21 February 2013

Will you look at this........

You know that we tell you from time to time about the little cat that we think is a stray.. Well mum has been worried about her because she didn't come round for about a week. Mum has been wondering if she was having kittens because she seemed so much plumper. Dad said he thought so too. Mum was worried that she was holed up somewhere and we live in a very built up area so no idea where that could be. Then a couple nights ago very late at night dad went out to the bin and said to mum the little cat is there. Mum quickly got some food and went out to her, she was on the roof were mum gives her food and hanging right off shouting at mum. As usual she ate and ate and kept asking for more.Mum has been leaving something out just in case she came when we were  not there.

Mum went inside to get more and when she came out the little one was in the yard shouting loudly for more. Mum was trying to open a packet and it fell to the ground, it was eaten there.

Then two days later dad shouted mum again, this time she had come in the day and was shouting at dad to feed her. Mum gave her some and went in the house to get biscuits as well. When she came out would you believe the little imp was down and really close.

Then would you believe this ... She came in my yard and sat on my chair and look at this..
                                          Mum had a packet of food in her hand and she pawed at that and caught the camera strap.. That's how close she was..
Mum turned round and this is what she saw..

                                                    I was not amused...
   Mum does worry about this little cat. She thinks she should ring the cat protection league and ask them if they can home her because mum thinks that while she is feeding her she could maybe catch her.. Dad says we don't know if she does have a home but mum says surely she wouldn't be that hungry if she had a home. We know we cant have her because I would really freak out and do if I am out when any cat comes near . They cant risk the stress for me but she would make a nice cat for someone..

                                  Love and huge hugs to all.. GJ xx


Millie and Walter said...

GJ you do not look pleased at the interloper getting so close to your mum. You have to admit she is a cutie.


The Furries of Whisppy said...

The poor little kitty. She does have a very good appetite! Maybe she likes the food your Mom gives her? :)
We hope she won't come down to your yard when you are out and about coz you certainly DON'T LOOK amused!

Deb said...

She does seem to be hungry so I doubt she is someone's cat. Something I did once was put a collar and a note on a cat once to see if it had a home. The lady down the street called me after reading the note that said I had been feeding this cat every day for a week and if you actually own this cat do call me to let me know it has a home. I also wrote that I enjoyed the visits though and the cat was welcome to drop by anytime. We laughed about the fact that she had wondered why he was off his food all week. I guess he liked mine better.

Fuzzy Tales said...

I think it's a great idea to see if your humans can get her and have a rescue take her. If she were well-cared for she wouldn't be starving like this, IMO. And she's certainly not feral, to get that close and have at the camera strap. :-)

Good luck; the boys will purr for her and cross their paws!

HH and The Boys said...

I love that picture at the bottom... Amused....? NO... certainly not.

hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

Random Felines said...

GJ - we know you don't like the interlopers, but remember your mom and dad are just trying to help. We think a phone call to a rescue to see if something is available to help would be a great place to start. And then maybe at least get her spayed......

The Heartbeats said...

You are awfully calm about you GJ. If my Harry sees a cat in the yard he howls and screams!

Mamma Heartbeat

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure don't need the stress GJ. She is asking for help I think. Love ya pal!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We understand totally that you are NOT AMUSED... and you have every right to feel that way..

THAT is why we HOPE that someone comes along and helps the poor thing find a HOME OF ITS OWN.

Jacqueline said...

That little girl is a real beauty and so wonderful of your great Mum and Dad to be feeding her!...Happy Thursday, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Angel Simba said...

would seem rather tame. What about the collar and note idea first, in case she does belong to somebody. GJ, you don't look pleased!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

If a dog or cat or coon showed up hungry I would feed it too!!! And my other animals were not pleased about it!!!!! You have to do what you have to do, right???
Thanks so for your visit!!!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, I'm glad she came back and is getting friendly! I do hope they can find a home for her!
Goodness, Ginger Jasper, that look on your face could melt glass... I'm surprised your mom didnt turn to stone! Poor darling, I hope you got lots of pets and maybe some treats after what you had to witness..

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh GJ, you do not look at all pleased! She is a cute little girl though. The collar with the note is a good idea as long as it is a breakaway collar.

Sparkle said...

