8 December 2011

Latest news.....

Hello everyone, so sorry I didn't get to post yesterday but thank you all so much for your continued support, love and caring. We truly are overwhelmed. Now for the news on our boy. I spoke yesterday At length with his vet who said that the drip had brought the levels down a little and the medication had slowed that rapid heart rate a little, she asked our permission to keep the drip on for another 24 hours and of course we agreed. I spoke again just a few minutes ago and Sue said that Jasper had nibbled a little food , not much but a start, she said she wanted us to bring him home this afternoon and to have some quality time with him for 24/48 hours and to see if we can get him to eat at home. I asked what the prognosis was and she said that we are in the balance and if Jasper started to eat and that we could keep him medicated then we were in with a chance of spending more time with our precious boy, but if he didn't then we were in trouble given his condition and how bad it is. Sue said she is pleased with how much Jasper has responded to treatment given how ill he is. We have to give him a try and we have to have the quality time with our sweet boy. We bring him home at 4:00 today after giving him another day at the vet for further treatment.We will then go back to See Sue on Saturday morning to see how Jasper has fared and Sue has promised she will tell us truthfully were we stand. told her I wont let Jasper suffer ad she said she would truthfully tell me.Please all your purrs and woofs and prayers .... Keep them coming because the next 24/48 hours are crucial...I love you all and from the bottom of mine and Barrie's hearts we Thank You all.... Love Carol and Barrie and our boy GJ xxxx


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Carol ~ such a relief to hear from you that GJ has improved slightly. We are revving up the purrs and hope beyond hope that he can recover and have quality time left with you both. We love you GJ. xxxxxxxxxx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

(((((hugs))))) to Carol and Barrie xx

Everycat said...

A little step in the right direction is very good news, we know how guarded it is, but we are still sending Jasper and you both lots of purrs and love.

C'mon GJ, lovely noms and so much love await you at home lad!

Luff from
Oliver & Gerry

HH and The Boys said...

We just got up and the first thing I do is click over to see how Jasper is doing. We are sending you all our purrs for a wonderful visit with Jasper at home, that he will perk up and will eat for you. Know that we are there thinking of you every minute. Hoping for the best news. Sending you our love.
And Jasper: We love you, pal. We're purring for you every minute.

pawhugs, Mac, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Old Kitty said...

Oh Carol and Barrie! I am so hopeful for you and GJ!! I have everything crossed -everything that GJ will eat a little bit more once he is home with you both. I am praying so hard -so hard!- that GJ responds well. I really truly cannot bring myself to think of any althernative but good progress for your sweet adorable and absolutely beautiful boy. I have grown to love and treasure his adorable face for nearly two years and think he is the bestest kitty in the whole wide world - bags of gorgeous personality and such a sweet sweet sweet boy! I cannot cannot cannnot! contemplate a blogworld without him, truly!

Please GJ - please get better! Take care

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

All of our love to you! Get will little guy.

John, Kelly, Ozzie and Zozo

Poppy Q said...

Sounds like you have a good vet GJ. Enjoy your time at home together and we hope that you all get some snuggles together.

Love and hugs
Julie and Poppy Q

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, a little improvement is wonderful and that truly made my heart smile this morning. Thanks for taking the time to update us. Love ya GJ!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Carol, we are so happy that GJ gets to come home and we have our paws crossed that he does well at home and is well on the way to recovery. We are sending mega tons of healing purrs. Please tell GJ how very much we love him and how happy we are that he is improving.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks SO much for the update!

I think this plan is purrrrrfect -

GJ will let you know -

We'll be thinking of you!

Khyra and Phyll

Marg said...

I too just got up and had to look for an update. Little tears of happieness right now. Baby steps. That is so good that he is responding to the medicine. He not be out of the woods yet but at least he is giving the all out fight. We are sending many many more purrs and everyone is crossing their paws and the donks are crossing their hooves. Mom is saying tons of prayers. Great big hugs to Mom and Dad.

Catio Tales said...

