15 April 2013

Will you look at this......

Hello everyone.. Just look at these pictures and see what I have to put up with...
                                                     Can you see what I see on the roof...
                                             This.....Mum has been worried about our little stray because we hadn't seen her for a for a few days. Mum still put food out every day and it was going but we didn't know who was taking it. Then two days ago she was back and ate food but she was dirty again like she was at first. It is strange and we don't know what's happening with her or where she is going. We don't even know if she is a stray. But we do worry...
                                              Today this little one was eating the food. she or he is not a stray but still comes to eat what we put out.
Mum was at work very earl the other morning and this little one was on a doorstep waiting to go in for breakfast. He/she was so friendly and came running for mum to pet and stroke..

                                                         Will you look at this .. Just rolling over for tummy tickles.
                                              Mum could have stayed there ages but had to go in the end and visit the patient she was going to...
                 When I went to the vet last time mum asked about our little stray. The vet man said mum should phone cats protection and although they maybe could not take her they could maybe help with spaying costs. Mum said she would pay the costs and thought she could catch her. Since then we have hardly seen her and she has become more aloof. Is that a sign that she doesn't want catching.
                               Love and hugs to all... GJ xx


meowmeowmans said...

Oh, she sure is cute, isn't she, GJ? We hope Mum can catch her, so that she can get spayed.

Katnip Lounge said...

Can your Mum borrow a live trap? We don't want this pretty lady making kittens!

Jacqueline said...

Oh, she is so precious and beautiful=we hope she can be caught and taken care of, sweetie...Happy Monday and enjoy the week ahead, darling friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful GJ!! Awwww who is this friendly kitty?!! Adorable!!!

Awwww we hope your other friend, the little stray is ok! We are so glad you are there to look out for her! Take care

Sparkle said...

That little stray must have some kitty radar and gotten the spay vibes! If your human persists, I am sure she will be able to get her in for her operation at some point.

Anonymous said...

You have a lovely kind mum GJ. I hope you manage to catch the stray for her own sake.


Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

It took my peeps years to get my sister, Tobias, in. She was as feral as feral can be. My litter mates and I were easier. Peep #1 says that shen she was just five years old, her mummy opened the door one day and a cat raced in, wanting petting and attention and food. Kind of like that guy who wanted the tummy tickles. Little while later, Mirabelle had a litter of kittens. She was lookin' for a home for 'em, I guess.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh GJ... we certainly HOPE that he/she is safe and will find a place to live. Poor thingy.
Blessings on your mum fur putting out foodables for the stranger.

My Mind's Eye said...

For sure the little one heard something in the conversation that made her run for cover or she does have a family or possibly lemons else feeding her.
She is rather cute....MOL
Mai your bfff

Brian's Home Blog said...

She sure is a cute little tabby GJ and at least she is getting some food and some love from Mum. Love ya GJ!

cats of wildcat woods said...

What a cutie! We also love your new blog look.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The little stray is so cute and she is smart enough to know where to come when she is hungry. Your Mum is so good to her. We hope she can catch her and help her somehow.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a cutie. We hope your mom can catch her and get her taken care of.

Just Ducky said...

Stray kittie must have read your mum's mind and is staying away. Some like their freedom.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

The introoder is back! She doesn't really look skinny in the pics. Maybe she belongs to somebody. She is a pretty girl.

Your Mum is very sweet to feed her and try to spay her. XOXO

Gigi said...

OMC! Look at that shameless little boy/girl! My Human would LOVE to get her grabby hands all over this adorable kitty!

Unknown said...

Me thinks that cat HEARD your Mummy! She is worried that things will change and change scares some of us!
PS Youd is looking handsome and dapper as always!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hope that beautiful kitty is safe!! Really ~~~

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy GJ, we hope your little stray can be helped too. Gentle hugs to your mum for helping her. Good luck. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Marg said...

Oh GJ, she is too cute. I bet she will be back. Hope the Mum can catch her so she can get spayed. She may be off visiting her gentlemen friends. So GJ, have you named her yet?? Take care.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Maybe the little cat overheard your Mum on the phone to the vets GJ and the alarm bells rang!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marilia said...

Oh GJ,
she´s like our angel Aimée... so beautiful lady!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

she is gorgeous! She doesn't look like a stray to me

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

When I was living in France there was a beautiful Turkish kitty that was always in the street. Sometimes she was so dirty that my human thought she had been abandoned. But then my human would see that she had been groomed professionally.
My human still worried because so many times she was dirty and quite skinny but she was always looking for affection. But she wouldn't let my human carry her though.
She did have humans and they said she begged to go outside. But surely there were times, like the holidays, when the humans were not there. This was very sad for the poor kitty.
Hope your Mom can help this one.

Kitties Blue said...

Hope your mom can catch this little stinker. She sure is adorable. Wouldn't a little sister be nice? When Madison came to live with us he hung out on the deck for six months and it took forever for him to let me touch him. All in good time…things will work out. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josettte

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