Uh, yeah, GJ, you REALLY do not look thrilled! I do think it is a good idea to put a collar on her to see if she belongs to somebody else. My human did that once with a cat a long time ago - it turned out he DID belong to somebody, but they weren't taking very good care of him. He was not fixed and to this day, my human regrets not spiriting him away and having the job done herself.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

She is a pretty kitty and your Mom and Dad are so good to feed her and to worry about the stress she is causing you!

A Tonk's Tail said...

oh my CAT an interloper in your yard! We wonder if it mightn't be a good idea to rehome her too...?

Pattyskypants said...

But GJ, what's a poor mum to do? She's gotta feed the kitteh in need! What if it was YOU? xxoo Patty & Bhu

Just Ducky said...

Oh my, that kittie is close to your mum. We like the idea of calling the cat protection people.

Katie Isabella said...

Darling GJ, you look really miffed there but I know in your sweet heart that you feel badly for another kitty to suffer and you're grateful your mum and dad are helping her. XXXOOO

Jenna and Sissy said...

We can tell you aren't amused, GJ! A phone call about her would be great. She needs to be spayed and have a furever home of her own :)

Photo Cache said...

we have the same problem here. the neighborhood is full of stray cats, no one owns them, but i suspect they stay in the area bec people are feeding them. they have increased in population lately and mama is contemplating on ringing someone up for them.

emma and buster

BeadedTail said...

Yeah, you don't look very happy Jasper! But, we're glad your mum and dad are looking after the poor kitty and making sure her tummy is full! We hope someone will be able to give her a home!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginger Jasper!
Wesa definently getting mama to start following yousa and your family. By the Way- Wesa got your package (the scottie pjs and cat toys/treats bonus...the kitties love the food and toys!!) the day before 14"+ snow fell in our town. Wesa still waiting for the snow to stop and staying inside while the hu-peeps dig us out of the snow. Yousa very handsome mancat and your pawrents have hearts of gold.
Your new furiends and followers (Much Luvums),
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi
& Purrs
Socks, Jack, Percy, Luna & Golden

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Sorry GJ...mama was using her google account instead of ours.
IF you ever want to come visit us'uns, our bloggy is http://pugsandpurrs.blogspot.com.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums & Purrsibs

Cherry City Kitties said...

GJ, we know it's hard for you with other kitties around, but it's nice to know you understand your mom worring about her and that you wish her well.
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

The Island Cats said...

Wow, you really are giving the stink eye there, GJ. We hope that kitty either has a home or one can be found for her.

Cory said...

Oh GJ...you know what we say about introoders here? Yeah...family.

san said...

We hope she finds a good home, not yours GJ but very much like yours...

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

GJ , your face tells everything~!!
But I believe your mommy loves you only~~~

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, we think "someone" might get a housemeate... We HOPE!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, the 'expression' on your face is priceless. GJ!

Cool down! Your mum loves you the most!

Sending purrs and and gentle headbutts to you all the way from Malaysia!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh dear GJ - you could be getting some little kittens playing in your garden.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohhh GJ! Your little face says it all!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww beautiful GJ!! This gorgeous girl is just adorable! Yay for mum and dad looking out for her! She does need looking after doesn't she and we hope the Cat's Protection league will come to her rescue too! Take care

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Grumpy Khat has nothing on your look!

Paws khrossed fur your neighbourhood snakhk - I mean sweetie!


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I read Deb's comment and just loved it!
I don't know about the theory that she wouldn't be that hungry if she had a home, if Cody got out he is ALWAYS on the prowl for food and can be manipulated with it at any time so it might depend on the cat. She looks awfully clean for being a stray.

Kari said...

I hope your mum and dad can get the little, hungry cat into some sort of protected environment if not a shelter. She is eating quite a lot and it would be terrible for her to have her kitties in a place of no food or water or where they might be tortured or killed.
We know you can find it in your big heart to allow your mum and dad to help one of the less fortunate. They will try to do it in a way your stress level stays
down. God bless you and your wonderful parents and the little kitty too.

H and Flo said...

Ha ha! That look says it all!

H and Flo

Unknown said...

She is a cheeky little thing, isn't she"
Mes hopes your Mommy and Daddy can catch her