Strong together

Today I am joining in with all our friends for World cancer day. We have good friends fighting the dreaded disease right at this moment and we stand strong with them.. We have been touched by it ourselves and have lost precious family members like mum's dad and our nephew at just 5 years old. Just this week on Friday mum will be attending the funeral of a dear friend that just lost the fight. So we light a candle today and every day for all who are fighting and our wish is that this evil thing is eradicated once and for all. we light our candle for those that have lost the fight and hope there will be no more to do so.. Together we stand..... Love and Hugs... GJ and Carol and Barrie...
We are all purraying for a cure too. Cancer has touched mummys life too many times. Some have won, some are still fighting and some she has lost, including her own mummy. We don't think there is anybody out there who hasn't been touched by this dreadful disease one way or another xxxxxxxxxxxx
Good morning have a very kind heart!!
Hugs Madi and Mom
Thanks for sharing this message dear Jasper, you are so right "Together we stand...", I'm purring and sending prayers today!
Luna and mammy Léia
We're purring for all of those affected by this horrible disease. We lost our sweet Sniffie to the evil c and Auntie El is still recovering from the chemo she had last year.
The Florida Furkids
We are purring that a cure will be found for this evil disease - Mum lost her handsome black cat Max to this cancer and also her Mum.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
A world without cancer would be a wonderful place!!!
We are purring for so many friends who have fought this and remembering those we have lost to this disease.
We will stand and fight with you! Cancer is horrible!
What a beautiful post.
We are purring and praying for all of our friends we've lost and all the friends who are suffering and all the friends we've yet to meet.
So sorry to hear your mum has lost a friend. Big purrs to her too.
xo Katie & Glogirly
Barking and howling for a cure
Dachshund Nola
Awwww GJ!! You are so lovely and adorable! Me and Charlie join you and all honouring those affected by this evil disease! Our thoughts and prayers for mum! Take care
ONe day we so hope there will be no more cancer.
Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Great Post....We are standing in the fight with you. Cancer sucks! Sniffs, The HoundDogs
We must defeat the evil cancer monster. Love ya GJ!
We has losted close friends and family to cancer. We is purryaing for all those who has as well and we sends them comforting purrs, especially to your Mum today.
We purray that one day there will be an end to this nasty disease xx
So well put. If we just all stand together and support each other, that is so important. It is a horrible disease. WE sure do send lots of purrs and prayers to everyone that has the disease now. Take care.
We didn't even realize this was today, and we have been touched by the evil c as well. We will be purring for a cure and for all those affected to be able to get cured.
I am standing... and purring... right along with you.
What a beautiful post GJ and me and mommy stand right with you. xoxoxox
We're purraying for no more cancer. We're sorry to hear about your mum's friend.
We proudly stand at your side in this fight, dear friend! Someday...soon...the day when one.
We also are purring today for all those affected by cancer, and pray that one day soon there will be a cure to stop it once and for all.
Purring for cures.
We are sorry to hear about your mum's friend. We are purring for all those affected by the evil cancer.
We will be purring for you and your friends on Friday. Cancer is a horrible disease and how we wish for a cure!
Beautiful post. We stand wif you. xoxo
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