30 November 2011

I am back but very mixed news..

Hello everyone, I am back but have very mixed news.
Mum told you that since I had the enema's I have been eating really well in fact the best for years and behaving like a kitten again. Mum and dad went off on Thursday and as they left I was eating my food. Tristan and Sue bean came Thursday night and I was fine, Friday I had eaten everything in my dish. On Saturday and Sunday I was hiding behind the sofa and would not eat or interact. They were hoping I was just moping for mum and dad and not ill. Mum and dad came home late Sunday night and could not see me. I was lying beside mum's foot stool and did not greet them or want to do anything. Mum knows that in the past if I have been a little off I have slept and then been a lot better. But today I was not getting up much at all and when I did was wobbly and very lethargic. I don't want loving or handling, so off to the vets I went. Sue the lady vet who is lovely was thinking the same as mum was worrying about which is a stroke as my heart was going very fast and I am not moving much. Then she took my temperature which was really high and said she was not as worried about a stroke as all the symptoms would fit an infection. I was given a shot of antibiotics and one of anti inflammatory. I need to go back in 24 hours which is Wednesday afternoon and they are hoping these have helped and that it is infection, if not then they will look further at my heart. Mum and dad are so hoping it is infection and that it clears quickly.

Mum and dad had a really great time in Rome and were going to show you pictures but will wait until I am better.

It is my dads birthday today 30th and I could not miss saying Happy Birthday dad. Mum and dad were going out for the day but now will stay at home with me.. Dad said I am more important..

Thank you Ann for the beautiful graphic..

Happy Birthday Dad.... Hugs and love GJ xxxx


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh no ;-(

Maybe woo and Ben PAWtied too much?

PeeEssWoo: Seriously, paws khrossed woo feel better - that would be a GREAT pressie fur your dad's Gotcha Day!

Poppy Q said...

Happy birthday to Mr GJ, we hope he has a lovely day.

GJ, we are sorry that you are feeling poorly again, and hope that having mum and dad home again is the medicine you need.

Julie and Poppy Q

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We were hoping you would be feeling better today GJ. We have our paws crossed that it is an infection and the injections quickly make you feel much better. We are sending you our biggest and strongest purrs.
A very happy birthday to your dad.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Max and me is sendin' oodles of boxer puppy prayers to you GJ! Feel better soon my furiend.
Happy Birfday to your poppa too!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Katnip Lounge said...

GJ, we are purring like mad that you feel better toot sweet, and give your Dad the Birthday present of your good health!
{{hugs}} and headbumps from all of us.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet G. J. we are so sorry to hear that you are doing so good. We will keep praying that the medicine takes care of whatever it is that has you down and you will be all better very soon.

Happy Birthday to your dad!

Hugs and nose kisses

Brian's Home Blog said...

Okay GJ, we're got the purr n' prayer team active here and the best ones are all headed your way. We worry about you too so please give us an update when you're able.

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to your Dad!!!

The Whiskeratti said...

We are so sorry you aren't feeling well, dear furrriend. We hope that it's simply an infection.

PS: Happy Birthday to your Dad.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Well, Happy Birthday to your Dad. We will be purring and sending alot of pawsitive thoughts your way. Paws crossed fur simple infection. xoxo

Deb said...

You get better soon, GJ. I'll be praying for you. Your daddy is a good guy. "Happy Birthday". Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

Unknown said...

Oh Dear! GJ, me will purray and cross my claws for yous! So will Kozmo and the hairy slobbery sisters and Mommy and Daddy!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are purring for very happy news for dad for his birthday and that you just had a little infection. Be well Ginger Jasper!

Just Ducky said...

You missed them so much, you made yourself sick! We hopes your are all better soonest.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We love the graphic Ann made for you and Dad. Happiest of Birthdays to your Dad and we know having you feeling better would be the best birthday present ever. We are sending mega healing purrs and our paws are crossed that it is just an infection and you will be all better soon. ~Hugs & Love

BeadedTail said...

Oh noes GJ! We are sending lots of purrayers that you feel better very soon! We know your mum and dad loves you very much so it was nice of them to celebrate your dad's birthday at home with you. We hope he has a Happy Birthday! We hope you get well soon GJ!

