12 November 2012

1000 oOh my cat.........

                                             Guess what my friends.. This is my 1000 post.. When mum started my blog she did so as a kind of distraction because she was at a low time in her life and daughter in law Sue said it would maybe help.. It did that and more, much more.. We made many friends, good friends. any we have met in person. We have laughed and we have cried with friends. we have joined in so  many events and so many of our friends have cheered me on in my fight against illness. yes it did help in a big way and hopefully will continue to do so... I never thought we would get to 1000 posts but here I am....
    Mum is going to do a comentathon and will share the total with two very good causes. Please send along your friends and help me to celebrate. I will leave this post up for two days and will announce the total and where it is going then..
   Here is to the next posts and too all my brilliant blog friends..
                                   Love and hugs GJ xxx

    My wonderful graphic is by my wonderful friend Ann at Zoolatry... Thank you Ann... xxx


Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy 1000th post GJ, that is wonderful! Now, to celebrate, go have 1000 bites of food please! Love ya GJ!!!!

Katnip Lounge said...


GJ, this is just wonderful...we are so happy to be pals! xx

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

HAPPY 1000th blogpost !
Hip Hip Horrayyyy !

The Whiskeratti said...

Happy 1000 Posts! Wooo! We luff you, Jasper.

Random Felines said...

Concats GJ!!! We are glad to be among your friends and can't wait to read more.....

Millie and Walter said...

Wow GJ! 1000 seems so far off from where I am now. We are glad to know you and hope you can blog for 1000 more!

Millie & Cindy

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Congratulations on your 1,000TH post! That is a special milestone... You DO know you are supposed to get 1,000 treats , right?

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful and ever so wonderful GJ!! We send you hearty congratulations with your amazing 1000th post!!! WOW!!! Now that truly is a milestone!! Yay for mum!! We think she's lovely! Take care

Old Kitty said...

p.s. I borrowed your pic and put it on our side bar with a link to here, hope you don't mind? Yay! Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

Concats, GJ, on post #1000! Your commentathon is a wonderful way to celebrate, we hope you raise a lot for your charities!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Congrats on 1000 posts! We're so happy to be considered as one of your friends. We hope you have many more posts!

A Tonl said...

Oh, CONCATULATIONS on #1,000! What a wonderful milestone!!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

HOORAY GJ!!! We're so happy you blog, you're a special boy to us. Purrs to you and your mummy on this special day!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy 1000, GJ. What a great way to celebrate.

Kari said...

Congratulations to you, darling Jasper and to your mum and dad too! It was our lucky day when we met you. Your darling face and delightful personality have brought us countless hours of happiness and has helped beyond measure to lift our spirits during our low times. We love you like you were our own!
Big kisses and lots of hugs.

The Florida Furkids said...

ConCatulations on 1,000 posts!!!! We're glad your Mum decided to start your blog!!

The Florida Furkids

Mickey's Musings said...

Congrats on 1000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have found this blogging community to be very fun and friendly too and we have enjoyed meeting you too! We purr very hard that you keep feeling well and continue to feel well.
Hugs and purrs Jasper!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...


We are so happy your Mom started blogging for you. Knowing you has enriched our lives so much GJ.

Mr. Black said...

Happy 1,000th post! Due in no small part GJ, to your photogenic self!

Hope you gets lots of comments for your commentathon!

Just Ducky said...

Happy 1000 posts GJ. We wish you many more.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats,GJ, Mum,and Dad - 1,000 is just awesome. We hope to see at least another 1,000:)

Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

BeadedTail said...

Concatulations on your 1000th post Jasper! We're looking forward to the next 1000! Purrs to you!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Concatulations on your 1000th post! What a milestone, GJ. We hope you are feeling better, too. Keeping you in our purrayers. XOXO

The Island Cats said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post, GJ!! We are so glad to call you furiend!!

Unknown said...

Oh GJ!
Me is just so impressed yous and your Mommy has posted 1000 posts! That is just such an accomplishment! Me feels so very proud that me knows yous and has shared some of your ups and downs. Thanks yous for sharing with us!

Sparkle said...

Concatulations on 1000 posts, GJ! How awesome that you are doing a commenthon - I can't wait to find out who the donation recipients will be!

White Dog Blog said...

