30 May 2013

Updates and thanks....

Update on our boy ..
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the thoughts, prayers and purrs for our Jasper. Last night after another day of eating hardly anything Barrie decided he was going to risk  a extra appetite tablet. The tablet seemed to help a little and Jasper ate some food. Today again almost nothing so Barrie is going to try again. Jasper is wanting to stick as close as he can and is sleeping much more. We are still hoping so much that he will start to eat something on his own but we also realise that those levels are all the time creeping up and we fear they will overwhelm our sweet boy. At the moment he is not hiding away which is a good thing and he is still also at the moment still  our sweet boy, we will do whatever needed and fight on. We have had 18 months after there being almost no hope back then so the fight is on to get more months. One of the best things I did way back in 2008 was to start a blog for my sweet boy and through that blog we have made many wonderful friends and shared so many ups and so many downs. I hope we can share much more and I know you all are helping so much. Thank you all so very much..

 Two days ago it was warm enough to sit outside with dad and I sat in the flower barrow with dad in reach to keep stroking me while I got a little sun on my furs. It is now back to cold and the heating on..

Love and hugs to all my friends.. GJ xxx


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Its nice that you got out in the sun GJ. We are purrin for you evry day!

Anonymous said...

sun puddles often help lift our spirits GJ when we aren't feelin' so great. I do not know your bloggy and so am not sure how old you are only that it sounds like you have kidney failure? Is it irreversible? I am sorry to be asking. WE have a foster kitty Leo who is about 7 years old and developed fatty liver syndrome and he has had a feeding tube in him for almost 4 weeks now...he is just starting to eat again on his own but the tube must stay in until he is eating at least 200 calories a day on his own. I hope you can stay comfortable and still be near Mum and Dad, paw hugs, Savannah

ZOOLATRY said...

Just sending a little more love your way ...

Anonymous said...

I do feel what you're going through
We had Tabitha as a kitten then when she was 10 yrs she was diagnosed as a diabetic cat. Her last four years she had a great time went with us to our caravan by car and was a firm favourite,despite having her injections she adjusted. She outlived my husband and was a great comfort to me and went on to live a further two years, I was heartbroken for it was then I felt totally alone. I think of Ginger Jasper most nights if I can't sleep I hope you have him for many more months , he has rallied before and may well do so again, My love to you all
Yvonne xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

GJ, we hope you do start to feel better soon and still have a lot of time left with your humans. Sending purrs and universal Light and purrayers.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Come on GJ! We're purring our hearts out!

Deb said...

You enjoy those sun-puddles sweetie. I think of you often and send a hug your way. Feel better soon, ok. Hugs, Deb

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Every day is a blessing, isn't it, with our sweet furry friends. We're purring and praying that you have many many many more days and that Ginger Jasper suddenly starts eating again. Hugs and purrs to you all.

Marg said...

WE are so with Zoolatry and send tons of love to all of you.All we an do is hope for a miracle that you start eating Jasper.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy GJ, enjoy those sun puddles mate. Eat a little if you can and know we are thinking of you all, here in Oz. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Brian's Home Blog said...

My dear GJ, we all love you so much and please know we are purring and praying for you every hour of every day and we hardly think of anything else. Hugs, love and kisses from all of us.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sun Puddles are very theraputic. BUTT G.J. you MUST eat somethingy.

We have our paws crossed fur you buddy.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh Jasper yoo looks so comfy layin in da sun wivs yor Dad, wee is glads yoo has a likkle somefing an wee relly hopes yoo eats a likkle bit more now.
Sendin yoo love, hugs, prayers, healin vibes n pawsitive forts bi da lorryload deer furiend

wivs lov
Da K Krew

Jenna and Sissy said...

We are sending love and lots of purrs your way. How nice you got to enjoy some sun puddles.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those sun puddles warming the furs make us all feel better GJ. Enjoy the sun on your back and try to eat. We are all very worried about you.

Mickey's Musings said...

Enjoy the sunbeams and your folks Jasper. We continue to send you purrs and strength.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Pattyskypants said...

