I am sat here keeping a check for introoders..
Cant see any so will see whats for tea...
Mum whats for tea...
Love and hugs for all.. GJ xx
Is it Tea and Crumpets???
GJ.... we just gotta say this... we are gonna be SOOOOOOO sorry to see February go... beclaws we LOVE your Feb. Header.. with the Heart on your nose.
If you don't see any introoders, you must have effectively chased them away!
We hope tuna is on the menu!
Hi Gj, you are sooo good to keep an eye out...that means you are protecting Mummy and the house! What a good Kitty you are! I hope Mummy had nice tea for you.
Awwww amazing GJ!! We hope you get some extra nice treats for tea for doing a great job watching out for introoders! Yay! take care
We hope you got something nice and tasty GJ!
GJ, I hope not those fruits !
Yummy treats will be purrfect menu : )
We hope those introoders stay away, GJ!
We hope it's something yummy and warm! It's been cold and rainy here today. Have a great week, GJ!
We hope the introoders stay away! We have some introoder neighbor kitties that we try to keep away too. It doesn't always work though.
Love and hugs to you too GJ!
Your mum will make you anything you want for tea as long as you eat!
Having tea with you would be a dream come true!
Hugs and kisses.
Mum should go make herself a cup of tea.
I hope there were nommy things for your Tea. I understand Tea where you are is a whole different deal than what my Human means by Tea because there's never anything good for the Kitty when the Human makes Tea which isn't that often because she doesn't like it really and drinks coffee all the time.
GJ, I hope there is catnip tea!
Love and kisses to you, GJ.
You look like you are doing a great job keeping away any intruders. Keep up the good work!
You are such a pretty kitty.
Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
GJ, you're guarding those fruits? Purrs!
Did you have fruits for tea GJ?You must be one healthy kitty.
Hoping you had some nice tuna sandwiches and maybe some salmon scones!
love and hugs back at ya!
It's great to be back.....have had problems with chrome and IE.
LOVED your post. take care GJ.
Have you got something good for tea GJ - is there enough for us too?!?!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Good job GJ, keeping watch over everything. Hope you get some good treats at tea today. Just remember to keep eating. Take care
If there is nothing on TV, then tea is better
Looking Good GJ...be sure to practice your roar for the introoders...'cause your face is so sweet that will not scare them.
Hugs Madi
We bet it was something delicious, GJ!
The Chans
What a amazing watch cat yous is!
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