You and mum spend lots of time cuddling together and have some tempting noshes to make you both feel better. The wedding photos DID make us smile, too!

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of purrrs and prayers for you GJ!!
((((LOTS OF HUGGGS, Too!))))))
Your TX furiends,

Gigi said...

Sending you and your Mom a ton of my furry bestest purrs, Buddy! XOXOXO

Unknown said...

Darling GJ

Your mum looked very pretty in her dress. See, your not eating is making your mum to fall ill as well. So be a good precious pussy cat that you are, try your best to eat more. Remember your furfriends and two legged fans all over the all are very concerned about you. My prayers and thoughts will be with you.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Sending you and your mummy some BIG *RUMBLEPURRs* that you both feel better. Keep on eating, sweet GJ.

Anonymous said...

Hope your mum recovers, I lost my balance after having my first baby and i was very dizzy and felt sick but with the right treatment it soon got better.
I hope today will be better for you GJ, AS I said I think of you often.

Love the pics of your mum, they are lovely.

Take care. love and hugs xx

Ingrid said...

I hope that both of you will feel better soon ! It's very annoying to have ear troubles !
The wedding pictures are very nice and your mum has a beautiful dress !

Marg said...

Oh GJ, at least we are glad that the Mum found out what was going on with her. Our Person has the vertigo too and it is not any fun at all. We hope the pills work for her.
Also, Mr. GJ, you need to try to take those appetite pills. I hope the Mum and Dad can figure out a way to get them down you. That is so hard to do too. We sure are sending tons of purrs and prayers and everyone here has their paws crossed for you. Take care.

san said...

We are purraying for both you and your mom GJ. We are still hoping the pills will work their magic on you sooner than later.
Lots I love from us here.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Your Mum looked lovely in her pink dress and we hope she will start to feel better very soon. Please do try to take a few extra bites of food GJ and of course your medication too as your Mum and Dad are so worried about you.
Lots of love and purrs
Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Old Kitty said...

Awwww beautiful and sweet GJ!! Awww we think the cream cheese method is a good thing and we hope it will help you find your appetite soon! We continue to purr and pray for you! Please please get better!

Awww your poor mum! She must rest!! Doctor's orders!

We think mum and dad are looking so dapper and chic next to the beautiful bride and very happy groom! Take care

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Enjoy the unexpected time with your Mom, GJ, and we hope her ear settles very soon!

#1 says she remembers Dr. C mentioning that you had to be careful with some tablets as they do make kitties foam, so an attempt should be made to just "chuck them" at the back of the throat as you do with a pill popper. Anyway, we are crossing all paws and hooves for you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am sending purrs for your mum to soon feel better, and purrs for you. Is it the tablet that foams when you dissolve it in water or does it make you foam at the mouth?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

sending loving purrs both to your Mum and to you!!
You both need to please feel better!
The photos were beautiful!

Jacqueline said...

Lovely photos and we hope your Mum feels better soon, sweetie...Purring and praying for you, darling boy...Happy Tuesday and week ahead, dear friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

Timmy Tomcat said...

Great photos and looks like fun was had by all.
Purrs that you get that food going into you dear friend!
Love from Timmy and the Tomcat Home

Pattyskypants said...

GJ, I hope you get your appetite pumped up! I am feeling much hungrier now that I don't have pain everytime I eat. xxoo Bhu

cats of wildcat woods said...

Purring for you and Mum. Lovely wedding pics - love Mum's dress. We also want to thank you for Angel Chica's birthday wishes.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We seldom have to take pills, but when we do, the 'crushed up into cream cheese' thing usually werks pretty good fer us.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Glad the doctor found out what was wrong with your mum, but we're concerned that the tablets aren't working for you. We're continuing our purrs!

Katie Isabella said...

GJ, I am sending purrs for you my dearest furriend and for your mama too. GJ, I beg you...try to eat and ask your Dr what to do with the foaming,

Kitties Blue said...

So, you'll eat cream cheese. Sounds like something to build on. Please tell your mom that she is very pretty in red. Hope she starts feeling better soon. Tipping over does;t sound like much fun. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette