16 September 2011

Thankfully this time I am back with a fixed blog....

Hello my friends.. Well mum has been really stressing about my blog as we have been getting lots of messages to say that we had malaware and they couldn't visit us.. I think that mum was really unhappy about it as she is already unhappy stressed. Now Huffle's mum has fixed the problem for us. It seems that a lot of blog friends have been having problems too. We say a huge thank you to Huffle's mummy for helping us.. We don't have a blog roll now to check who is posting but Huffle's mum is going to do us a list, so please bear with us and we will get back to visiting you all as we miss our friends..

Now on a lighter note.. Mum went to visit the great grandson beans yesterday because as you know Leon bean had his second birthday. Seeing the little beans was lovely...

Leon bean loves Zigzilla's ( mum didn't know what they were at first lol ) He got a Zingzilla guitar and quilt cover and his shrieks of delight were such a delight to hear..

Leon loves his doggy and gets up close for cuddles..

Mum loves this one she captured of Nicholas bean...

A cuddle with Nicholas....

We hope all my friends are well and we will visit with you soon.. Mum was soooo worried that the blog problem would stop my friends from coming to my blog and is soooo glad it is fixed... Hugs to all GJ xxxx


Mack said...

Happy Belated birthday Leon bean!
And Blogger can be a real toot sometimes!


HH and The Boys said...

Good to know that the bloggie problems are fixed. We would never stop coming to visit you, even if I had to tiptoe across a cyber wire to do it... Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

What beautiful and precious children:)

Admiral Hestorb said...

I am so glad the troubles are over and that we can see GJ again. The grandbeans are adorable! Mommy loves seeing them. xoxox

Cat Mandu said...

Thanks for fixing the malware. We love to visit you!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Sometimes blogger says I'm not a blogger - I exit log back in and I am a blogger!! Why is it always when I'm short of time?????
Sue (& Hannah and Lucy xx xx)

=^..^= said...

We haf missed you too! We tried many times to visit you but kept getting a message that said "male wear". Hmmm... what do males wear???

~Slash & Bronzy

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We knew it was not your fault that we got the red page! WE are glad Huffles Mom is helping every one to get blogs going again!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful bean shots - that one of Nicholas is just so handsome. We didn't know what zingzillas were either, Mom will have to check those out.

Glad that the blog is fixed. We removed our blog roll a long time ago and were sorry we did it. But Google Reader works just as well.

Have a great weekend.


Fluffy and Heather said...

Aw, it looks like little Leon had a fabulous birthday! I've never heard of Zigzillas either. It's always hard to keep up with "la moda" amongst kids.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww zingzillas!! Nope, me and Charlie don't know what they are too! LOL!!

Awwww lovely GJ!!! You are looking just adorable!

Yay for little LeonBean and mum - awwwwww what lovely pics - love the one with the big doggie and happy Leo!! Yay!!! And mum is looking so well too!

Double yay for Huffle's mum too - hopefully all is now well with your blog!! Happy Friday!

Take care

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Glad your blog problems are fixed. It is very frustrating that that happened.


Glad all is well and look forward to you visiting again.


Katnip Lounge said...

How worrying! But GJ, we'll always visit you! Huffle's Mom is ACE for helping you out.

The Grandbeans...Mommy is amazed at how BIG they are! Dolls, both of them.

Cat said...

Oh my goodness what beautiful boys!!!

Don't worry we won't forget you GJ!!! Huffle's mum ROCKS :-)

Marg said...

Goodness. look at that so cute great grandson. What super pictures. We are thrilled to be back making comments here too. We missed you Mr. Ginger Jasper and the beans too. We would figure out a way to visit you. Glad Mom had a good trip. Take care.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We're so glad yoo got it fixed. Well done to Tracey!
The pics are absolutely adorabe!

BeadedTail said...

