5 February 2012

You have got to be kidding ........

                              Mum said Jasper have a look and see you might like it. She popped me out... I immediately went under the bench where there was non of the white stuff.. I was not amused at all..
                                     If I could just get the birds down here....
                                 All my friends are covered...
                                     Just look....
I stayed for exactly a minute and jumped right back indoors again.. Sheesh white stuff so not for me....
Hope you all are having a good Sunday..
Love and Hugs GJ xxxx


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Brrr, that looks cold. We didn't get any snow, just lots of rain.

The Island Cats said...

Holy moly! That's a lot of the white stuff!! This weather has been crazy lately! Usually we have white stuff by now, but we've been having mild temps lately and no snow!!

Angel Simba said...

That's pretty deep snow, GJ! Humans are silly, putting us in the snow to see what they think. Would THEY go out in it without their shoes on? I think NOT!

Katie Isabella said...

The one who came before me was NOT amused in the least with that cold wet white stuff on the ground You are so right, GJ!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We had 6 inches or so of that cold white stuff and were not amused - nor was mum when she had to clear it from the garage door so she could get to - drumroll - wait for it THE FREEZER!!
Keep those paws warm and dry GJ.
Luv to you and your Mum and Dad.
Hannah and Lucy xx xx

HH and The Boys said...

That's why we live in Florida. White stuff is not only not for us but it's not for HH either. Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

The Whiskeratti said...

Wow, that sure looks chilly. We hope your furtips thawed out quickly.

My Mind's Eye said...

OMC GJ...did you Mum spill some sugar? That is a lot of white stuff.
FYI: Whatever you do DO NOT eat yellow white stuff. MOL
Hugs Madi

Nerissa's Life said...

And that looks like the kind of white stuff that's wet and heavy. Not good for playing at all. Bring on spring!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh brrrrrrrr, that makes my whiskers shiver! Love ya GJ!!!

Dachshund Nola said...

The things our people put us through!
Dachshund Nola

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

We didn't get any and i is with you and is glad, last time Mum chucked snowballs at me,

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

All your friends have little snow caps! WE do not blame you for going back in quickly!

Sparkle said...

I've never seen snow... but I don't think I would like it either. I'd be staying close to the heating!

Old Kitty said...

Charlie did exactly the same! He stepped out and ran back in, in record time! Yay! LOL!

Awww gorgeous GJ!! You are looking lovely!! Its so wonderful to see you out and about!! Awwww but it's much better to stay inside though! Yay! Take care

Kari said...

Oh darling Jasper! You are such a brave boy! That white, fluffy stuff looks pretty but it's cold! Although you have a beautiful thick coat, your little feeties are bare! Brrrrrr! Did your mum and dad warm them for you when you came back in?
Hope all is well with you and you are eating well. You look marvelous ! Our love to you and yours.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You went farther than Ichiro--he stuck his toe in it and came right back inside!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Ginger Jasper,
We are having crazy weather is winter!!! Lots of people want snow in this country and haven't gotten any!!!
WE have flowers!!
xx, Happy and Zoie & Fern
PS, Happy is really getting alone with Zoie real well!!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our crazy boys piled out in it an seemed to enjoy it, but as girls were much more sensible and stayed indoors!

Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan


I don't blame you GJ, I don't like that white stuff either, luckily all we had was heavy rain.

Take care and warm.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

I don't thinks I would like that white stuff either! I have never seen it here! We hope you are doing well!

Jenna and Sissy said...

Good thing you have lots of furs! The snow is still cold on the paws, tho!

Stay warm, GJ!

BeadedTail said...

That's a lot of snow! It's sunny and nice here so we got window wiffs today!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I'm with You buddy... that white stuffs is COLD and WET and it clings to the Furs. NOPE.. Not fur US.

John Bellen said...

Here in southern Alberta, we've had temperatures that have been more like spring and just a bit of snow this winter. Canada is supposed to be frigid and snowy all the time, but it doesn't always happen. I would've liked some your white stuff for Christmas, Ginger Jasper.

Shane Kent Louis said...

oh my, I think that was really cold on your city right now! wanna play with us in the snow?

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Oui Oui said...

We don't blame you at all! We run straight back inside, if the people drag us out...cause not one of us voluntarily goes out in that stuff.

Just Ducky said...

We avoid the white stuff too. Stay warm and dry.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh my! Looks at all that snow! It had just started when we were Skyping with your mum...and now all your friends are Snowden, hahameow! Thanks, as always, for visiting and leaving your pawprint on our bloggie!

Unknown said...

Wowewir! It looks like here - there! Me thought it was just about spring there! Me hates the wet white stuff too. Kozmo goes outside, but he is soo funny, he shakes his paws as he walks before he gets out the door!

Dog Fence said...

.,i really love snow...every time I saw snow like this, I want to go to a place where I can see and experience snow...lol

Stay warmed

Marilia said...

Hi sweet GJ!!!!
Have a awesome week!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet G.J. you did good in that cold snow...we doubt we would have lasted a whole minute. Hugs and nose kisses

The Monkeys said...

That's a lot of snow! Sweet Pea and Gabriel go out in the snow all the time on their balcony and we don't understand it! It's so cold!

Ingrid said...

My cats don't like snow either. Only Arthur the lazy boy loves it to dig little holes for his weewees ! It's easier than earth !

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We don't think we would like white stuff either. We has never seen it. Silly Mommy likes it though, she always wants to play in it.