Come by tomorrow please.....
Please drop by tomorrow and help me celebrate my birthday. Mum is going to give a donation to a good cause and will add up comments to see how much so please pop by and say hello.. Love and hugs to all... GJ PS I will be 11 years young.....
Beautiful GJ!!! Of course me and Charlie will come along to sing you a happy birthday! Awww your mum is just lovely! Yay!!
take care
We wouldn't miss it for the world, GJ!
The Chans
We'll definitely stop by tomorrow, GJ!
We'll be sure to come and visit you tomorrow GJ - is there cake??
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
What a wonderful celebration that will be, GJ! We hope you'll have a brilliant day tomorrow!
I wouldn't miss that special day GJ!
Of course we will come by GJ. Birthdays are for celebrating.
the amigos and san
Will come by! Happy day before your birthday!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
Kozmo and me will be there for sure sweet Ginger Jasper!
Can't wait!
Hi GJ. So sorry we haven't been by lately, but we're keeping Mom Paula pretty busy when she gets home at night. We'll do our best to get back tomorrow for your birthday.
We love you!
Truffle and Brulee
Oh I can't wait!
I certainly will darling boy. xoxoxoxoxo
Of course we will be there tomorrow GJ. See you then.
We wouldn't miss it GJ. Sorry we're just now getting to see you. Our mom has been under the weather.
So glad you liked your sausage with the catnip.
Can't wait for the Partyyy!!
Oh, GJ, you are certainly 11 years young tomorrow. And we're glad you're doing so much better now.
We will have to be sure to stop by tomorrow!!!!!
I'll look forward to your birthday.
We wouldn't miss it for the world, GJ! See you tomorrow, handsome boy! :)
Eleven! Why you're still a kitty! There is nothing more on this earth we'd like more than to help you celebrate your birthday! We love you so much. Lots of kisses and hugs on your prebirthday!
We'll certainly come help you celebrate your birthday GJ!
Lovely!! :)))
Happy birthday to you, Ginger Jasper! We will love to help you celebrate. We wouldn't want to miss the live mousies. Our human loves your mouse and cheese birthday cake.
You and my sister Starr are the same age. :)
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