Pattyskypants said...

Well, GJ, you HAS to get better! This will not do fur U 2 B sick! Big hugs to your dad on his birthday! He's a Sagittarius, just like mai mom. xxoo Bhu

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

GJ, we are keeping our paws crossed that shot did the trick and you are back to yourself again! (((HUGS)))

And a very happy birthday to your dad!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad, GJ. And so glad they had a good time. But as for you, oh no! We hope the meds make you feel so much better - we are worried about you, pal.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Ellen Whyte said...

GJ! We're purring for you, darling. Get better soon! And Happy Birthday to your dad.

Sparkle said...

GJ, I am sending you lots of purrs, and I too hope this is just an infection and that you are better quickly. I think that would be the best birthday present of all for your male human.

The Island Cats said...

Oh, Jasper, we're hoping that it's just an infection too and the medicines help you feel better. We're purring for you.

And Happy Birthday to your Dad! What a sweet picture of you and him together!

Dachshund Nola said...

Oh dear GJ!!! I really hope it's an infection and not your heart! Keep us posted. Happy Birthday to your Dad, I bet his birthday wish is for you health.
Hopeful Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola

The Florida Furkids said...

We're sending loud, rumbly purrs your way. We hope the antibiotics do the trick and you're better FAST!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh noes GJ!!! You get plenty of rest, eat and drink plenty as well and we will be purring and purring for you to get better quick!

Cat said...

We hope you will be better soon GJ!!! Happy birthday to your dad, that is such a nice picture of you two :-)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Purring hard for you, GJ!

Quill and Greyson said...

Hoping you're feeling better soon GJ!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry that you are not feeling well, again. WE are sending loud rumbly purrs to you. WE hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

Happy Birthday to your Dad!

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness GJ! We hope that it is just an infection and everything gets super better super fast!

Happy Birthday to your Dad too.

Luf, Us

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad!

But Ginger Jasper, the best present you could give him would be to get well.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I came by to wish your daddy a happy birthday, and I'm so sad to see that you're unwell. GJ I've got my BIGGEST Rumblepurrs coming your way that you keep getting better.

Sweet Purrfections said...

GJ, we just heard you were doing well and we had to rush over to send you our well wishes and healing purrs.

Happy Birthday to your dad.

Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

Ikaika said...

Healing purrs coming your way, GJ. Please feel better.

Clooney said...

Oh GJ! We are sending our biggest purrs and prayers your way, please feel better quickly and eat your Num-Nums. Happy Birthday to your Dad, that is a wonderful graphic! Thinking of you all.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What a beautiful grafik.
Ann is tha bestest.
We's sending you purrs and purrayers fur haffing to spend tha night at tha ER Vet.
Hurry up and get back home.
KC & Kitties

White Dog Blog said...

Oh GJ! We are sending out our most powerful White Dog Army healing energy...the super strength version...and hoping you will be feeling well enough tomorrow to rule out other issues...then we can focus on getting rid of that nasty infections. Positive thoughts and comfort from us.

We wish dad had cause to celebrate instead of worry, but we wish him a "new year" filled with good health, happiness, bounty, friendship, and always, love."

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Sendin ya big purrs GJ!

Princess Jasmine said...

Oh GJ we hope you feel better soon and its just a horrible lurgy that goes away quickly. We are purring for a fast recovery. Happy Birthday to your Daddy :)xxxx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh Poor GJ. We are sending huge purrs and crossing all paws that you are all better very soon. And birthday wished t your Dad too.

The Chans

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, GJ, we're so sorry you are not feeling well. We're sending you our loudest purrs and purraying that all goes well today.

Happy birthday to your dad, too, though we think the best present would be to have you home again and feeling fine.

*Kitty kisses*

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy, happy day, Mr. B ... we think the bestest purrsent you could get would be for Jasper to be all better, so that is our birthday wish for you!

Milo and Alfie said...

We've tried and tried to make this comment ~ we think Blogger is being norty.

Happy Birthday to yoor dad. The best present of all would be for GJ to get better ~ so we are sending HUGE rumbly purrs. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Catio Tales said...