We are so glad you get to take GJ home to where he will feel safer and warm and happier, and you get to give him some love and snuggles. Paws are firmly crossed and purs are loudly comtinuing that he will eat and pick up. And loads of love and good wishes for you in this time - we know you are truly going through an awful time watching GJ and having these conversations. But quality of life is very important, and GJ will let you know what to do xxxxx

Unknown said...

First a little sigh of relief and happy tears. Now back to purring and sending love to you all.

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

I hope your wonderful boy gets well soon. Big hugs xxx

Piappies World said...

Hi Carol, Barrie and dear Ginger Jasper!!!

We have our paws crossed for you and we have gotten our kitties and cats join in purrs for GJ! It's good that he gets to go home and stay with you. We embrace you with the power of paws.

He is the sweetest kitty we've met here in bloggie world and we are praying for what's best for him and for your family.

Hugs and love,
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Deb said...

I feel some relief and will keep the prayers going. Hugs to all, Deb

Jacqueline said...

We are so glad there is some improvement...Hang in there, adorable GJ=we are sending loud purrs, constant prayers, big hugs and lots of love to you and your wonderful parents...Please be strong, precious boy=you are so loved and cherished, sweetie...xoxoxoxoxooxoxooxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Thank you for the update. Hopeful that GJ will improve even more after you get him home. We are thinking of all of you :)

Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Even that tiny bit of good news is very encouraging, Carol. We hope that Ginger Jasper does well when he comes home and that you all have many more days of loving times together. We are so hoping you will get that turnaround we are all hoping for.

Hugs and Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

Martha said...

We are glad that GJ is coming home where he belongs.
We are keeping our paws crossed for a good outcome.
You are all in our thoughts.
Much love
Martha, Bailey & Humans xxx

ZOOLATRY said...

Home is where the heart is ... I truly believe Jasper will know that, and will feel your love. It can only help him to improve.
Continuing prayers, hugs to you

Angel Simba said...

We know that GJ still has a lot of recovery needed but are buoyed by this sign of improvement. We will keep purring and praying.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

home is the best place to continue to get better...we are joyful over this mews....so very very joyful for all of you...we keep your in our prayers....
your little nesting dolls are on their way to you as of yesterday...hope they arrive quick...

Sweet Purrfections said...

You know we are purring and praying that GJ can come home and show much improvement and have several more years with you. We are so happy he is showing improvement.

Truffle and Brulee

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

This is good news! We will rev up the purrs and we hope Jasper will feel well enough to eat at home. He knows you are trying to help him and it sounds like he is trying his furry hardest to get well!

Anonymous said...

We were so happy to come here this morning and find news from you. It is good to hear that sweet GJ is nibbling food and we will keep praying that he continues to eat and improve. Keeping you and Berrie in our prayers too sweet Carol. I know you all will be so happy to get to bring GJ home. Love, hugs and nose kisses for you all!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Sending you Lots of Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are sending our love and prayers to all of you. Hang in there, GJ, and please, please, please get well.


SuziQCat said...

GJ - we are sending many purrs to you buddy. We know that this time with your beans is important...make the most of it. Try to eat if you can.

~Four Crazy Cats

Carol and Barrie - I am praying during this time for peace and good memories with GJ. Enjoy the time with him, and know that you have done everything you can. I hope he will continue to improve for you, so you will have much more time with him. Stay strong!

san said...

We are sending the purrs to you GJ, especially loud ones from all of us here. Please continue to improve and eat a little bit more GJ.

the amigos and san

Hannah and Lucy said...

Being at home with you both and his familiar things will do wonders for GJ. We are purring this makes him feel more like "himself" and he gets a little stronger each day.
We are sending all three of you our love and prayers.
Hannah, Lucy xx xx and Sue xx
Take care

Cory said...

Sending our continued purrs to you and GJ.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Any sign of improvement is good. I have passed this link on to others - the group does prayers/healing enerngy for pets and people. Just fill out their form and they will begin to send prayers to GJ. I have used them and they are wonderful. www.the-dhn.com

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are so glad Jasper is coming home today and we hope he will start to eat. It's an emotional roller coaster for all your friends so we know it is one for you and Barrie too! So we send hugs for you, a prayer, purrs and woofs for sweet Jasper.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Carol, we're encouraged by the slight improvement, and hope that when GJ is home he'll be more interested in eating.

