10 June 2012

Who says its your cardigan..

What do you mean dad .. Its your cardigan....

                                                     Its a nice comfy place to snooze is how I see it....

                                                         Why did you leave it here if its yours...

                                             I'm staging a sit in....

                                                        Success... Mol.. Now let me sleep...On MY cardigan....

Love and hugs to all GJ ...( Dad is so easy to give in to me MOL )


My Mind's Eye said...

MOL GJ...the humans just never quite get the fact that EVERYTHING in the house is ours and should be at our disposal 24/7. Bravo for sleeping on Dad's sweater.
Hugs from your BFFF

The Florida Furkids said...

We cats know that EVERYTHING belongs to us!! Enjoy yoru snooze!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure know comfy GJ!!! Love ya pal!

Catio Tales said...

We love the cross paws for emphasis - it is definitely yours!

The Island Cats said...

Haha! That cardigan is definitely yours, GJ! 'Specially when you get your furs all over it!

Unknown said...

Hi Ginger Jasper , that is so funny , love it stage a sit on! Cool one pal!
Best wishes Molly

Marilia said...

Hi GJ!
Have a great Sunday!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

BOL, GJ, too funny. but we bet Dad really didn't mind at all.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Katie Isabella said...

Dearest GJ...the color suits you FaR and away better than whoever tried to lay claim to it. xoxox

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Possession is nine-tenths of the law! MOL!

Jenna and Sissy said...

Anything left out is a good nappin spot! Enjoy yer nap, GJ!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Favourite humans' cardigans are the very best places to snooze!

The Chans

Sparkle said...

Gj, of course he gave into you - a) it WAS your cardigan to begin with and b) you are adorable! He shouldn't have even bothered asking - the answer was obvious!

Pattyskypants said...

Hey, buddy! You look comfie there! xxoo Bhu

The Whiskeratti said...

It's so definitely yours!

Marg said...

Oh good boy GJ. You hold on to that sweater. It certainly is yours. Glad it is so comfy. Have a super Sunday

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

it looks very comfy

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Possession is 9/10s of the law. It's yours.

Katnip Lounge said...

It's great having a pushover for a Dad! Ours had to sit in his office chair last night to watch TV because Sweet Pea was all cozy in his living room chair.

Old Kitty said...

Sweet and ever so amazing and gorgeous GJ!! No-one but no-one can resist your super cute face!! Awww! Enjoy your cardigan!! Sorry Dad! LOL! Take care

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Silly dad thinking it is his cardigan. We all know it is your bed.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

If it's laying there, it belongs to the cat! That's the law! MOL

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

"Sittin on, is 90% of possession". Or something like that...

Kari said...

You love that cardigan because it carries your dad's scent. He should feel very honoured. Love you lots sweetheart.

Lorenza said...

I am sure he left it there because he wanted you to enjoy it!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Me loves sweaters! they is always so warm and comfy and smells of my peoples.