18 September 2013

What a week......

Hello everyone. I told you at the weekend that mum was on late shift but what a week it turned out to be. Saturday and Sunday turned into Monday and Tuesday as well. When on this shift mum is on call for the night shift too and was out every night but Sunday night was out six times and only spent one hour in bed. Ouch.. Then as there was no one to cover this morning did a few hours there and was out again. All in all its been quite a week. Rest of today and tomorrow off then another late shift on Friday. At least she has booked the weekend off for a 40's event.

On another note this morning when mum came in I said to her that it was a nice morning and could we go in the yard before it started raining again. We did so and look I actually felt up to getting on the gate. A little wobbly but up there and checking around..

                                                Then I had to sharpen my claws on the seat...
                                            I know I know don't do that....
                                               There was even a watery sun puddle and I posed a little too..
                                                 But not for long...
                                 Right mum is going to visit my friends for me .. We especially remember our dear friend Ann ( Zoolatry ) as she will be remembering her dear Vic. xxxx
                                      Love and hugs to all.. GJ xxx


Marilia said...

have a nice Thursday sweet sweet face!

Sparkle said...

Wow, your human had some tough shifts at work! It sounds like she has a fun weekend planned ahead. I'm glad you got some nice outside time, GJ.

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry to hear it was such a tough week for your Mum, GJ. But we are glad she will have some fun this weekend. :)

How nice that you got soe time in the garden (and on the gate!), handsome boy.

Big hugs to you and Mum and Dad. We love you all!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your poor mum must be worn out GJ. I am glad she is able to relax at the weekend and go to a 40s event,
I am glad you were able to go out in the garden and enjoy a bit of sunshine.

John Bellen said...

It's good to read that you wanted to get out and about, Ginger Jasper. Your poor mum will be the one feeling badly with so little sleep! Continue to enjoy the sun.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwww beautiful beautiful GJ!! Awwww - you are such a determined boy! Glad you got to sit out and enjoy the sun! We think you are looking ever so wonderful!

We wish mum a restful and peaceful days off! Goodness - she must be so tired!

Take care

The Florida Furkids said...

Your Mom sure had a rough week. We're glad she'll get some time off to have fun this weekend. We love your pose!!!

The Florida Furkids

A Tonl said...

ooooh GJ! What a wonderful tryst out in the garden! With sun and EVERYthing!

We too remember Ann on this anniversary of Vic....

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

A pretty rough week your mom had at work !
Glad she will have the weekend of for some Fun :)
I'm glad you got out and had some sunshine !
Over here it has mostly been raining.

Mickey's Musings said...

Sorry to hear your Mom was SO busy! That must be tiring. Maybe you two can snuggle on her days off :)
You are looking good Jasper :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

BeadedTail said...

Your mum has been very busy but we're glad she had time to relax a bit with you outside! You are just so handsome Jasper! Even our mommy melts at the sight of your sweet face!

The Island Cats said...

Hi GJ! We're glad you got to enjoy some outside time. And we hope your mum can get some rest after all that working!

Brian's Home Blog said...

It is so good to see you out n' about GJ! We love you bunches!!!! We hope that Mum of yours catches some rest soon.

Pattyskypants said...

Good to see you GJ! xxoo Bhu

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hopin yer Mom gets some rest! We think caretakers need to be alert when helpin others. When TBT stays up 36 hours, he needs to keep just one eye open to focus an thats probly not the best idea. An after that, a couple hours of sleep just leaves him loopier.

Kari said...

Grueling schedule for your mum . Just hideous hours!
But weren't you a little treat to come home to. You were so sweet to take your mum into the garden. We know your sweet companionship and the lovely garden did wonders to lift her spirits and to help her relax. And aren't you looking fit! In the last two photos you are looking absolutely regal! Our little King of Hearts. Big kisses and all of our love to you always.

Oui Oui said...

We're glad your mom had time for you even though she was so busy!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

So wonderful to see you out enjoying the sunshines, GJ!

Tell your Mum not to work too hard.


White Dog Blog said...

Mum's schedule sounds grueling! Please ask her to take care so she doesn't get worn out or sick. It is nice to see you feeling up to a bit of time in the yard. We love seeing photos of you.

Poppy Q said...

Oh my gosh we do feel for your mum, as mum does a lot of call too. Although this week she was only on call once and got out of bed twice, finally getting home at 04.50am. She got a 9hr break, so that meant she only had to work from 1.30-4pm the next afternoon.

Hope you get some time to put your feet up together.

Julie and Poppy Q

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Your poor mom! I hope you give her big snuggles when she is home!

katsrus said...

Maybe you and your mum could take a nice long cat nap.
Sue B

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

hoping things improve for your Mum soon

Sweet Purrfections said...

We thought our mom had a rough week. It's always wonderful to see you, GJ.

Marg said...

Glad to hear you are feeling well enough to go out in the garden GJ. You keep that up, OK. Have a great day.

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

It is nice to see you are doing a little better. These pictures of you are pawsome! I hope your Mom gets some well-deserved rest too!

Kitties Blue said...

Your mommy is a busy bee. Glad she had time to take you outside for some sunshine. That always does a kitty good. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Timmy Tomcat said...

Hey good furend.
Dad remembers those long days and nights... Then coming home on a beautiful morning and meeting the kitties he had then.
You look grand my furend!