I woke up ...........and oh no this monster........ Shudder...
Now as you will know its my pal Derby Birthday today, his mum is giving 50 cents for every comment on his page and also for every tock picture put on a blog.. Here is mine.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY .
PS dont forget if you would like to exchange christmas cards with me please pee mail your address to me at cazbaz7@aol.com.. Thanks..
I wonder how that spider got on woo and on your toys...
I think there must be a Spider Fairie in your house!
Oh my dog!!!!! We have never seen a spider that big - not ever!!
We reckon it is a super spider - you might need help GJ!!!!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Oh mys loooks at that spiders its huuugggee
Wow, that is one ginormous spider, GJ!!
ohmigod, what is that!!! This spider is all over the place!
But I guess she is a good one and she only wants to play a little bit! :)
Beautiful pictures!
Great post!
I bet you showed that spider!
Too big for my felines, they'd probably call for me, which in turn I'd call my husband!
That is one big spider. We sould not like it either.
Holy cats, that's one big scary spider!
That spidey is pretty creepy!!
We just sent you a peemail.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
EEEeeek! That's the biggest spider I have ever seen!
This spider is very scary
*shudders* We have giant spiders like those in New Zealand. They're called Avondale spiders and they were used in that movie Arachnaphobia! Thankfully they're not poisonous...
I don't think I would like a giant spider like that in my house, either.
YIKES! That thing is HUGE! Unless you're a very tiny kitty-cat....
Play bows,
That is a GIANT spider! I would call an exterminator and more into a fancy hotel until he is gone...don't try to get him yourself...ever see the movie Archnaphobia?
We like spiders too but that one looks very scary! Glad your Dad was there to help!
We don't have any spiders because Tommy screams whenever she spots one--so they RUN. That's a big ol' one you have....I dunno..I may run from that!
Whoa, that is one nasty looking spider - at first we thought it was a Halloween costume. Glad your Dad was there to help you out.
Thanks for the nice welcome home.
woos, the OP Pack
That is a huge spider! I would hate that and I am pretty sure the cats would too! We hope it leaves you alone from now on.
That spider looked a bit too big for my liking too.
That is scary... I loves spiders... but that is over the top!!
Hay GJ,
You are the first kitty that we have ever known that chases spiders. It did not look like you were afraid at all. We are impressed!!
Hugs and kisses, Bambi and Fern
Just so you know ... we have to rate this blogpost as an X-rated post since we have an arachnophobe in our house. Our Girl. This would put her over the edge, but it was really quite impressive to us. We also like the idea of dad's lap. Does he like wire fox terriers?
Jake and Fergi xxoo
That's a realllllly big spider! We don't think we'd like that one, either.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
OMC!!!! That is HORRIBLE!!! I'm so glad you have your daddy to protect you.
Mum nearly screamed when she saw that spider. She is a wuss.
Alfie eats spiders, mom screams when she sees them, and I play wiv them!
OMC that was a big spider tho!
Milo and Alfie xx
The 8 leg creature is big!!!
I am glad to see your dad will protect you.
The PM just about fainted! Holy Carp!!!!!
Thank goodness for Dads!
Yes, that is some BIG spider, isn't it, GJ! It doesn't seem to be afraid of you like all the little spiders. Good idea to get Dad to protect you. You look so cute in his lap.
And nice tock shot, too. Oodles of floof, there!
GJ!!!! Hi Darlin!!!!! I have missed seeing you so much! Thank you so much to you and your Mommy for my wonderful presents. I LOVE the picture of you that snows! The scarf is beautiful. I am wearing it all the time! You both are so sweet to me and I love you very much!!! I really appreciate everything you do and the gift was so sweet! I got mail from England! I kept the stamp!! :)
Love, Auntie Deb
GJ!!!! We managed to post today, so come by and visit! We have missed visiting you!
Love, uSSSSS
oh, and YIKES.....THAT SPIDER IS HUGE!!!!!
YIKES!!!!!!!! That's one monster spider, but we know you can get the better of it, GJ.
Wow, that's really a giant spider ! As disgusting as the one Rosie had. These humans are crazy to buy such things !
Wat a floofy tock you haf! And oh yes, oh yes... we wanna exchange Chrissymouse cards wif you!
Pee Es. Our word for verification is "rested". But we dun feel rested. In fact, we shud go rest some more!
EEEEEKKKKKK SPIDERS!!!!!!!! Sorry, Meowm had to insert a comment. She smashes spiders when she sees them, we hardly get a chance to play with them.
Nice 'tocks!
OMD! No wonder you didn't like it!
~lickies, Ludo
Oh Boy...the spiders are getting revenge aren't they...Thank goodness for big, strong Daddy's!!!
ACK! That spider is a meanie! I don't like them, well, John doesnt like them. He's a scared-ee cat, er uh, mouse. Me and Zozo, we just want to eat them. Glad you found refuge in dads lap. Loooks cumfy.
Paws and Fuzzz,
Oz and Zozo, The Z Rollerz
Oh, GJ, U looks so happy on your pappy's lappy! xxoo Bhu
OMC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That sure is one heckuva scary spider!!! We would have been super skerd if it kept being were we were at!!! Thank goodness for Daddies!!!
Did you think about trying to eat it, Jasper? My feline siblings love to hunt for crickets in the basement!
Your pal,
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