Huge purrs to you GJ - paws crossed for you big time buddy. We really hope it's just an infection and clears up really really fast. xx

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

oh beloved Jasper....I am ever so sorry to hear you are not feeling so chipper right now....we purrrrr real hard for you to be better soon. A very happy birthday to your dear daddy too....I know how much they both love you...you are so precious to all of our hearts....
love the cozy cottagers

Marg said...

Oh GJ, we just found out that you are sick. We are sending some mighty strong purrs so that you can be better.We so hope it is just an infection and that you feel better today. The donkeys sure are crossing their hooves for you. We do not want Ginger Jasper to be sick. Please let us know how you are.

Team Tabby said...

We are sending our purrs and purrayers that you feel better very soon, GJ.

We want to wish your dad a very Happy Birthday!

Old Kitty said...

Oh sweet and adorable GJ! :-( Oh me and Charlie are so sad to hear this! We are purring and praying very very very hard that you fight this infection! Please please get better and be ok!! Hugs, hugs, hugs!

We are also waving to your dad and wishing him a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Glad mum and dad had a great time in Italy! Yay!

Take care sweet GJ! x

Hannah and Lucy said...

We just read that you are sick GJ -we are purring hard that you will feel better soon. Say Happy Birthday to your Dad for us - we love the picture Ann did of you smooching with your Dad.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Martha said...

Oh do get well GJ, we are not happy to read this post and find you poorly again.
Perhaps if we bottled up some drool and sent you it in a bottle then if your humans just shook it all over you.
Our mum tells us that Harry, basset before us, used to give Mouschi, family cat of over twenty years................a good licking all over and this perked her up when she wasn't doing so well.
Please please get well and a very happy birthday to your Dad.
Martha and Bailey xxxx

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

GJ, sweetie, we are purraying that you will soon be well again.

Happy Birthday to your dad.

Love to all of you.

Maxmom said...

Happy birthday to your dad, GJ!
I am so sorry to hear that you are not well again. I hope it's not too serious and that the anti-biotics will do their trick and make you better real quick.
Sending lotsaluv

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Purrfday MrGJ'sDad!!!!

GJ - we hopes you are better really quick

Random Felines said...

We are sending big purrs!!!

Everycat said...

Poor GJ! We hope the injections work quickly and you feel better soonest little fella.

Happy Birthday to your Dad!

Oliver & Gerry

SuziQCat said...

Happy Birthday to your dad!!

We are sending purrs to you GJ and hope you can move things along :)

~Four Crazy Cats

CCL Wendy said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad! I'm sure the best present he could get is for you to feel better, GJ. So, we're sending all our pawsitive purrs to help you get well ASAP!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Happy Birthday to your dear Dad, GJ but I also will be waiting to hear about how YOU are. xoxoxo

Jenna and Sissy said...

We are happy to hear your beans are home but sad to hear you are not feeling so hot. We hope the antibiotic works and you can enjoy having your beans home.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

even more purrs coming your way. Feel better soon!

GreatGranny said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad, cute photo of you and Dad.Purrs coming your way, GJ.
xoxo Kassey

meowmeowmans said...

GJ, we are purring and praying like crazy here for you, pal. Please get better soon.

Happy Birthday to your Dad!


Hope all is better with you GJ.
Pleased your mum and dad are home again.


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hello Ginger Jasper. Happy Birthday to your Dad. Right, now you must get better and that will be just the best present for him. Extra love to you oh fluffy friend. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Oui Oui said...

Poor GJ! We are so sorry to hear you are not doing well. We really hope the shot helps and you will be your old self soon. This is not a good birthday present for the Dad, but we hope he has as good a day as possible. We're purring for you, big guy!

Gigi said...

We is sending you SO MUCH love and purrs, sweet kitty. XOXOXOXOXO

Kari said...

Oh precious, beloved Jasper! We are sick with worry! We are praying our hearts out that you feel better soon. We are begging God to help you to overcome your illness.
Your poor mum and dad must be crushed! What a sad way for your dad to celebrate his birthday. So, you must, must get better soon. Our mum is beside herself with worry. If there is any medicine we can get for you here or anything that you need please just give us a meow.
Please know we love you like you were our own. God bless you.

Sagira said...

Oh no...I sure hope you feel better soon.