GJ,please get better because you are making us so sad!!! xxoo Patty & Bhu

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We hope you can get out in some sun tomorrow again, GJ. And you know we have our paws crossed for you to be eating and feeling better.

Hugs to you and your Mom.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

We are so sorry that you have no appetite! We will keep purring and praying for you. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Your friends
Peanut, Marshmallow
Ruby and Pearlene of
course our Mama too

Just Ducky said...

Continuing to send love and purrs.

The Island Cats said...

We bet that sun sure felt good, GJ! We continue to purr for you and hope you'll eat a little more. oxoxox

Colehaus Cats said...

Sending more sun for your furs and purrs to warm your heart. Purrs...

BeadedTail said...

We hope you get sunpuddles again soon Jasper and we really hope you eat a little more too. Sending you lots of love and purrs!

Catio Tales said...

Many many purrs xxxxx

Sparkle said...

I am sending big buckets of purrs your way, GJ - purrs to your humans too, because I know how worried they must be.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Love, hugs, purrs and prayers to you and Mom and Dad!

Poppy Q said...

We wish we could give you all our sunshine and warm weathers if it could make you feel better. We love you GJ, and send you all our love and hugs across the oceans.

Julie and Poppy q

Unknown said...

Darling GJ

I'm soooo worried about you. Its been a joy to read about your life every since i stumbled upon your blog last year. I've sending all my purrs and prayers to you all the way from a little sunny island called Penang in Malaysia. Fight on GJ, you've done it before and you can do it again.

Anonymous said...
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Barb said...

Tummy scritches and purrs, GJ!

Kari said...

So sick and still such an exquisitely beautiful and loving boy. God bless you, darling, we're praying hard for you. We know you came through before and will do it again.
Have you gotten fluids yet? Dehydration sets off a vicious cycle in cats.
We wish we were by your side to tell you how much we love you and how much you mean to us. All of our love to you, precious boy, always.

The Whiskeratti said...

We luff you, Jasper! Please get better soon.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Nice that you got out in the sun GJ !
I keep sending lot of (((purrs))) to you <3

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

GJ you are lookin' good and we are hoping that the sun helped.
Sending purrs and prayers

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

GJ, we are so happy you got to enjoy some sunshine with your Dad. We hopes you starts eating again soon.

Anonymous said...
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Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope the lovely sunbeams today will make you feel a little better GJ. Please try and eat some more food as every mouthful will make you get stronger.
Sending extra strong purrs and smooches.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

katsrus said...

Sunbeams are wonderful. Purrs and hugs for your beautiful kitty.
Sue B

John Bellen said...
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John Bellen said...

Stay close to your people, Ginger Jasper; they'll give you strength, just as you give it to them. But eat some more, too.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

That was so nice of your dad to sit in the sun with you! I absolutely love being in a sun puddle and I hope that it made you feel so much better like it does me! And I am sending over good eating purrs to you.

Purrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Angel Willow

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We hope you feel better soon!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That sun must have felt wonderful on your furs, GJ. Keeping you in our thoughts and purrs you get your appetite back. We know you can do it. Baby steps...

possumlady said...

Sleep and snuggles are the best, but then, so is eating a little something. We continue to purr and pray and think about our favorite ginger boy.

Christine, Sweet Pea, Chunky Lisa, Oliver, Toby and Figaro

Jacqueline said...

Nice to see you enjoy the sunbeams with your wonderful Dad, GJ...Purring loudly for you, darling boy...Happy weekend, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat
PS...Carol. have you guys thought about sub q fluids for GJ's kidneys?...I did that daily for over a year for my Nikki and my parents did it for over 5 years everyday for their cat, Asia=it is quick and they tolerate it well, really helps keep them with us while giving them a better quality of life...If it is an option for you guys, I recommend it...Praying for your precious boy everyday...Hugs...J

meowmeowmans said...

We love you, GJ. And your Mum and Dad, too. We continue to send love, hugs, purrs and prayers.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Purrs and love to you GJ!
Love ya Dood!
Mom and Dad too!