We're glad your blog troubles are over! What cute pictures of your mum and the birthday boy! Leon is a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

We are happy to hear your blog is all fixed again. These are all adorable pictures. Sweet GJ that picture of you is wonderful!!! Love it. Hugs and nose kisses

RoySr said...

Buddy Bear said: "Yay! Da means gots da big handsome fluffybutt GJ back in da safes zones. Da Huffle's Mom Bean is a Sweetfeets for fixin da problems. Now, we tinks we knows what to do iffin we gets da same warnins on da homesites Blog.

Dems bean piktures is furrtabulous. Handsome lil boy bean type tyke!

Takes care, be happies, and tanks for da postin on My bloggie so I knowed you back safe."

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Sorry about deleting my comment above. keyboard seems to have a mind of it's own this morning.
I'm happy you're back and that all is fixed. It seems there is always some problem going on. Recently when I go into my blog or try to it tells me that my blog doesn't exist!

Love today's pictures.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Everything looks mighty fine GJ, with your blog and you! Little Leon sure looks like he had a great Birthday!

meowmeowmans said...

Sure glad your bloggie is all fixed, GJ! Leon sure is a cutie-pie. Happy belated birhday to him. :)

Unknown said...

Blogger - Yech! Ginger Jasper - Yummy!
Love the Great Grand beans! We's only gots grand beans.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Ginger Jasper, your little beans are sooo cute. Of course we wouldn't forget to come visit. You are too fluffy and special. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Sparkle said...

GJ, I knew I was not in any danger from your blog, so I did not let the problems stop me! I'm glad you got it fixed.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad everything is sorted out now GJ. Hurray for Huffle's mum! The little Beans are very cute.

Marilia said...

Glad your blog is so good now!!! Have a great weekend GJ! You and your family too!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

All that cuteness and GJ, too! It's a wonder your mom can stand it! xoxo

Pee Ess - the little beans are darling!

Asta said...

Dawling GJ
I'm so happy you don't have to wowwy about youw pootew anymowe and youw Mom can enjoy spending time wif you and those adowabull beans
smoochie kisses

Vicki said...

Hope all the blog things are fixed now - that is super annoying for your Mum! Great to see you and lovely photos.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Glad you have the problem sorted, GJ. What a nuisance. We don't use blogroll so we've been OK.

Great grandbean photos!

The Chans

Mr Puddy said...

Hooray for all fixed !!! GJ
Huffle's mom is genius !!!
and please give my hugs to your mom and sweet Leon ( I love his name ; )
Have a purrfect weekend

Teddy Westlife said...

Blogger is being such a poopoo head at the moment. Glad we could help out. I don't know what zigzillas are either.

We love LUNA said...

So wonderful news my sweet friend Jasper, I'm so happy visiting your adventures.These pictures are a gift to us thanks so much.Lovely moments, and Leon is cute!
purrs and love to you all

Kari said...

The grands are both so adorable! We are happy Leon had a great birthday. He' s getting so big already. We remember not too long ago he was a wee one full of smiles. We can't believe he is two already! They grow so quickly, don't they. Your photo of Nicholas is gorgeous.
We love you, precious Jasper and miss you more than you can imagine when we can't visit with you. Thanks alot to Huffle's mum bringing you back to us.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Glad things are fixed on your bloggie, GJ! We enjoyed seeing your beans and seeing you.

Have a good weekend!


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I'm so glad Miss Huffle helped you out, I know Rumblemum needs her GJ fix!!

Ellen Whyte said...

We are ignoring the blog roll and have bookmarks instead. It's easier. Nice family pics, GJ!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dog! Sorry you had problems. I really enjoyed the pics, especially of the dog and his boy.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad your blog problem is fixed and you can relax and blog again. The little guy is so cute.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We use Google Reader an it werks well. Mebbe cuz it isn't actally ON our bloggie!

caspersmom said...

What darling pictures your Mom got of Leon and Nicholas. Hope Leon had a great birthday. Yes, I also had some trouble commenting, so I hope all the blogger troubles are gone for you.