We continue to send you purrs and purrayers and universal Light, and know that whatever happens, you will make your decisions for GJ's Highest Good.

Peace and Blessings to you all.


Mom Kim and the boys

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Ham baby food ... fed often ... has helped DMM. Perhaps the same for your boy? Purrs ...

Anonymous said...

We really hope this means GJ's on the way to feeling better. Sending LOUD purrs your way.

Lizzie & 3 kitties

bbes tribe said...

We were visiting Maggie Mae and heard about GJ. So sorry he is so sick but it sounds like a little progress. We will keep our paws crossed for you all and keep good thoughts and prayers that his progress continues.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!:) I've been praying so hard for your sweet boy. I hope he continues to improve. Your Blog is the first one that we check everyday for updates. We are so,so Happy. We just know he is gonna continue to get better.
I truely believe in the power of prayer. He will get through this.

We Love You GJ,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper,Marley and Melody & Chuck

The Meezers or Billy said...

way to go GJ - we know that being home with your mom and dad will help and we is purrrring and purraying that you continue to improve. {{HUGS}} to you MrsJaspersMom and MrJaspersDad

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GJ obviously WANTS to come home. I think that is wonderful. I just PURRRay that all goes well.

Here are some of my VIBES fur all of YOU>>>

possumlady said...

Will continue the positive thoughts and strong purrayers for GJ. Hey, did you know that purrayers sent across the ocean are intensified? Well, they are!

Hopefully you will be able to hear GJ's purr soon!

Christine and the herd

CCL Wendy said...

It's good to know that GJ has perked up a little. We hope that this is beginning of his recovery, and that he will eat well for you once he's at home again.

We will keep the purrs coming until we know that GJ is in the clear once more.

We love you GJ!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Ginger Jasper is in my prayers every day. I am praying and hoping so much for his recovery. I think this last update gives us hope. I am glad that he is staying for more fluids.
Bless his little heart. I've never met Ginger J. in person, but I love him just the same. You are going through exactly what I experienced with my Mr. Sunshine. I hope you will be as fortunate as I was to have a few more precious years with your sweet boy.


The Kewl~Kitty~Krew said...

We are glad to hear that GJ has perked up a bit and are purraying that he continues to recover when he is home with you all...

Get Well GJ~!!!
We Love You~!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are quite thrilled that Ginger Jasper gets to come home for awhile. We will keep purring that he starts eating once he gets there!

Samantha & Mom said...

We are so glad GJ gets to come home and be with you!! We are sending lots of purrs and prayers for him to eat at home and get better!!
((((((((HUIGGGGSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,

Anonymous said...

I know GJ is gonna be SO super happy to get home and be able to spends time with you. We sure do know how hard this has all been and we're still sending you our Most Pawerful wishes and hopes.

Gentle wiggles & wags,

Dachshund Nola said...

This is GREAT NEWS!! Power of the paw strikes again! Have you tried feeding him tuna, or strangely enough, bagels? All our cats love this and it's the only thing they'll eat when they're sick
Dachshund Nola

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear GJ...you are a super fighter..we are so glad to hear you had a taste of food and that you can go home for a bit. Here is hoping food taste twice as good at home.
I have my purr box on super duper high.
Hugs Madi

Admiral Hestorb said...

Dearest GJ..you are in our hearts and prayers. I am glad you're going home..your stress will diminish then and perhaps you'll eat for mom and daddy. Please. xoxoxoxoxox

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

GJ, there is a world of people out there purring for you and sending gentle woofs, neighs, thoughts, hugs, THE LOT! And to your parents too as we can guess how sick with worry they are. Hang in there, sweet friend!

All your friends at
The Poupounette

Maggie May said...

Bless heart! We are so sad that GJ is feeling so poorly. We are purring and purraying so hard for him. We know quality time will do him so much good. XOXO
Maggie May and The Creek Cats

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We continue to send purrs and purrayers to GJ ...
Love and hugs,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan

Julia Williams said...

I hope all goes well these next few days and that he turns the corner. I will continue to purr and pray for his recovery.

GJ, please eat something! =^..^=

Katnip Lounge said...