What an awesome milestone, GJ! We are wishing for 1000 more posts for your adventures and stories and lives so enrich our blog family's tapestry. We simply cannot imagine a blogworld without you and your family in it! Thank you for sharing.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Congratulations!! Wow, 1000! That's amazing!

lupie said...


Here's a big Congratulations with wish of many many many more thousands posts to come!!

Happy 1000th post!

Homer said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post!


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

What a splendid milestone you have reached dearest Jasper! We have been with you since the beginning and treasure your fine British friendship more than we can express properly!
You have been through so much and we have been right beside you...love to you for many more posts and love to mommy and Barrie too!!
The cozy cottage

Marg said...

Congrats on your 1000th post. Yay GJ. And we agree with Brian, now GJ, it is up to you, go eat 1000 bites of food. We sure are glad you and your Mum started blogging.We so enjoy reading all about you. Take care and get to eating.

Unknown said...

1000 post! We are very impressed! You are totally pawsome!
Three purrs to you!
Mistletoe and Hitch

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats on your 1000th post GJ! We are so very glad that you started blogging and met you. Mum and dad say that they are glad to have met your mum and dad too as they are very good friends and they appreciate them very much. We are sorry we are late, mum was out most of yesterday and we didn't get any computer time.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Concats on those 1000 posts!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Concats on your 1000th post GJ. You are one of our favourite mancats and we always look forward to hearing from you. Take care.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

We're doing the 1000 POST HAPPY DANCE!!! YESSSSSS!!! HUGE CONCATULATIONS!!! We know how hard that is! We haven't hit it yet! It will probably take us another year to do so!
We have enjoyed knowing you at least for maybe half of the 1000?

The Chair Speaks said...

Congrats GJ and looking forward to thousands more! Purrs and hugs!

Catio Tales said...

GJ; many congratulations! 1000 is a magnificent number. Here's to many more, good buddy!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

'KhonKHats' on one special 'K' of posts!

PeeEssWoo: Now, if we khould only get that handsome khuzin of yours to post ;-)

Anonymous said...

Concatulations! Love you.

Jenna and Sissy said...

Concatulations on your 1000th post! We hope you celebrate by eating some of your special food :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wishing you a very happy 1000th, GJ! We are so glad to have met you and hope there will be many, many more posts.

The Chans

Marilia said...

ConCats my dear friend!

Kari in Alaska said...

Happy 1000

Stop on by for a visit

Katie Isabella said...

Concats handsome dreamy mancat! 1000 dear Ginger Jasper posts. xoxoxoxox

GTnCo said...

Oh happy day! Glad you have made it this far, we always look forward to your sweet face!

John Bellen said...

A thousand! Good Heavens, that's a lot. But keep going, Ginger Jasper; we love reading about you and your family. We'll be checking in all the way to two thousand - and beyond.

Gattina said...

Congrats to your 1000 posts ! I have the same feeling, I started blogging in 2006 and it changed my life completely. I met so many friends, virtually and then in real, I learned so much and I am so happy to have this hobby especially as I am retired. I think you will even appreciate more when you are retired too !

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy 1000th post GJ! THat is a lot of posts. WE hope you make a lot more!

jen and edda said...

happy 1000!!!

Oui Oui said...

Well, concats GJ! That is a great accomplishment, and we hope for many, many more posts. Our mom never really thought ahead when she started blogging and was really surprised at the whole community and all the truly nice people, and kitties, out there. Purrs!

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations on 1000 posts. I love commentathons. Thank you so much for your kind words about Herman. He was the sweetest cat I have ever known.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy 1000th post GJ!!!!

My Mind's Eye said...


cats of wildcat woods said...

Wow - that is a lot of post. Concats to you and we are glad you joined the cat blogging community!

meowmeowmans said...

ConCATulations to you and your Mum on 1000 posts, GJ! What a milestone, dear friends. We send much love and purrs as always. Hugs to you all, and here's to the next 1000!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

1000 posts! This is amazing! Concatulations!
I am glad I found your blog too =^.^=

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Ginger Jasper, wowza and congratulations. 1000 posts is something to be proud of for sure! Glad we got to meet mate. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Sasha said...

1000 posts is a lot and a credit to your mum to help you to do this.
Dawn for the Pond Fish

Anonymous said...

I think I set the settings wrongly. Now that I changed the settings, there's only 1 out of 8 posts visible to the public. Previously set to mature content, despite the lack of nudity. Should I double-post? It's the blog part that confused me..