I'm hoping and praying GJ will eat for you and turn the corner to spend more time with you...he looks better and more himself in the photo.
love and hugs, Trish

GreatGranny said...

This is a little encouraging and you get to bring him home. Still praying for a complete recovering.


We have to think positive and the small sign of improvement is heartening, I do feel for you both , I pray you have some more time with Jasper, but as you said you wouldn't let him suffer.
He is a fighter and I know how ill he is but I'm sure he knows all his friends on blogsphere is willing him on.
My prayers are with you and of course Jasper.
Take care.


Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We may not have time to visit other friends and leave comments BUT effurry day we come to visit our friend GJ and each day we sigh with hope...we are very hopeful!

We know we keep talkin about our special Bo cat, but we want to share that sometimes miracles can happen and we so hope that for GJ.

Bo was so sick when he was discharged from the hospital, the vets didn't even give me a followup exam appointment because they thought his prognosis was so grave.

But he surprised us all and pulled through...but just like you, I knew that each extra day I had with him was a gift, truly a gift to treasure.

Sparkle said...

I am purring very hard that GJ turns a corner in the next couple of days! It is heartening that he is responding to treatment.

Jenna and Sissy said...

Purrs and hugs to all of you. We are encouraged GJ ate a little. Home is always the bestest!

Mr Puddy said...

I'm sure home sweet home will make GJ eat !!! I purrs and pray like crazy ! Please Please GJ. Eat up !
Lots of hugs to you and your family !!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Oh Carol I am tearing up thinking of GJ not making it!!! He is such a special boy!!! You have none stop prayers for him coming from this house in Florida!!! I'll check back tomorrow!!
God bless Ginger Jasper!!!
xx, Zoie & Fern

Kari said...

He's starting to eat!!!! We give praise and thanks and continue our prayers, our most fervent prayers, for Jasper's recovery.
Every step forward, even a baby step, is a victory over this terrible condition. We love Jasper so much. We consider it one of the luckiest days ever when we found his blog. We must believe that he will be more willing to eat once he's home in his own environment. Please give him hugs and kisses from us and give him our special love. We need you to be our valentine, precious GJ.

Anonymous said...

I checked on you this morning and was so glad to see your improvement. My 19 year old Annie died in May due to her kidneys finally stopping. The last few years of her life I was amazed at the difference that being on intravenious fluids made for her. I pray it be the same for you GJ. My babies and I are praying for you.
God Bless you and your Mom and Dad,
Marian in Houston

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are very gald to read that you are doing better GJ and that you get to come home for a bit. Be sure to eat up again and drink plenty of water. We will be purring our hearts out for you!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

So glad to hear GJ is coming home even if only for a little while to get some home comforts and noms into his lovely self. We are all rooting for him here on the Kent coast and are sending continued prayers and healing vibes his way. Big huggles to his gawjussness from all of us here

Momma Tea, Ronnii, Izzy & Uji
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Dear Carol and Barrie, you know we are all behind you with wanting the very best for Ginger Jasper. Take him home, love him as only you two can do, and enjoy every single minute with your wonderful fluffy friend. We have all paws and fingers crossed here for Ginger Jasper. No worries, (cause he is loved so very much) and love, Stella and Rory (and Carol) x

Cat Mandu said...

Dear favoritist friend, GJ.
I didn't visit for a few days, cause I was trying to help Dad with his foot infection. What is going on?!?!? I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I am very depressed right now. Sending furry hugs your way,
Love, Mandu

Teddy Westlife said...

I am sending all my very best purrs for Jasper over the next two days.

jen and edda said...

prayers and purrs from us for your boy.

Ellen Whyte said...

We're so happy to hear GJ is a little bit better - we're purring he'll be even better today. Love to you and Barrie; thinking of you!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We're keeping all three of you in our purrs and purrayers. GJ is a special kitteh! He can do this!xoxo

Asta said...

I made Mommi stop hew packing stuff fow much mowe impawtant things like how my dawling GJ is
Im so glad he's wesponding and that he can be home and spend lovely time wif you his fambly i know he feels all the love and cawe and he will let you know what is best fow him
We awe continooing to pway and send healing smoochie kisses
we love you and think of all of you always
smoochies and hugs and love fuwwevew
ASTA and mommi and Daddi

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Oh dear Ginger Jasper, my dear dear Furend! I am so sorry! I hav ownly jus fownd owt (from Asta) that yu arnt well. I am doin a speshol darnce for yu, an sending speshol hugs, an all we Bears ar goin to hold paws in a big chain hug at midnite an send owt our biggest healing hugs to yu. Nex we will pray to the Grayte Bear that he will hold yu in his grayte paw gently an breav mischiffy spirit on yu as yu sleep. We will arsk all the good good things evryware to send sum ov their good to yu an mayke yuwell agen. An we will pray, as we did for Mr Scooter, "Not now, not this time, not unless it really HAS to be, but pleez insted bring him bak as he was agen, even just for now, just so we can enjoy his purresence for a littol longer..."

Hav good heally sleeps, GJ, an sip sum gooey mushy food wen yor Ma brings yu sum. Do promiss to do yor best, then rest. Lots ov rest, GJ, an we ar all hugging yu.

m.q said...

be strong GJ. we hope everything will be ok.
we will continue purring for you
very very hard effurryday

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family

White Dog Blog said...

We have had hearts in our throats waiting to hear...thank goodness there is a bit of good news. Every single bit of White Dog Spirit Energy is being directed over the pond to bring healing and positive support to GJ. We send you and Barrie strength and loveto help you through these times. No need for thanks...this is what families do in times of crisis...we rally together. Know you all are loved.

The Island Cats said...

We have not stopped purring and praying for you, GJ! We hope you will feel better and eat some. You know how much we all love you!!


Pattyskypants said...

Just remember, GJ, U is mai FURREND FUREVER! xxoo Bhu

Percy the Cat said...

We are going to keep purring and purraying for you Jasper! We know you can get better!

Love and hugs,
Percy, Pandora & Zowie and their mum

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Purring Hard, Purring Hard, Purring Hard...

Just Ducky said...

Yay for the improvement, we all hope it continues.

We are still purring any praying for you all, regardless of the outcome.


We are praying and purring very hard for GJ, and the two of you. Please eat Jasper....

Purr purr

Quill and Greyson said...

Purring for you sweet GJ, hugs to your family too.

Sweet Purrfections said...

GJ, you've got all the healing purrs we can give.

Truffle and Brulee

Clooney said...

We pray that GJ will turn the corner being at home with you and Barrie in the next few days. Our most heartfelt purrs and prayers are coming GJ's way for his recovery and health. Please eat your Num-Nums GJ!

Karen Jo said...

I am so glad that Jasper is responding to his treatment and that he has a chance. Eat, Jasper, eat! All of you enjoy your quality time to the max.

Pip said...

We are purring and puraying and crossing our paws. Please get better GJ! You has the bestest parents ever.

meowmeowmans said...

We are glad to hear that GJ is showing some improvement, and that this gives him a chance. Continued purrs and prayers for you all, and much love!

The Lee County Clowder said...

Just checking in. So glad GJ is gaining on things. Purrrrrrrrring that progress continues.


Team Tabby said...

We are continuing our prayers for you
GJ and for your Mom and Dad, too.

Shane Kent Louis said...

oh Ginger, you have a wonderful post again!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are cranking up the purrs and prayers. We know how hard the coming decisions are going to be. We hope you do not have to make them and he will bounce back!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we are purring and praying with EVERYTHING that we've got!!!!!


Chesney Cats said...

Continuing purrs, purrayers & prayers for all of you! Also sending lots of love & hugs!!

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Still sending snuggles and purrayers. We has all our paws crossed that the time at home is just what GJ needs to start feeling better.
Taz, Runt, and Charles in Illinois

Hannah and Lucy said...

We just came by to bring trillions more purrs and very, very gentle headbutts to our furrend GJ. We hope that being home with his Mum and Dad and all his smells about him will make him perk up.
We are also sending kitty kisses to you all.
Lots of luv Hannah, Lucy & Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kari in Alaska said...

sending lots of love

Stop on by for a visit

Sagira said...

We are thinking of you and have our paws crossed that GJ eats.

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